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Individual Assignment


HAND OUT DATE: 21 Jun 2021
HAND IN DATE: 6 Sept 2021

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TP NO: TP064969
Cover Page
Table of Content
1.0 Introduction of “Bribery”

2.0 How and Why “Bribery” occurred?

3.0 Codes of Conduct

References List

A. Individual Assignment Table of Content


Bribery is a common behavior in our daily life, but not is the only in this era. What is bribery
and how it come out? According to Collins dictionary, says that bribery is the act of offering someone
money or something valuable in order to persuade them to do something for you. However, bribery
has no a universal definition but there have in common that someone voluntarily to exchange some
offer. The offer not just give cash even can be extravagant gifts, entertainment, expenses, the
acquisition of assets, or the provision of help to relatives, friends, or advantageous causes.

In the Guardian online store, bribery also can be happened. Bribery can help an employee to
easily to successfully to reached the employee’s goal or getting something the employee’s needed like
promotion or upgrade the level in guardian company. So, the employee needs to exchange something
or benefits to others people or consumer to get the cooperation successful or easy to near to the
cooperative boss by bribery the boss’s workers.
Furthermore, employee can be receiving gain like money or benefit for the person that in the
interview to let the person to easily get into the guardian company, or no need to interview and come
into the Guardian company. The employee also can use relationship to getting benefits without any
loosen. For example, when a person goes to the Guardian company to interview and getting a job, and
the person is very hardworking to prepare all the document and speech, but someone is the employee’s
friend or family will jump in line or jump over the interview to get a job by using benefits and
relationship. This is dishonest, illegal and a breach of trust that an interviewing employee to company.
When employee inside the company bribing to outside the Guardian company’s people may damage
the reputation of employees and the Guardian company. Guardian company may lose a good and
powerful employee and get an employee without any power or value. So, bribery is dishonest to the
Guardian company and it will damage company gain.

Carry on, in this covid-19 epidemic, facial mask, disinfection water and more epidemic
prevention equipment that have in short supply. This will cause the epidemic prevention equipment’s
price increase and the stock will limit a consumer shopping volume. So, in the guardian company’s
employee can use staff’s price to buy the thing and sale the normal price or higher price to outside
people and earn more money.

In Guardian company, some employees will bribery because their salary are lower than their
cost of living. Nowadays, employee need to paid mortgage, car loan, and more, so a low-income is
cannot satisfy a family’s cost. Therefore, they need to upgrade their level in company to earn more.
But in the guardian company, space for high level is less and hard to get into the space. So, some
employees will bribery to earn more.

Some high-level employees or manager will bribery because they tend to living a lifestyle
beyond one’s own financial ability, greedy character, opportunities and space for corruption and low
integrity of the officials involve.

Codes of conduct of anti-bribery is means that some rules need to be adopted in government
department or company, because of human are greed they get a thing then they need more, so they will
bribery and corruption to people that can give those things to them. Some codes of conduct about anti-
bribery in company can be list like:
1. Guardian company arrangement should be straightforward and moral shape to our business.
For bribery and corruption should be zero-resilience demeanor to rebuff them.
Representatives should act in expert, reasonable and legitimate way.
2. Bribery is alluding to the unlawful, corrupt, break of trust or unfortunate behavior in any
capacity financial or different motivators or prizes. Bribery cannot receive any money, gift,
loan, fee, hospitality, services, discounts, awarding of contracts or any other form of benefit
or interest.

To be legal compliance, Guardian company must adopt a zero-tolerance attitude to

respond bribery inside and outside of the Guardian company. Therefore, guardian company must take
action to adopt code of conduct for the Guardian company’s employee. If employees offer or accept
bribery, management must take action to stop this serious issue.

Next, the impact of bribery may have several consequences, according to Malaysian Anti-
Corruption Commission Act 2009, section 17A, criminalize corruption-related acts by related
personnel for the benefit of the organization. Article 17A (1) stipulates that if a person associated with
a business organization provides, offers or promises any satisfaction to anyone in a corrupt manner in
order to obtain or retain business or business advantages for the business organization, the business
organization is a crime. According to section 17A (2) of the same Act, if convicted, the fine is ten
times the value of the bribe or RM 1 million, whichever is larger, or imprisonment for not more than
20 years, or both. So, if in Guardian company has bribery’s employee, company need to report to
police, if Guardian company did not report, the hole company will be accomplice, and the bribery’s
employee and the Guardian boss will be catch by police and will be accused by law.

Conclusion, bribery is a dishonest and anti-ethic action that will let honest people down. As
honest people did not bribery so they will very hard working to get the goal, but people is bribery they
only need to give some benefits to others people and they will get the goal without any work hard. So,
bribery is a serious issue that will influence society to progress and it will blow people mind and let
him give up the work that he very hard working on. We must adopt the law or code of conduct to
punish the people is bribery.

Word count 980


1.Collins Dictionary: https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/bribery

2.Transparency International UK:


3.Malaysia Anti-Corruption Commission: https://www.sprm.gov.my/index.php?


4.The Rocket – Deidre Shannon Nair (5 march 2020):


5.Peninsula Group Limited:

6.Investment Educational consultancy: https://www.eduvisionme.com/code-of-conduct

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