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U10: Young athletes

What parents should do to support their young athletes?

 Watch them practice

 Cheer for them during competition
 Value their effort regardless they win or lose the competition
 Work with their coach
 Care about their physical health and mental health

 Do not compare them to other children, you may think that you are pushing them to be better
but in reality, you are putting even more pressure on them and may even make your child hate
their opponents even more.

 Do not show them your disappointment or express disapproval when they lose, in that way you
will create an invisible fear of failing your expectation for your child. Now everytime they
compete not only they will afraid of losing but they will also afraid of your disappointment

What are some obstacles that young athletes can face?

 Health injuries

Some parents who want their child to be a pro – athlete when they grow up can push their children into
too much practice, causing many injuries from a young age and can affect their health in the future or
may even destroy their dream of pursuing their professional athlete career. This is not an uncommon
occurrence, many young athletes had to give up their dreams because of injuries and the number are
increasing, or it can take a wrong turn and they might become handicapped.

 Pressure coming from their parents and their coach

Adults usually put high expectation on their young athletes, sometimes it is unintentionally or
purposely, they expect them to be perfect at every competition which is impossible because in every
competition, it is either their kids or other people’s kid lose. Of course, it is a common sense that
every athlete and their supporters have a desire for winning but things will not always go the way
you want. Not only they have the pressure from winning but also having to afraid of failing their
parents and their coaches.

 Mental frailty

The mental battle can sabotage the young athletes’ success every single time. It does not matter
that they are the best players in the team or in the league, if they do not know how to deal with the
mental battles that always come in sports then all the skill in the world cannot guarantee success.
U9: balance with nature

What can we do to protect endangered animals?

As the world is becoming more and more industrialized, it benefits us humans a lot but it is also
harming the natural habitats of and animals, causing them constantly on edge of endangerment. We
destroy their homes such as cutting down trees to build factories, we pollute the water with exhaust
also come from factories. We release toxic fumes into the air causing global warming and mealting
ices. It is not even the worst bit, we also hunt them and sell them until they completely disappeared
for our own selfish purpose. More and more animals are disappearing year after year, but I am
positive that there are still way to save this situation such as:

 Reduce, reuse, recycle: it may not sound much, but you can contribute towards the
conservation of endangered species by using sustainable products like bamboo and recycled
paper instead of plastic.
 Provide endangered animals with refuges, create a safe environment to conserve them.
 Educate others. People are more likely to want to save animals if they know about them. Spend
time doing some research and spread the word.

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