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Go Kiss the World

Shomorup Mukhopadhyay(0401/59)
Mudit Chaturvedi(0402/59)
Ananya Aggarwal(0403/59)
Komal Maheshwari(0404/59)
Kandukuri Shashidhar(0405/59)
S Sriram(0406/59)
Nitesh Patel(0407/59)
Suraj Shinde(0408/59)
Akriti Singh(0409/59)
Vishnu Selvam(0410/59)
Bagchi - Personal and Professional Journey
Born and brought up in Odisha, Co-Founder of Mindtree, Entrepreneur, Author,

● Co-founded Mindtree, spent on nurturing and expanding the leadership beyond the
founding team
● Chairman of Odisha Skill Development Authority, takes a salary of Re 1 per year
● Author to 5+ books in management
● He has donated 300+ Cr and 400+ Cr to build cancer hospital at Odisha, and Bangalore
Bagchi - Personal and Professional Journey
Relationships in organisations begin with a contract. Yet, once written, we don’t visit it every
day. Contracts assume significance only when relationships have failed. Unlike the written,
formal contract, what we do visit every day, as employees, as suppliers and as customers,
is culture. It is what drives everyday behaviour

● The highest quadrant

○ A deep sense of purpose
High platform High platform
○ Power of Vision
Low purpose High purpose
○ Have a long view of time
○ Deeply stirred by feelings. Farther from the beneficiary
Low platform Low platform
Low purpose High purpose
You treat your subordinates well, even better
than your superiors

● One of the earliest, and perhaps most important value that Mr. Bagchi inculcated as a child, it
treated him to give everyone the proper respect that a human being deserves, regardless of
the persons, or even his own, standing in life.
● Bagchi was taught to treat his driver as a respected member of his family, and this learning
was passed down by him to his children.
● This piece of advice is not just governance focused, but one that everyone should adopt and
make a part of their being.
● In some senses, it is inherent in us, for example we all refer to the support staff here on
campus as “dada” or “bhaiya”, but taking it one step further when we enter a managerial
setting will enable us to develop deep bonds and a two-way respect relationship with
everyone, irrespective of whether we report to them or them to us.
Don’t take undue advantage of the trust
bestowed upon you

● Mr Bagchi’s father was given a government jeep to use as part of his employment,
however he never used it for trivial reasons, and did not allow his children to even sit in it
except for when it was idle.
● The learning for him here was simple, the government had entrusted him with a valuable
asset and it was part of his duties to not misuse it.
● This lesson was particularly important for Subroto, not only as a kid developing a value
system but also later on as a manager, since it allowed him to be honest to his companies
resources, and as an extension, to the trust put in the company by its employees, owners
and customers.
● There are an umpteen number of instances where misuse of bestowed trust has led to
repercussions far exceeding just the transgressor, and managers would do well to heed
this simple piece of advice for sustained success.
We must show consideration towards others

● Mr Bagchi’s father had a driver provided by the government, but he never considered
him(the driver) different from any other employee in his office. The driver was treated
well and was respected the same way he respected Mr Bagchi’s father.
● Mr Bagchi’s father then passed down these values to all his sons, including Mr Bagchi. Mr
Bagchi made sure that his sons and daughters did the same way, he made sure the they
call his driver “Raju Uncle”.
● It is very important to treat people in a better way, it builds a bond between people. It
helps you to get things done easily. It helps you develop mutual understanding.
● When the neighbours asked Mr Bagchi’s mother why is she planting flowers in her garden
which would just benefit next person coming to live in the place, the mother replied, “I
must leave it more beautiful than what I had inherited”, this shows how things that you do
should not be for yourself, it should affect other people as well, of course in a better way.
The ideas and meanings of success

“Success is your ability to withstand pain to achieve your goals”

“Imagination is everything. If we can imagine a future, we can create it, If we can create that future, others will live in it. That is the essence
of success”

-Subroto Bagchi in Go Kiss the World

Some ideas discussed in the speech:

It is not important to measure success in terms of material possessions, frugality.

Success is what you leave behind.

Success to me is about Vision. It is the ability to rise above the immediacy of pain. It is about
imagination. It is about sensitivity to small people. It is about building inclusion. It is about
connectedness to a larger world existence. It is about personal tenacity. It is about giving
back more to life than you take out of it. It is about creating extra-ordinary success with
ordinary lives.
It is important to not measure success in terms of
material possessions

● His father never owned a radio or a house as he used to state that he has five of those,
alluding to his five sons.
● Even when his father died, he had not build any material comforts but his success was
defined by his principles, frugality and universalism.
● This taught them that material possessions do not measure up success but the legacy that
you leave behind.
● In the same sense, it can be observed in the simple living lifestyles adopted by Warren
Buffet. He still lives in the apartment he bought in 1950 and drives a normal Cadillac.
It is what you leave behind that defines success

● Mr. Subroto talks about the importance of what you do for others and the quality of
altruism that defines success.
● He says this by giving an example of his mother who used to plant new seeds in each and
every home they inhabit knowing they won’t be there to see it grow.
● This altruistic activities of Mr. Subroto can be seen through his philanthropic activities
and his huge donations to the healthcare sector.
● To create something , you have to first imagine it. Hence he also speaks about having that
kind of vision is instrumental to be successful.
Thank you

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