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On the day of big annual sale, a huge queue had formed

at the entrance to a department store. Some people had

even camped out overnight for a good spot.
   Just Before opening time, a Small man tried to push his
way to the front of the line, only to be pushed back amid
loud and colorful curses. On the man’s second attempt,
he was punched in the jaw, knocked around a bit and
thrown to the back of the queue again.
   As he readied himself for his third attempt, he told the
person ahead of him “If you hit me one more time, I’m
not opening the store.”
1. The sale mentioned in the passage is held ………… .
1. for a week
2. once a year
3. every month
4. at weekends
2. “Some people” (line 2) refers to ………… .
1. shoppers
2. spectators
3. shareholders
4. salesmen
3. The word “colorful” (line 5) could best be replaced by
………… .
1. multi-colored
2. bright
3. expressive
4. fast-changing
4. The people waiting are ………… .
1. dependable
2. caring
3. indifferent
4. aggressive
5. The small man wanted to ………… .
1. be rude to customers
2. start the sale
3. open the door because he was a guard
4. start a fight
Research Assistant
   Sukhumvit Research Limited, an independent research
house, is looking for a bright, hard-working individual to
assist with the production of its research reports. This
position is open to a Thai or foreign national.
The ideal candidate will have :
– A Bachelor or higher degree
 Strong computer and numeracy skills
 Excellent written and spoken English
 Familiarity with accounting,
economics,Bloomberg/Reuters data services, and
the production of research reports would be
Interested applicants should send their resume and cover
letter, Including their salary expectation, by e-mail to
6. What kind of the company is not required ?
1. hard working
2. Thai nationality
3. foreign nationality
4. head of production research reports
7. According to the ad-qualified requirement. What is not
true ?
1. university level.
2. math quality
3. English will be excellent.
4. socience fields.
Embassy of India Bangkok
Application are invited for the posts of Office
Assistants And Interpreter in the Embassy.
Grade 12 (Mattayom 6 or equivalent) Graduates,
knowledge of English & Thai computer
skills and previous experience preferred.
Apply within 10 days
By E-mail :
8. What is the position required ?
1. marketer
2. financier
3. secretary
4. translator
9. According to the first topic of education requirement,
what is not true ?
1. high school
2. Poly-technique
3. university level
4. before mattayom 6

10. What is the channel that the applicants need to apply

1. walk in
2. headquarter
3. internet
4. at the embassy
In May, 1966, the World Health Organization was
authorized to initiate a global campaign to eradicate
smallpox. The goal was to eliminate the disease in one
decade. Because similar projects for malaria and yellow
fever had fad failed, few believed that smallpox could
actually be eradicated, but eleven years after the initial
organization of the campaign, no cases were reported in
the field.
The strategy was not only to provide mass
vaccinations but also to isolate patients with active
smallpox in order to contain the spread of the disease
ant to break the chain of human transmission. Rewards
for reporting smallpox assisted in motivating the public to
aid health workers. One by one, each smallpox victim was
sought out, removed from contact with others, and
treated. At the same time, the entire village the victim
had lived was vaccination.
Today smallpox is no longer a threat to humanity.
Routine vaccinations have been stopped worldwide.
11. Which of the following is the the best title for the
passage ?
1. The World Health Organization.
2. The Eradication of Smallpox.
3. Smallpox Vaccination.
4. Infectious Diseases
12. What was the goal of campaign against smallpox ?
1. To decrease the spread of smallpox worldwide.
2. To eliminate smallpox worldwide in ten years.
3. To provide mass vaccinations against smallpox
4. To initiate worldwide projects for smallpox, malaria,
and yellow fever at the same time.
13. According to the passage, what was the strategy used
to eliminate the spread of smallpox ?
1. Vaccinations of entire villages.
2. Treatment of individual victims.
3. Isolation of victims and mass Vaccinations.
4. Extensive reporting of outbreaks.

14. How was the public motivated to help the health

workers ?
1. By educating them.
2. By rewarding them for reporting cases.
3. By isolating them from others.
4. By giving them vaccinations.
15. Which statement does NOT refer to smallpox ?
1. Previous projects had failed.
2. People are no longer vaccinated for it.
3. The World Health Organization mounted a worldwide
campaign to eradicate the disease.
4. It was a serious threat.
Angela’s story
Last Saturday I got up very early, took a bath and had breakfast with my parents and my brother,
Simon. After breakfast we took bus number 12 to the zoo. It was too crowded, so we went to the
market instead and bought some books, art paper and crayons.

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