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Muhammad Akbar Syafei (22033014011)

Jurusan Kimia Reguler B


Muhammad Akbar Syafei would like to introduce his self to all of you completely.

 AssalamuAlaikum wr. Wb and good morning all of my friend. Thank you so much for giving me time
to introduce my self :
 My full name is Muhammad Akbar Syafei but you can call me Akbar. I come from Makassar. I was
born on Makassar, May 05th 1991. I’m Moslem and I’m Makassareese. . I graduated from Senior
High School Sari Buana Makassar.
 My hobbies are watching youtube channels about education and gym, i like black and white as my
favorite colours. My favorite food are all healthy food.
 Now I continue my study at Makassar Islamic University and my Faculty is Science and my
department is Chemistry Department.
 I choose Chemistry Department because I want to learn more about all about science, especially
about chemicals.
 I have a simple family. My father’s name is Suponyono but he was dead, and my mother’s name is
Asnah, she is a house wife. I have four brothers and three sister and I’m the sixth in my family.
 The last is about my future. After i graduated from Chemistry Department I want to build a factory
to make all the animal and Pet Shop needs, because I want to give something that is useful and what
they (animals) need by creating products that have good quality.
 I think that’s all about my self. Thankyou so much for your opportunity. Assalamualaikum and good


A : Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb good morning. How do you do?. How are you?

B : Waalaikum......morning. How do you do. I m fine thank you and you?

A : Very well thank you . Would you like to introduce your self please?

B : Of course. My full name....but my friends call me.......I come from.....I’m (bugineese,

macassareese, Javaneese) Indonesia, I ‘m moslem , I’m ....years old, I graduated from SMA (senior high
school/vocational high school/ islamic high school / islamic boarding high school......................... And
now I continue my study at ………. My Faculty is :………and my department is ……. deparment). What
about your self? Tell me please?

A : Well, My full name is Muhammad Akbar Syafei but you can call me Akbar, I come from
Makassar, I’m moslem, I’m Macassareese, I graduated from Senior High School Sari Buana Makassar and
now I continue my study at Makassar Islamic University, My Faculty is Science Faculty and my
department is Chemistry Department.

By the way, why do you choose Chemistry Department?

B : I choose ...........department because...........................................

And you?..tell me why do you choose …….. department?

A : I choose Chemistry Department because I want to learn more about all about science,
especially about chemicals.

Tell me, what do you study in your department and explain one of them please?

B : Ok...some of my subjects in ….......department are......................................................and i

wanna tell about .the introduction of communication.

In this subject we study


And what about your subject in ……….department? Explain to me please?

A : Well... In my department, I learn about chemicals and the role of chemistry in everyday life and
i tell about one subject namely : sodium chloride In this subject, we study about the arrangement of the
atomic elements in sodium chloride

B : Tell me, what do you want to be in your future after you finish your study in your
department? and why?

A : Well, after I finish my study in Chemistry department . I want to build a factory to make all the
animal and Pet Shop needs because I want to give something that is useful and what they (animals)
need by creating products that have good quality. and what about your self?

B : Ok, after I finish my study at …………….. department, I want to be.............................


A: Well. Thank you so much for your self identification and your department. This is nice conversation.
See you. Bye. Assalamualaikum...

B: You are welcome. See you. Walaikum salam…

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