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Grammar Revision

Complete the paragraph. Write ONE WORD ONLY in the gaps.

YouTube is a kind 1.……. video sharing website that started in 2005. It is now 2.………. largest
video website in the world. More than 3 billion videos are watched everyday on YouTube. Most
of them are video blogs. They 3. ……… simply videos of people talking to a camera about their
lives or things that interest them.
In April 2007, a 16-year-old boy named Charlie McDonnel 4.………… studying for his exams. But
he got so bored, so he turned on his laptop computer. He watched a video of a teenager like
him on YouTube. The teenager was describing how bored he was. “I can do better 5.…………
that,” thought Charlie. So, he used his webcam and his laptop to make his first video and
posted it on YouTube under the name ‘Charliissocool’.
Charlie got 5000 views in two days. Charlie became very popular. Now, he 6. …….......
70,000subscribers. If he gets more than a million subscribers, he 7. ………. become one of most
popular teenage bloggers.

Complete the sentences with the correct form of each word in bold.
1. Ann and her friends are …………………. (interest) in studying abroad.
2. Last holiday, we …………………(visit)Rome.
3. I hope my team …………(win) the trophy.
4. The world cup ……… (take place) every four years.
5. The world’s …………………(big) shopping center is in Dubai.
6. In 1994, Amazon only ………………..(sell) books.
7. Mark Zuckerberg …………..(not graduate) from college, but he became very rich.
8. In Antarctica, wind speeds are often around 320 kilometers per hour. Perhaps this is
……………….(bad) place in the world to live.
9. The government needs …………………(think) about other types of energy.
10. Do you enjoy…………….( watch) football?
11. If it rains tonight, the game …………(be)cancelled.
12. We ………………(have) a good time at the beach when it started to rain.

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