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Procedia Manufacturing 00 (2019) 000–000

Procedia Manufacturing 55 (2021) 513–520

30th International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing

(FAIM2021) 15-18 June 2021, Athens, Greece.

Building Blocks for Blockchain Adoption in Digital Transformation of

Sustainable Supply Chains

Funlade T Sunmola a, Patrick Burgessb, Albert Tanc
School of Physics, Engineering, and Computer Science, University of Hertfordshire, AL10 9AB UK.
Aeres University of Applied Sciences, Stadhuisstraat 18, 1315 HC Almere, Netherlands
Malaysia Institute for Supply Chain Innovation, No. 2A, Persiaran Tebar Layar, Seksyen U8, Bukit Jelutong, Shah Alam, 40150 Selangor, Malaysia

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +31650557854 Email: p.burgess@aeres.nl

Abstract: Global supply chains shift to meet exceeding expectations in supply chains lead to the need for digital technologies in supply chain
management. Industry 4.0 has emerged in sustainable supply chain systems, blockchain is prominent, with the potential of immutable transparent
data. Blockchains present potential to disrupt supply chains through digital transformation by enabling provenance, visibility, relationships,
collaboration, lower costs, and enabling real-time trusted data. Scholars are increasingly investigating blockchain adoption, with an emphasis on
technology acceptance modelling. Current research is valuable to understand potentials of blockchain technology in supply chains however, there
is limited work on the building blocks for blockchain adoption in digital transformation of supply chains. This study aims to investigate through
a systematic literature review and case studies, the building blocks for blockchain adoption in digital transformation of sustainable supply chains.
Blockchain adoption in supply chain management is receiving increasing attention, along with highlights of critical factors. This paper offers a
building block model that is in three main phases; pre-adoption, adoption, and the post adoption. The model indicates that adoption context,
blockchain technology platform offerings, strategic responses, and adoption readiness are some key building blocks, particularly at the pre-
adoption phase. Trust and supply chain network, firm resources, and blockchain costs are all considered critical in the considerations of the
building blocks. In addition, aligning supply chain objectives with blockchain systems is critical and so is blockchain compatibility. Law and
governance are amongst the two prominent challenges in blockchain adoption and should be considered as part of the building blocks for
blockchain adoption.

© 2021
© 2020 The Authors.
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committee of theFAIM

Keywords: Blockchain, Adoption, Supply Chain Management

1. Introduction management, and improved sustainability practices. Digital

technologies are not limited to linear supply chain
Emerging digital technologies in response to the need for management, but also advantageous for closed loop systems.
improved business operations are evident. Today, supply chain Closed loop supply chains can improve performance through
stakeholders adopt blockchain technology to enhance supply upcycling waste, and improve local business networks to
chain performance and digitally enable them. Digitally enabled enhance performance [3]. In addition, other industries are
supply chain management is an information technology adopting digital technologies to gain competitive advantage
powered supply chain that utilizes novel digital technologies within their sectors. Sustainability is important to supply
and platforms [1]. [2] identified several managerial chains. Sustainable supply chain management encompass good
implications for digital transformation of sustainable supply control over sustainability objectives, particularly relating to
chain management including, sharing accurate information, economic, environmental and social aspects [4].
monitoring supply chain processes, improved relationship
2351-9789 © 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
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Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the FAIM 2020.
514 Funlade T Sunmola et al. / Procedia Manufacturing 55 (2021) 513–520
2 Author name / Procedia Manufacturing 00 (2019) 000–000

The fourth industrial revolution, commonly known as 2. Digital Transformation of Supply Chains
industry 4.0 has the potential to change and improve supply
chain management and company operations. Technologies in Digital transformation is the socio-technical changes in
industry 4.0 include advanced manufacturing, such as organizational operations, management and structures that has
advanced robotics, additive manufacturing such as 3D printing, an effect on company offerings (products and services), leading
augmented reality such as virtual reality, simulation, cloud- to the notion of digital supply chains enabled by digital
computing and digital platforms, industrial IoT, cyber security, technologies. Digital supply chains refer to those ‘smart’
big-data analytics, and blockchain [5]. supply chains enabled through novel technologies. The
Research and industry evidence of blockchain technology in technologies positively impact value addition throughout the
sustainable supply chains is emerging, for example [6], [7]. [6] chains [21].
research blockchain technology in sustainable supply chain
[22] identifies technologies in digital transformation of
visibility management with an emphasis on context-awareness.
supply chains and indicated the current status of adoption.
[7] empirically investigate the use of blockchain technology in
Cloud based platforms and digital roadmaps are influencing
the food industry. Results show that once implemented,
blockchain technologies offer some benefits such as digital transformations of supply chains. Blockchain, is seen as
improvement to traceability. However, integration with the full a disruptive technology, and is being actively researched in
physical supply chain is a key challenge. In addition to the parallel with applications across industry.
traceability benefits of blockchain technology, other recently Critical barriers and drivers for digital transformations of
identified benefits include improving trust, information supply chains include financial factors, which reflect on the
sharing, quality assurances, reduced food fraud, transparency high costs of innovation. A second driver is knowledge and
and improved efficiency [7]–[14]. Blockchain enabled supply skills in respect to digital technologies to leverage value
chains require motivational factors for successful integration in creation. The regulatory environment could act as a challenge
the enablement of digital transformation of the chains. in respect to standard requirements, but also a driver through
It is essential that sustainable supply chains intending to support programs. However digital technologies can enable
adopt and implement blockchain technology understand the supply chains to overcome these challenges. Organizational
factors that influences the adoption process and decision. and cultural factors are also important to consider in digital
Several of the factors have been identified in the literature. transformation processes [23]. [24] identify 12 key barriers to
They include, for example, availability of blockchain tools, digital transformation of supply chains. Other identified
complexity, top management support, organization culture, barriers are absent sense of urgency, inappropriate
firm size, and cost of investment. [15]. Indicative in [16] on organizational structure, lack of strategic orientation, inflexible
process innovation is deployment readiness with preparedness business processes, misaligned business objectives, not able to
seen as an important factor in the adoption, deployment, and keep up with digital technology pace, lacking guidelines in
implementation of innovative technologies, which extends to industry, top level managerial support lacking, lack of skills,
blockchain. According to [17], adoption factors of blockchain and fear of losing sensitive data.
technology in supply chains include the ease-of-use, the norms
Potential of digital transformation through blockchain
and standards within the supply chain organizations, and the
technologies is evident. A blockchain technology is a
usefulness perceived of the technology. Models have been used
distributed digital ledger system that is stored on various nodes
to assess the adoption of blockchain technology in sustainable
supply chain [18], [19]. (computers). Blocks are connected and irreversible to reduce
To substantiate current blockchain adoption models for the risk of data manipulation and meet strict governance
sustainable supply chains, and support the stakeholders of the protocols [25]. A standard blockchain string is described in
chain, important is an understanding of the underlying building [25]. Data safety and decentralization, laws and policies,
block model of blockchain adoption in digital transformation documentation, data management, quality, and accessibility are
of sustainable supply chains. Understanding the critical critical success factors of blockchain adoption in supply chain
components of the adoption process and how the components management [26]. Blockchain enabled digital transformation
integrate to a coherent view of the process is important. of supply chains include several advantages. These include,
Example building blocks for digital transformation exist, see simplified business processes, transaction security, improved
[20]. An extension of such building block model to the case of mutual trust, transaction costs economics, improved analysis
blockchain adoption in digital transformation of sustainable and forecasting, and improved transparency for supply chain
supply chain is the focus of this paper. actors [27]. Technological, organization, and environmental
The aim of the research reported in this paper is to factors are important for blockchain adoption.
investigate through literature review and case study, the A building blocks model for digital transformations is
building blocks for blockchain adoption in digital presented in Figure 1 below [20]. Eight building blocks of
transformation of sustainable supply chains. The remainder of digital transformation suggested in [20] are, use of digital
the paper is structured into four sections. Section 2 presents an technologies, disruptions, strategic response, changes in value
overview of the concept of digital transformation of supply creation, structural changes, organizational barriers, positive
chains and this is followed in Section 3 by the research impacts, and negative impacts. The building blocks model of
methodology used in this study. Section 4 presents the results [20] is used in this research as a basis for studying the building
of the study and its discussion. Section 5 concludes the paper
blocks for blockchain adoption in digital transformation of
and highlights areas for future work.
supply chain.
Funlade T Sunmola et al. / Procedia Manufacturing 55 (2021) 513–520 515
Author name / Procedia Manufacturing 00 (2019) 000–000 3

3. Research Methodology
blockchain adoption in digital transformation of sustainable
A two-stage research methodology has been applied to this supply chains. The interviews were conducted separately for
research. Firstly, a systematic literature review. An integrative each case study company and each took approximately 45
approach is adopted in this research aimed on summarizing minutes.
existing literature to identify patterns and topics in respect to
past publications. 4. Results and Discussion
The literature review steps include material collection,
descriptive analysis, dimension and category selection, and 4.1. Descriptive Statistics of Selected Papers
evaluation. In this study, the databases used to identify relevant
journal papers are Emerald insight and ScienceDirect. A Blockchain adoption in supply chain management has been
focused search phrase is used: Blockchain in all fields AND published over a range of disciplines in respect to computer
(Adoption AND ‘Supply Chain’) in title, Abstract or author science, engineering, supply chain management, and economic
specified Keywords. related journals. Blockchain adoption in supply chain
The initial search identified 92 publications. Initial filtering management has emerged recently with an upward trend in the
was to select accessible journal papers. Following the initial last three years. Figure 2 shows blockchain adoption in supply
filtering of articles 71 papers were identified. Only papers chain management per year in the sample of papers reviewed
written in English language were included. The second stage of in this research.
evaluation was to read abstracts and those whose main focus is 30
not on blockchain adoption in supply chain were excluded
Number of Papers

Following this step, 45 papers remained. The final selection 20

occurred through reading the full text of the papers for further
filtering. This resulted in final selection of 42 papers.
The second stage in the study was semi-structured interview 0
of stakeholders in selected case companies. [28] discuss that an 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
empirical approach through inductive analysis is a strong
Figure 2 Distribution of Publication By Year
method to illustrate experiences from use-cases. In this paper,
the two case companies explored involve blockchain adoption
in a global sustainable coffee supply chain in emerging Hospitality supply chain…
economy. According to [29], there are approximately eleven
Healthcare supply chain…
food and agricultural blockchain projects in Africa, and the list
Automotive supply chain…
is growing. The technical provider in the selected case
companies are involved in multiple projects in developing Aerospace supply chain…
countries and are able to provide insights in building blocks for SME focused supply chains…
blockchain adoption. Humanitarian supply chain…
An inductive analysis is applied to this research as it allows Logistics and shipping
content to emerge from significant themes through coding. The
Food and agriculture…
inductive analysis approach is often used to propose new
Sustainable supply chain…
models or frameworks based on key themes that emerge from
raw data. The representatives from the use cases were primarily Not specified/research focus…
asked to reflect on the building blocks of digital transformation 0 10 20
and reflect on how that translates to building blocks for Number of Papers
Figure 3 Distribution of Publication By Supply Chain
516 Funlade T Sunmola et al. / Procedia Manufacturing 55 (2021) 513–520
4 Author name / Procedia Manufacturing 00 (2019) 000–000

Ethiopia being the major source of coffee inputs at 70% of the

An increasing trend since 2018 to 2020 is shown in Figure 2, company’s supply. Case Company B has a well-established
with prospects for the trend to increase in 2021. Figure 3 shows supply chain from the producer down to the end of the supply
areas of blockchain adoption in supply chains across industries chain, and also has evidence of vertical integration in the
in the sample reviewed. Sustainable supply chain subject area supply chain network. The blockchain project in the coffee
accounts for the largest proportion of papers reviewed. Notable supply chain currently has 278 producers in the Guji region,
are also areas of food supply chains, and logistics and shipping. Ethiopia.
The current study uses cases of blockchain adoption from
sustainable food supply chains in emerging nations. The Following an initial introduction, the building blocks of digital
selected papers on blockchain adoption spreads across several transformation shown in Figure 1 adopted from [20] is
journal categories, Figure 4. presented to the case study participants. The participants were
the organizations technical director in Case Company A, and
the commercial director in Case Company B. The initial
science and Sustainability
engineering 3 Supply chain
comments of the participants include ‘As blockchain is only
13 and operations one ingredient in the puzzle, the building blocks in Figure 1
management above adapt well to blockchain technology’, and that many
blocks were ‘relevant’.
Further developments then focused on the adaptation of
Figure 1 to the scenario of blockchain adoption in sustainable
supply chains. The participants agreed with the key factors
involved in blockchain adoption derived from the literature,
and highlighted in Table 1, with particular emphasis on value
creation paths through social sustainability and transparency.
A traceability based blockchain platform is the main digital
Economics and application used in the case studies. The digital technology was
business Multidisciplinary built to register transactions from farm to fork and to increase
management 4 10
Food value addition with focus on improved annex for farmers. The
blockchain technology included the physical supply chain, an
application layer to enable data collection and verification of
Figure 4 Distribution of Publications By Journal Category actors for data input, and a blockchain layer as a permanent,
open ledger to enable transparency. The blockchain platform
4.2. Adoption Factors from Literature supports digitalization throughout the supply chain, creating a
‘digital twin’ of physical supply chain aspects. The need of
The adoption factors are grouped into key components and are integration with current systems and compatibility with various
shown in Table 1. The key components identified in Table 1 devices is deemed important. The supporting technologies for
are based on the building blocks indicated in Figure 1 [20]. The blockchain within this use case were ‘mobile phones’ and
eight key components are a) use of digital technologies, b) ‘mobile internet’. In addition, verification technology is
disruptions and environmental factors, c) strategic response, adopted through the use of mobile phones to provide evidence
dynamic capability and absorptive capacity, d) structural of supply chain actors. The participants recognized the need for
changes, e) organizational barriers, f) value creation g) system integration between blockchain technologies and ERP
negative impacts, and h) positive impacts. Based on an analysis technologies and discussed this as a later step in the project.
of the citations, the top three are i) disruptions and Disruption was discussed as a building block in respect to
environmental factors, ii) strategic response, dynamic blockchain adoption for digital transformation in Ethiopian
capability and absorptive capacity, and iii) use of digital coffee supply chains, and the associated factors listed in table
technologies. 1 are deemed to be comprehensive for the case study. Customer
behaviour and expectations, competitive landscape and the
4.3. Case study results and discussion availability of data were all classified as important. Steps were
discussed in the project to reach supply chain disruptions.
The two case studies used in this research are as follows. These included, (a) verify farm-gate prices, (b) establish living
income and benchmark, (c) calculate living income gap, and
Case Company A, works on multiple projects in emerging (d) reduce/close living income gap. Multinational buyers were
countries. Two solutions are provided by the technical assistant discussed as important supply chain actors for disrupting the
NGO. Both solutions provided are based on supporting supply chain, “International buyers demand proof of
companies in corporate social responsibility and focus on sustainable product”. Blockchain disrupts traditional supply by
improving livelihoods in developing countries. The blockchain enabling transparency and proving social sustainability criteria
based traceability application is applied in various commodity- in respect to wages for upstream supply chain actors. Both the
based supply chains such as nutmeg and coffee. As a technical digital transformation and digital business strategy were not
assistant, Case Company A provides a digital infrastructure, perceived to lead towards strategic change as the digital
which requires supply chain partners. business strategy was integrated into the current strategy. In
respect to digital transformation and business strategy,
Case Company B, is ‘a high quality, green coffee trader blockchain is discussed as one of the technologies to meet
located in Amsterdam. Case Study B operates internationally, supply chain objectives of traceability and transparency to
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Manufacturing 55 (2021) 513–520 5

Table 1: Blockchain Adoption Factors Derived from the Literature

support Ethiopian producers of coffee. ‘Supply chain partner Supporting technologies for blockchain in African supply chain
selection is critical and the willingness to participate’ use cases differ. One country may require fingerprint
contributes to dynamic capabilities of a supply chain. This verification, while another will require mobile phone
shows the need to stretch beyond the walls of an organization’s verification. In addition, ‘small scale projects’ support dynamic
capability of responding quickly to external changes. Thus, capability as it enables proof of concept, flexibility in supply
creating the need for dynamic capability of entire supply chain selection, and the ability to scale up over time. An
chains. important structural change perceived by the case companies
were new partnerships. This reflects on outsourcing, which
Different situations require tailored solutions. Blockchain allows companies to remain focused on competitive advantage
solution providers and specialist such as Case Company A and factors. The scale (size) of supply chain actors plays a role as
Case Company B, need to have dynamic capability to respond bargaining power is required to have influence on supply chain
to needs between countries, supply chains, and commodities. decisions in respect to blockchain adoption. ‘Trust’ is an
518 6 Author name / Procedia Manufacturing 00 (2019) 000–000
Funlade T Sunmola et al. / Procedia Manufacturing 55 (2021) 513–520

important factor in respect to the application of blockchain entrance. Positive impacts through blockchain technology for
technology. To reduce barriers, open information sharing is this case were focused on industrial and society improvements.
required. This contributed to the value of traceability. Instead Additional benefits were strongly correlated with economic
of individual barriers, the focus of the participants was on and social sustainability. These were influenced by the
willingness to participate in projects. reliability of data and information and providing traceability to
The main approach of mitigating the barrier were to provide distribute value more fairly throughout the supply chain.
incentives for actors though illustrating the value addition The participants referred to blockchain as a ‘young’
throughout the supply chain. For example, improved returns technology in the field of supply chain management and
and traceability to enhance social responsibility. In addition, logistics. This suggests that the notion of young technology
‘next generation actors’ are discussed as critical in the adoption may not be considered a negative effect but has increasing
of new technologies as there is less resistance to change. opportunities for future development. High costs, governance,
‘Supply chain cooperation’ is discussed as an important understanding ‘what to track’, and if permeance for all data is
consideration in the adoption of blockchain adoption. In important are discussed by the participants as limitations of
addition, external factors were seen to play a role at both a blockchain technology in their current applications.
micro and macro environmental level. Infrastructure provides
barriers, but often stretches outside the control of the supply 4.4. Emerging Building Block Model
chain itself. By adopting blockchain several value creation
points were found. The beginning of the supply chain was Both literature and case studies show that the building blocks
enabled through understanding producer’s income. Within for digital transformation are applicable to blockchain adoption
Case Company B, value creation through proving fair in digital transformation of supply chains. This research
payments was enabled. In addition, sustainability related value contributes to the knowledge area, by providing further
was shown. The technology, also allows Case Company B to analysis of the building blocks for digital transformation
stand out amongst competition as a “front runner in social through blockchain technology in supply chain management.
sustainability” further developing competitive advantage. The Although, the framework in [20] for building blocks of digital
participants identified value creation as an important building
transformation are relevant to several technologies, blockchain
block in the post adoption of blockchain technologies in
technologies require specific factors. Figure 5 shows the
sustainable supply chains. And suggested the following steps
emerging model, including several important points. Based on
for value creation through blockchain technologies (a) Define
the supply chain/company ‘story’ and define what blockchain literature and empirical evidence, three phases are suggested in
needs to prove, (b) supply chain mapping, (c) Create blockchain adoption process a) pre-adoption, b) adoption, and
participation between supply chain members, (d) Registering c) post-adoption. Adoption readiness in pre-adoption is key
supply chain actors, (e) Claim verification based on the value [18], [19]. As in deployment readiness studies [16], it can be
proposition of the blockchain, (f) Value creation. Blockchain deduced that the level of preparedness in the early stages of
adoption was discussed as a three-phase project in the supply blockchain adoption is crucial as it will have large influence on
chain from system development until full implementation. later stages of the adoption process and overall outcome.
According to the case study participants, they are yet to notice Adoption context is required in the pre-adoption phase. Theory
significant improvement in efficiency, as the integration of reflects on technology adoption modelling to understand
systems and recording data was not synchronised in the Case context, which drives strategic response, motivation and
Company B. Automating the process between the company’s disruptions. The technology-organization-environment (TOE)
current ERP system and blockchain would improve data models are applied to understand technological, organizational,
Funlade T Sunmola et al. / Procedia Manufacturing 55 (2021) 513–520 519
Author name / Procedia Manufacturing 00 (2019) 000–000 7

and environmental contextual factors [18], [19], [41]. 5. Conclusion

Motivators including trust and transparency are important Through a systematic literature review and case studies, this
factors for blockchain and are influenced by supply chain study has identified a set of factors influencing blockchain
network design. Identified as important in literature are adoption in digital transformation of sustainable supply chain,
behavioural intentions and expectation factors as critical and an associated building block model is developed. It is
disturbers for pre-adoption of blockchain technology [25], [45], concluded that a generalised building block model of digital
[63]. transformation can be adapted for blockchain adoption in
Scalability is a key consideration when adopting blockchain digital transformation of sustainable supply chains. The
systems [31], [38], [53]. Projects often start as a concept and adaptations include a recognition of three phases of adoption
are phased into supply chains and scaled-up. Also important, i.e. pre-adoption, adoption, and post adoption. Also, additional
blockchain characteristics should align to supply chain building blocks are required such as adoption context,
motivators, dynamic capability, and adoption readiness.
objectives, and are considered crucial in the design and
Limitations are present in the study. The proposed building
implementation of sustainable supply chains. Compatibility
blocks for blockchain adoption are generic. Future research
with current systems has been identified in literature and
through extensive empirical study is suggested to further
through experiences of participants [30], [37]. This is needed investigate, develop, test, and validate the proposed building
to improve efficiency of digital processes. In respect to block model. The subjectivity of respondents is a further
dynamic capability and structure, size and location of limitation. Future research can be used to include more
organizations play a role in supply chain adoption. Firm respondents, through a quantitative questionnaire study.
resources are deemed required for blockchain implementation
as project costs are high. Leadership and management vision CRediT author statement:
are also critical factors to enable responsiveness in dynamic Funlade Sunmola: Conceptualization, methodology/research protocol,
building block framework, final draft and paper revision. Patrick Burgess:
capability. Quick response is needed when adopting blockchain
Methodology and protocol, data collection and analysis, writing-up draft and
for digital transformation of supply chains [65]. Situations final paper. Albert Tan: Review and validation of work and proposed
require different solutions, and the alignment of supply chain framework, revision and improvement areas
objectives with new technologies is needed. Partner selection References
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