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Mi clase, 

     I wanted to offer you the opportunity to earn some extra credit points. I have listed below
some programs that are available on Netflix. They are mostly in Spanish with subtitles available
I do not have another streaming service. If you do, but not Netflix, look up on it Spanish
language films, or films about Spanish speaking countries, use the titles below for hints. Send
those titles to me. I will research and reply with approval or no. 

     For this extra credit, you will write a short review of the film you choose. You should
name the film, where it was made, who is the director? Who are the main actors? Give a
brief outline of the plot.  Also, list any words of Spanish that you recognized, or even better,
came to learn and understand from the context. For the films, please also respond to any
points I make below. 

   Total possible: 25 pts, Per film review: 5 pts. You may add these points to any grade item
you wish in the e-learn gradebook, ie, exam score, missing dropbox assignment, low Discussion
grade, incomplete Central, etc. 

On Netflix 

"The Silence of Others", a documentary about the survivors of the Franco dictatorship in
Spain and their efforts to find the bodies of their dead family members and hold accountable
those who perpetrated the crimes of Franco's regime, and the obstacles put in their path. Help for
them comes from a most unexpected place, where? 

"The Lighthouse of the Orcas". Filmed in Patagonia. You will see animals native to that part
of the world, name some. What differences do you hear between Castilian Spanish ( the woman)
and Argentine Spanish.( the man) ? 

"Guatemala: Heart of the Mayan World": A documentary about Guatemala and the legacy
of Mayan Culture in that country. Name 5 aspects of Mayan history or culture that you did
not know before. 

"Pachamama" In English, a cartoon about Peru. According to the cartoon: What does it take
to be great? Who/what are Pachamama and Inti? The boy Tiportli leaves the village to retrieve
something that was stolen, what was it? Who went with him? The Spanish conquerers are not
shown in a good way in this film, reason, they are not well thought of in Peru. What were they
after? How did they treat people? List any words in Spanish or Quechua that you can
understand from the context. 

"John Leguizamo's Latin History for Morons". For the fun, the Puerto Rican comic presents
his Broadway performance of Latin History in the United States. In English. Name 5 things you
learn while you are laughing. 

“Peru: Tesoro Escondido” This documentary talks about the cultural history of Peru, but also
its unique geography, flora and fauna. Name three things that you learn that you did not
know before. Make one of these an aspect of culture. Also comment about what you saw
that you found particularly surprising.

    Your writing should be 2-4 paragraphs long. Tell me where you want me to put the 5 pts
of credit. 

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