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Solar Energy holds out Greatest promise to Mankind Its Free, Healthy, Friendly, Inexhaustible, and Nonpolluting

Presentation on Solar Concentrator Thermal Applications in Laundry

By: Dharmendra Gor

Mission & Objective - TSS

The primary objective is to provide Solar Thermal Parabolic Concentrators for various thermal applications using Scheffler technology as a competitive, non subsidized source of energy. Our strategy is to straddle multiple technology platforms and to drive scale to bring down the costs of the technology and make it affordable to consumers globally. Our team comprises experienced, highly-motivated and skilled personnel from various disciplines with Solar Thermal diverse backgrounds that blend into a common work ethos that fosters excellence and continuous growth.

The Technology is about concentrating Solar radiation by automatically tracking the Sun and using the Thermal Energy for different applications: Steam Generation Direct Heating Indirect Heating Thermic fluid Heating We have two technologies Scheffler Technology & Parabolic Moving focus technology.

India is blessed by SUN GOD

Frame Structure Reflecting Mirrors

Tracking Device Supporting Stand

Shown are two parabolic reflectors installed at Garments factory to generate steam to be used in different applications

insulated pipe lines carries the water

The reflection at the heat on receivers heats it to more than 600C

The steam so generated is carried to the place of use in an insulated pipe line.

The steam pipe line is attached with a pressure gauge and a safety valve as a safety measure. The safety valve releases the high pressure steam that may be harmful or is more.

Innovative Solutions Indore # 94259 45944

The steam pipe line carries the steam to the place of application

This pressure gauge shows the pressure ready for delivery to application

The steam is carried to the steam ironing tables for final use

Innovative Solutions Indore # 94259 45944

A steam iron in operation with the help of steam generated with Solar Energy

The steam so generated is also used for washing the fabric / clothes

The steam so generated is also used for washing in a modern dryer to dry the clothes

Solar Small Parabolic Cookers

Very Small and Portable Creatively designed Solar Cookers Available in 4 models: SK-10 Dishes, Capacity: 6 - 8 Persons (3 liters Cooker) SK-14 Dishes Capacity: 10-12 Persons (5 liters Cooker) SK-23 Community Dish Cooker: upto 30 Persons (25 Ltr. Cooker) SK-40 Community Dish Cooker upto 50 Persons (35 Ltr. Cooker) Enables User to Cook, Bake, Fry etc. Applications in Rural Families who use traditional Mud Stoves, uses Firewood, Cow-dung and Crop residue etc. Residential schools, mid-day meal program, Military & Defense teams deployed in remote and urban areas, Small Canteen facilities to Employees, and many more Catering up to 50 persons daily.

Solar Direct Cooking System

Enables you to cook in the comfort of the Kitchen One dish can cook for approx. 50 to 100 persons per day Enables frying and making chapattis also.

Applications in Residential schools, Mid-Day Meal program, Military and Defense teams deployed in Remote and Urban areas alike, Hotels, Institutions, Industries providing Canteen facilities to employees, Temples and many more catering to less than 200 persons daily.

Solar Steam Cooking System

Several static concentrators reflecting / concentrating solar rays on one receiver each. The steam generated in receivers due to solar energy goes to header. The system is connected with feed water and steam pipelines that in turn are inter-connected with the boiler and cooking vessel system. Applications in Residential Schools, Mid-Day Meal program, Military and Defense teams deployed in remote and urban areas, hotels, Jails, Institutions, Industries providing Canteen facilities to Employees, Temples and many more Catering to more than 200 to Several Thousands Persons daily.

Hot Water Application

By using Thermo siphon Technology. In Thermo Siphoning Technology, the water is fed through feed water line to the receiver which comes from the storage tank and the outlet of the receiver sends the water back to the storage tank.

Applications for Pressurized Hot Water applications in Space heating, Power Plants, Process industries, Boiler feed water etc

Hot Water Application

The other technology, where Thermic Fluid is used as media, is more suitable where the temperatures are much lower and temperature difference between available water and desired water is higher. By proper insulation, the water can stay hot for longer time as thermic fluid can store energy. Applications in Hotels, Malls, Hostels, Jails, Non-commercial Establishments such as, Orphanages, Educational Institutions, Clubs, Religious places, Military and Paramilitary Forces at high Altitudes, Boiler feed water and Industrial process applications and many more

Solar Incineration
With Advance Solar Concentrated Technology, now it is possible to achieve temperatures up to 1000 0C. The parabolas concentrate the solar radiations in the combustion chamber. Air is blown in the chamber, which keeps the temperature uniform through out the chamber Any kind of Hazardous waste ranging from Bio to Chemical to municipal can be incinerated in the chamber. Applications in Municipal Corporations for Municipal Solid Waste, Remote villages facing Solid waste problems, Hospitals, Military and Paramilitary forces for incinerating Human & Kitchen waste, Common Effluent Treatment Plants, Process plants and all the Industries generating Hazardous Liquid or Solid waste.

Solar Air Conditioning and Cold Storage Systems

Heating and Cooling constitutes almost 50% of our energy needs. Centralized solar air conditioning and heating systems powered by solar system can substantially reduce the cost of energy bill.

Applications in Malls, Corporate Houses, Educational Institutions, Hospitals, Dairies, Government Offices, Process application in Industries where cooling is required and Cold Storages.

How Does It Work?

In this system water itself works as a refrigerant and lithium bromide salt solution as an absorbent. Hot water of 90 0C or Steam of 110 to 160 0C temperature is generated using the parabolic systems. This hot water / steam is supplied to traditional VAM system VAM system generates chilled air which can be distributed to various parts of the building according to ducting done as per the requirement of the buyer.

Solar Process Heat For Various Applications

We understand various applications, which requires energy in different forms by different industries, including tourism sector and hence Taylor made solutions can be integrated with the current system. Energy required in forms of Hot air, Thermic Fluid, Steam or pressurized hot water for any application.

Applications can be in all kind of industries for any Thermal Application.

Solar Drying Systems

Drying of agriculture and industrial products requires consistent hot air to remove moisture. With concentrated solar energy systems, drying can be much faster than sun-drying and more cost effective than conventional fossil fuels. Large scale projects for both agricultural and industrial application are possible. Applications: Drying of spices, vegetables, fruits, dry fruits, agroproducts, herbs, medicines, tea and many more.

Take a Step towards Affordable, Green & Clean Sustainable Energy,

And Join hands to

Combat Climate Change & Global Warming

Thank You !!!

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