VTAMPS 9.0 Primary 4 Set 3

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TIMO Heat Round

Primary 4 Set 3
Logical Thinking
1. According to the pattern below, what is B – A?

2. Primary 4 students are queueing up to form a rectangle. On Eduard’s left and right
side, there are 5 and 7 students respectively. There are 4 students on Eduard’s front
and 3 students on his back. How many students are there in Primary 4?

3. Celine is now playing the clapping game. When she needs to call any multiples of 4,
she claps her hand once instead of calling them out. Now the game starts at number
33 in an ascending order. After clapping 40 times, what number will the next
number be?

4. Rhaenyra’s uncle’s age this year minus 28, then divided by 7, then added by 13, then
multiplied by 12, will give you 216. Determine Rhaenyra’s uncle’s age this year.

5. There are 43 chickens and rabbits in a farm. The total number of legs is 124. How
many chickens are there?


6. Determine the value of 390 ÷ 17 + 26 ÷ 17 – 11 ÷ 17 + 105 ÷ 17 – 119 ÷ 17.

7. Using the method 2S – S, determine the sum of 11 + 22 + 44 + 88 + … + 5632.

8. Determine the value of 3 . Express your answer in simplest fraction form.
2+ 3

9. If A and B are both 1-digit numbers, determine the value of A + B if the equation
below is correct.

10. Determine the value of 104 + 116 + 128 + … + 248.

Number Theory

11. The product of two integers A and B is 448. A is 6 times more than B. Determine the
value of A.

12. The sum of 9 consecutive even numbers is 990. Determine the sum of the second
smallest and the second largest numbers.

13. Find the unit digit of 32022 × 42022 × 72022.

14. Define the operation symbol 𝑎∎𝑏 = 𝑏 × 𝑏 + 2 × 𝑎 × 𝑏 + 𝑎 × 𝑎. Find the value of


15. What is the largest 3-digit number that is divisible by 18 and 60.
16. How many rectangles are there in the figure below?

17. The figure on the left is a right triangle with side length of 8 and a hypotenuse of 10.
Determine the area of the figure on the right given that it is formed by the triangles
on the left.

18. It is given that the area of a rectangle is 552 square units. Determine the minimum
possible perimeter of this rectangle.

19. How many rectangles in the figure below contains the asterisk (*)?
20. The perimeter of a square is 24. If I put together 20 of these squares, what would be
the largest possible perimeter of the resulting figure?


21. Ninety-seven cookies are in boxes A, B, C, D, E, and F. There is at least one cookie in
every box. In the box containing the most cookie, at least how many cookies are
there in this box?

22. It is known that if the left-most digit is smaller than all the other digits in a number
is called a special number like 122 and 469. How many 3-digit special numbers are

23. Now there are infinitely many rooms. If 1800 students are needed to be separated
into rooms evenly, how many ways are there?

24. Numbers are drawn from integers 45 to 104. How many draws should I make to
ensure I have 2 numbers whose difference is 27?

25. A flight of stairs has 11 steps. If you can only go 1 or 3 steps at a time, how many
ways are there to climb these stairs?
TIMO Heat Round
Primary 4 Set 3
Logical Thinking
1. According to the pattern below, what is B – A?

Answer: 24
By observing the pattern, the value of B is 80 while the value of A is 56. 80 – 56 = 24.

2. Primary 4 students are queueing up to form a rectangle. On Eduard’s left and right
side, there are 5 and 7 students respectively. There are 4 students on Eduard’s front
and 3 students on his back. How many students are there in Primary 4?
Answer: 104
There are 8 rows and 13 columns. So, 8 × 13 = 104.

3. Celine is now playing the clapping game. When she needs to call any multiples of 4,
she claps her hand once instead of calling them out. Now the game starts at number
33 in an ascending order. After clapping 40 times, what number will the next
number be?
Answer: 193
Clapping 40 times means you went through 40 multiples of 4 along the way. Since
you started at 33, then the first time you will clap is at 36. Getting the 40th term in an
arithmetic sequence with a difference of 4 starting from 36, we have
40th term = 36 + (39 × 4) = 192. So, the next number is 193.
4. Rhaenyra’s uncle’s age this year minus 28, then divided by 7, then added by 13, then
multiplied by 12, will give you 216. Determine Rhaenyra’s uncle’s age this year.
Answer: 63
216 ÷ 12 = 18
18 – 13 = 5
5 × 7 = 35
35 + 28 = 63

5. There are 43 chickens and rabbits in a farm. The total number of legs is 124. How
many chickens are there?
Answer: 24
C + R = 43
2C + 4R = 124
2C + 4 × (43 – C) = 124
2C + 172 – 4C = 124
2C = 48
C = 24


6. Determine the value of 390 ÷ 17 + 26 ÷ 17 – 11 ÷ 17 + 105 ÷ 17 – 119 ÷ 17.

Answer: 23
(390 + 26 – 11 + 105 – 119) ÷ 17 = 391 ÷ 17 = 23

7. Using the method 2S – S, determine the sum of 11 + 22 + 44 + 88 + … + 5632.

Answer: 11253
S = 11 + 22 + 44 + 88 + … + 5632
2S = 22 + 44 + 88 + … + 5632 + 11264
2S – S = 11264 – 11 = 11253
8. Determine the value of 3 . Express your answer in simplest fraction form.
2+ 3
Answer: 11/34
1 1 1 11
= = =
3 4 × 3 22 + 12 34
2 + 11 2 + 11 11

9. If A and B are both 1-digit numbers, determine the value of A + B if the equation
below is correct.

Answer: 6
The only numbers that will give me a unit digit of 6 when multiplied to itself are 4
and 6. Trying 4, we have
This means that
7 + (4 × B) will give me a unit digit of 5.
From this, we can conclude that B is 2.
So, B + A = 4 + 2 = 6.

10. Determine the value of 104 + 116 + 128 + … + 248.

Answer: 2288
248 + 104
𝑎𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 = = 176
248 − 104
𝑛𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑚𝑠 = 1 + = 13
𝑠𝑢𝑚 = 176 × 13 = 2288
Number Theory

11. The product of two integers A and B is 448. A is 6 times more than B. Determine the
value of A.
Answer: 56
A × B = 448
A = 6B + B = 7B
7B × B = 448
B2 = 448 ÷ 7 = 64
A = 7 × 8 = 56

12. The sum of 9 consecutive even numbers is 990. Determine the sum of the second
smallest and the second largest numbers.
Answer: 220
990 ÷ 9 = 110. So, 110 is the middle number. The numbers are
102, 104, 106, 108, 110, 112, 114, 116, 118.
104 + 116 = 220

13. Find the unit digit of 32022 × 42022 × 72022.

Answer: 6
The unit cycle for 3 is 3, 9, 7, 1. So, 2022 ÷ 4 = 505 remainder 2. The unit digit is 9.
The unit cycle for 4 is 4, 6. So, 2022 ÷ 2 = 1011. The unit digit is 6.
The unit cycle for 7 is 7, 9, 3, 1. So, 2022 ÷ 4 = 505 remainder 2. The unit digit is 9.
So, the unit digit of the whole expression is 9 × 6 × 9 which is 6.

14. Define the operation symbol 𝑎∎𝑏 = 𝑏 × 𝑏 + 2 × 𝑎 × 𝑏 + 𝑎 × 𝑎. Find the value of

Ans: 100
7∎3=3×3 + 2 × 7 × 3 + 7 × 7 = 9 + 42 + 49 = 100

15. What is the largest 3-digit number that is divisible by 18 and 60.
Answer: 900
The LCM of 18 and 60 is 180. So, 180 × 5 = 900.
16. How many rectangles are there in the figure below?

Answer: 99
Dividing them into sections, we have
(1 + 2) × (1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6) = 63
(1 + 2) × (1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5) = 45
63 + 45 – 9 = 99

17. The figure on the left is a right triangle with side length of 8 and a hypotenuse of 10.
Determine the area of the figure on the right given that it is formed by the triangles
on the left.

Answer: 144
In right triangles, the longest side (hypotenuse) is equal to the square root of the
sum of the squares of the other two sides or hypotenuse2 = a2 + b2.
The triangle on the left has its hypotenuse and one side shown. So, the third side of
the triangle on the left is b2 = 100 – 64 = 36; b = 6.
Area of the triangle on the left is 12 × 6 × 8 = 24.
Therefore, the area of figure on the right is 6 × 24 = 144.
18. It is given that the area of a rectangle is 552 square units. Determine the minimum
possible perimeter of this rectangle.
Answer: 94
To get the smallest possible perimeter, we should make this rectangle close to a
square. 552 is 23 × 24. So, the perimeter is 2 × (23 + 24) = 94.

19. How many rectangles in the figure below contains the asterisk (*)?

Answer: 90
5 × 3 × 2 × 3 = 90

20. The perimeter of a square is 24. If I put together 20 of these squares, what would be
the largest possible perimeter of the resulting figure?
Answer: 252
To get the largest perimeter, we need to arrange them in one column.
One side of a square is 6. So, the perimeter would be 20 × 6 × 2 + 6 × 2 = 252.


21. Ninety-seven cookies are in boxes A, B, C, D, E, and F. There is at least one cookie in
every box. In the box containing the most cookie, at least how many cookies are
there in this box?
Answer: 17
97 ÷ 6 = 16 remainder 1. 16 + 1 = 17.
22. It is known that if the left-most digit is smaller than all the other digits in a number
is called a special number like 122 and 469. How many 3-digit special numbers are
Answer: 204
If hundreds digit is 1, we have 8 × 8 = 64
If hundreds digit is 2, we have 7 × 7 = 49
Continuing this pattern until if the hundreds digit is 8, we have 1 × 1 = 1.
64 + 49 + 36 + 25 + 16 + 9 + 4 + 1 = 204.

23. Now there are infinitely many rooms. If 1800 students are needed to be separated
into rooms evenly, how many ways are there?
Answer: 36
We just need to get how many factors 1800 has. The prime factorization of this
number is just 23 × 32 × 52. The number of factors is (3 + 1) × (2 + 1) × (2 + 1) =

24. Numbers are drawn from integers 45 to 104. How many draws should I make to
ensure I have 2 numbers whose difference is 27?
Answer: 34
Just put them in intervals like this.
45 – 71 ➔ 27 draws
72 – 98 ➔ skip
99 – 104 ➔ 6 draws.
27 + 6 + 1(to ensure) = 34 draws.

25. A flight of stairs has 11 steps. If you can only go 1 or 3 steps at a time, how many
ways are there to climb these stairs?
Answer: 41
First step – 1 7th step – 9
Second step – 1 8th step – 13
3rd step – 2 9th step – 19
4 step – 3
th 10th step – 28
5th step – 4 11th step – 41
6th step – 6

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