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That’s impossible.

They screamed

When I asked them to be understanding.

What happens when I ask them

to save money in my bank?

They will beat me to death! / Why can’t

They save money in your bank?

Go ahead if you want to replace me

to be beaten up.

I think, in this situation

nobody believes in banks.

I believe!
I will be the first

to save money in your bank.

I also will ask Bandung’s wealthy people

to save money in your bank./I promise.

Are you serious? /


You are the greatest, Yu Tjoan Tek.

Thank you very much. / Yes.

Come out! /

Calm down, Everyone!

Employees rule! /

Look at those diretors!

They’re not here today!

They don’t even care

what happened to us! / Yeah!

We’re the ones who works hard

For them every day! Am I right? / Yes!

We’re the ones yelled at by customers. /


We’re the ones yelled at by our bosses. /


They got father every day!

They’re draining our blood! / Right!

Our blood! / Right! / Employees rule! /

Yeah! / Let’s throw out those capitalist!

Where are the others? /

Other directors didn’t come, Sir.

Situation is getting worse. /

Here’s one of those capitalist!

Come here!

Come on! Step forward!

Come here! Tell us! Do you still

Thought of us as people?

Explain it to us!

Come on! Tell us!

Say something!

Good day, My friends.

Welcome to this happy day. /

You’re happy! We’re suffering! That’s right!

Why did I say

This is a happy day for me?

Because I can met you all

Face to face.

I can hear what you are feeling

And know your resentments.

Watch your mouth! We’re not here

to hear your lectures!

We need to know what’s going to

happen to us? Right? / Right!

Be quiet!

Calm down, Everyone!

If we’re even fighting among us,

how can we solve the problems at hand?

We have to unite!

I was a lowly worker too.

Got yelled a lot.

Pay not nearly enough compared to

the sweat of my work.

I came from a modest family.

You could even say, we are poor.

I never wanted to be here.

My Father in law asked me too.

I never wanted to be a director.

My work at the factory is safer.

No protest. No one yelled at me.

But right now,

I have duties and responsibilities.

I’m here to treat you like a person.

Like a human being.

My director’s status

is just a word!

I, myself,

haven’t been treated like person.

Although this is

my Father in law’s bank.

Although my Father in law

worked really hard for all of this.

He worked just as hard

As all of you.

But why those who worked hard

are the ones being tortured?

Do you want to keep being treated

Like this? / No!

Do you want to keep being treated

Like this? / No!

Do you want to always be like this? /


For those with guts,

once again I ask you!

Do you want to keep being treated

Like this? / No!

Tomorrow, we make a move!

We throw away those traitors!

They’re the ones robbing you

Of your welfares!

We’ll put people who truly deserve

To be in their positions! / We agree!

People who can treat you like people!

Are you ready to help me! / Ready! /

This bank is ours! / Yes!

Their cries burned my spirit.

Rocked my heart.

I felt

I was part of them.

Mr. Adrian, the situation is dangerous.

We never expected this.

That fool managed

To control the employees.

Mr. Adrian, if we don’t make a move

we’ll be in danger.

Mr. Adrian, what do we do?

Stop the car!

Sir, what’s wrong!

Are you alright?

Hello, good evening.




Ing? /

You’re going out again?

I have to meet an investor

Who wants to buy our assets.

This time of night? /

Money talks.

Don’t forget to lock the doors. /

Be careful.

Mr. Tje Hoei!

You’re the ones that called me?

What do you want?

You dare threatened my family?

Listen to me!
If you dare to do something

to my family! / Shut up!

This gun can blow up

Your head! Get in!



Jendral, please help me.

Who are you? /

I’m Mr. Lim Khe Tje’s son in law.

He told me to come here

If something happens.
My God. What happened to you?

Get inside! / Excuse me, Sir.

That’s right, Kolonel Bonny.

Send them here. Right now.

Good morning.

I’ve ordered my men to escort you

until situation is safe.

There will be guards

at your house too.

I realy don’t know

how to thank you, Sir.

Thank your Father in law. A good man.

Helps a lot of people. We fought together.

I heard that he was a fighter.

But I didn’t know much about that.

I’ll tell you all about it.

While we have breakfast. Come on.

Please, Sir!

Kwee! Are you alright?

It’s okay. Just relax.

Everything is under control now.

The audit revealed, not only that

it’s not compatible with the expenses.

But also company assets

sold for personal needs.

Don’t you dare accuse us!

I can sue you!

We did sell some assets!

But to cover up your Father in law’s debt

As he ran away from his responsibilities.

He did not run away.

He was betrayed!
You can’t deny it anymore.

Here’s the proof.

I could sue you for using practices

that harmed this bank.

In this company’s extraordinary

shareholder’s meeting.

I appointed myself

as President Director.

This does not make sense!

You can not do this!

Yes, he can! Mr. Lim Khe Tjie

has given mandate.

That all staffs

are to support Mr. Hoei.

He has no shame! A high School graduate

wants to lead a bank?

I will not be lead

by an idiot.

I stake my neck that this bank

will soon collapse!

We’ll see about that.

This bank or you!

One more thing. A week ago

An idiot tried to kill me.

But he doesn’t realized that

God controls who lives or dies.

And if anything happens to me

Everyone knows who did it.

Today I won a war

Without going into battle.


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