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SKY (Rocket Club) MITS Gwalior

Writing Competition Oct2021

"Exploring Space To Prepare For Eath's Future"

Vikas Deshmukh

Final year


im+ apy a agn f humany

Spaue eplootbon
wbes o a brasen dehne to fnd ne plaves fo uve
qnd n &O usces of weal t . 1f w tafa the sisk
of vomtyn ry beyond o t e r e ti a ho m e , its
o ne abou onsedvs and au
plaAref impmv fe. on earth or may f i n d
or r e o e aa nn fN fo ow h lds On.

(v.P E GS domai n
T. . 8PaLe

Spend such vast su mu of mo ne on

explorohon an d mimon to far - distant celes hiafs 2
Spa fit and foremoit a fantashit
fo scienhists- an end less &oure
waYni thot's
ofnouolede and
halpiy anr ome of the ker
eai tentia e s tions about Earth's
ojas and
plaLe n the univeue.

Spcua eplorahon
Spcu dluw to p0ve Or diso0ve suentf
theoes deyeloped on
Eurth. Man i nnovotio ny in
felds ranginy from metols n d aloys to
mei cines biooiy and
are Tesuct of SpaLue explo s h on.
I t alo beneits
inPD tech our planef qnd 0
envion mentf byen hanung Sof mealurc.

P. no. 1
elto a b
Asteseoid COdo n for

&paue eap brcrhon,

Thene ane tiu untmown num b of bia as teroidg

and omek 0wt +these, h o ould 8mAU nto
the planet.

Colonizction the Ultimasde Batkup

Thore ar rnt more han 7Biuion, human
nith s a Cot. HowwN were al romm d fo1tr
on thi pant

F &ometur huppened to Earth, ou Speuy 00uld

bewiped out. e
e th aforemandioned oskroid.
Hamanuh faue h o ue behwee

sp we Colo ni z e h o n u and
eatinuhon, .

-Stephen Haud

Colonizouhon fMARS
Osanizuhons have proposd Pans f o a hum arm mumon
ARS the 1s+ Step touards coLonizohon,.
Uihi mow. Mo pu4on ha0 set foot on the ptant.
Howev Lands and Rovos hova
ues fd pord
the planee &uofaL.
Th MOS reenf mmutmens
esear ddy pemanad
settemand in dwde pubiu 8paa
Agenu e ISRO, NASA
ROSCOSMOs. NSA&UAE and pi vae ox- Spae ,
LakheAd Motin , and Boein

P.n 2
AReuent imons to Mans Colon zoho innludeg
Seu Disu
Som oNLepts k e Mas D l e t and
ted Robet Zubn ladvo wte indpt)
Consebts ad vo by
At the ftbrya 2011 wMld pvelnment &mmit ,The
United Arab Eminades announced a plan to esta bwhed
MBR Spau Comfre.
a Setlemont on Mars byI11, led by
Mars transpanlatie
Spaex ppotd ne develo pmon of
nsashuMY in ovd to fau lude tha ewemhual
colOnizotion oF MArS

Cotonizetion of Moon
Tt ha bun imagined a a t half of
I7 t cn b 1 ohn Wjlkins
he prsee
Afttn US mimons in 1990s uggutt
of unan Water ic is autuod distovu in
ilat the unaY po l by handsay aan - 1 CLSRO)
in 20o8-09

Mu ons
DfHeent tountney hav been
puh fos uoar d onept
for not ony n
awed eopen'thonu b t alto ,

fo mo0 n bases

The Pensued Pupo^a of uch MoonbaJes broad.

enplor ution but dlo foo
bu io most for dpa
xploih n a n mmerhaliziy the moo.
The masEad vanud tonwnpo a misnorny te
A-terd Posam
Atem and Intenasonay Uunar Reseqrch
stobon p
Stofon p j s do souus on explorahon , tno bofh
ouro menpon tna pnfor of fst psnose enhia
fo AT eouTR eytrauhon,
P. no. 3
some s uneyts tha
ie te
MARS COLONy: Ho bo make breothabla ain

and fue fom bvine 8

Bnne Cc104) salts CemmOn o n marS urfue.

NASA's Mans 2020 ovn, Yerscvesan ce am s a

ex perimant Caled MOXI6 a namc imainativ

Ccon pvtd fsom Mars
ooxsun n 6tu ex pom menf .

MOxLE'spuwpose t to demonst6ate thad o Xuen can

the ca Jbon dioxide in Marr's odmosphur
be made om

lou dutnuyto spt i inoa muxtuoe of

via a OlLd eest y5s.

marhan bmne
Oygen from
In thna n u shnd
a f e a m fov m Noshinon
Univn &i t thL US d o m o n s t r a n
Ogn and
be.sed coiiemty o de
mltu nuo bine T+ tuTY ouy4
rom .

stut rom a o n onjsaf s0do9
that when o u
heenum pes ho t ,
it lad ve eosy
o f tha b i n e inp o.
waten mponan4
t p
qnd 2 eleutno tyis.
P. no, 4
CONCLUSs ION extremely impontant for
.Spa Explorhon
fo ynkng wn
O u
safy foom an
apo codye se e
space objats.
Ou 6asth's Resource) are imted,bu
POPuohon and vc) wij tontinue to rrou
ou forweA.

o. tolouzation on othn Heavunu bodies ww

save MumAnit in fure
Explo paue d t adrantmant in teshnoy
ndin nuo nuural r e o u r and alo ins
he eLo nenm
f the world.

no. S

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