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User guide book

Securely connect, collaborate, and celebrate from anywhere. With Google Meet, everyone
can safely create and join high-quality video meetings for groups of up to 250 people. Share
your screen - present documents, slides, and more during your conference call.

E-School Cambodia
Google Meet | E-School Cambodia

& Google Meet

In this free Google Meet tutorial, you will learn how to join and host a meeting,
how to present using Google Slides, and how to use the mobile app.

Using Google Meet :

1. How to Join a Meeting

Learn how to join a meeting and the basic of video call

2. How to Host a Meeting

Learn how set up and host a meeting

3. How to Present Using Google Slides

Learn how to present using Google Slides

4. Google Meet Mobile App

Learn how to use the Mobile app

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& Lesson 1

How to Join a Meeting

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@ How to join a meeting

When you can't meet in-person, video chatting is a great option. To virtually connect face-to-
face, you can use the video calling app: Google Meet. Joining a Google Meet video call is
easy to do and all you'll need is a link or code. In this desktop lesson, we will walk you
through how to join a meeting and show you the basics of a video call.

In our example, we are using Chrome as our web browser, but you can use the one that
you'd prefer since Google Meet works with most web browsers.

To enter the meeting by email invitation:

1 First, log in using your Google account.


2 Next, you'll need to navigate to your Gmail Inbox and open the Google Meet email

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3 From the email invitation, click the link to the Google Meet.

4 Some pop-ups may occur if you haven't approved the use of your microphone,
camera, and notifications. Click Allow for these pop-ups.

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5 Before entering the meeting, you can decide the settings you want to use. You can
choose to join the meeting with your microphone and camera on or off by clicking
their icons. Turning your microphone off is a way to mute yourself right at the start of
the meeting while turning your camera off is a way to make sure no one can see you.
You can always change these options inside the video call too.

6 Now that you have your settings ready, click Ask to join.

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â If you received a Google Calendar invite instead of a email invitation, click the event to
see more information. Then, click the Join with Google Meet button.

To navigate the call:

Ø Once you've joined the video call, you'll see your video tile as well as the video tiles
of the people you are video chatting with on your desktop screen.

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Ø To see the bottom toolbar, you may need to move your mouse. There you can turn on
or off your microphone or camera at any time just by clicking on or off their icons.

Ø On the bottom toolbar, click the three dots icon. A pop-up menu appears showing
more features. We'll talk more about Settings later in this lesson.

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Ø In the top-right corner, there's a smaller toolbar. You can see written messages by
clicking the message icon.

To send a written message:

1 Click the message icon located at the top-right of your screen.You can type
your message in the field then click the right-arrow button to have it sent to

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2 everyone in the video chat. You can also read and respond to messages from
those in the call here too.

3 To close out of the video call messaging, click the X.

To open Settings:

1 Looking at the bottom toolbar, click the three dots icon followed by Settings.

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2 Within Settings, you can make changes to your Audio and Video to make sure you
have the correct equipment selected.

3 Within Audio, you can Test your Speakers to make sure they are working properly.
The settings are helpful if you find yourself unable to hear who you are talking to or
they say that they can’t hear or see you.

4 To close out of Settings, click the X.

To end the video call:

Move your mouse to have the bottom toolbar appear. Then, when you're ready to end the
video call, click the red Leave call icon.


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& Lesson 2

How to Host a Meeting

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@ How to host a meeting

Whether you want to talk with friends or conduct a business meeting, you can use Google
Meet as a practical alternative to meeting in-person. Google Meet lets you plan a virtual
meeting ahead of time or start a spur of the moment video chat. To help you host a video
call, we've put together a lesson that teaches you how to set up and carry out a meeting.

In our example, we are using Chrome as our web browser, but you can use the one you’d
prefer since Google Meet works with most web browsers. To set up and host a meeting,
you’ll need to log in using your Google Account.

To create a video call for a later time:

1 First, click the New meeting button.

2 From the menu, click Create a meeting for later.

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3 A dialog box appears giving you a link to copy. Click the copy icon.

4 Now, you can paste it in an email or messaging service to invite others to the
meeting. It is important that you save this link so that you can access it later too.
Otherwise, you won’t have the link to join the video call. We suggest writing it down
or pasting it in a new Google Doc.

5 Click the X to close out it.

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Plan a meeting using Google Calendar:

1 Click the New meeting button.

2 Then, select Schedule in Google Calendar from the menu.

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3 A new tab will open taking you to Google Calendar to create an event. You'll see that
the event already has a Google Meet link provided.

4 After filling in the event information, click the Add guests field and type their email

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5 When you are done, click Save.

6 To send the email invitations, click Send.

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7 The event will be added to your calendar and you can refer back to it when needed.
Before the meeting, simply click the Join with Google Meet button to begin the
video call.

To quickly start a video call:

1 Click the New meeting button.

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2 Then, select Start an instant meeting from the menu.

3 Some pop-ups may occur if you haven't approved the use of your microphone,
camera, and notifications. Click Allow for these pop-ups.

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4 Before entering the meeting, you can decide the settings you want to use. You can
choose to join the meeting with your microphone and camera on or off by clicking
their icons. Some people turn off their microphone to mute themselves so that no
one can hear them. Others keep their microphone on, but may turn off their camera
so no one can see them. You can make changes to these settings inside the video
call too.

5 If you are using Chrome as your web browser, you also have the choice of changing
your background. People use this feature to hide what is actually behind them;
especially, if it might be distracting to those in the video call. Once you’ve made your
choice, click the icon again to close the panel.

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6 To enter the meeting, click Join Now.

7 For an instant meeting, the video call opens with a dialog box letting you click Copy
joining info or Add people to the meeting.

8 Click the Enter name or email field to type their emails.

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9 When you are done, click the Send email button.

' Hosting the meeting

As the host, you are the person who permits or denies an attendee from entering the video
chat. When people without an invitation join the meeting, a dialog box will pop-up. You'll have
the choice to Admit or Deny entry for each person. Keep in mind that those denied will not
be able to join the video chat.

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' Understanding the video tile functions

Once people have joined the video call, you can carry out your meeting. On your screen,
you’ll notice your video tile as well as the video tiles of the people in the call.

Ø When you hover your mouse over a person’s video tile, you can choose whether you
want to pin that person’s tile to your main screen. This is helpful if there are many
people in the call, but you are speaking only to one person and want to see their
screen. Click to unpin them to see other people’s screens in the call.

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Ø You can click their microphone icon to mute them. Muting means that the individual
can’t be heard because their microphone has been turned off by you. The person will
then have to unmute from their own device to turn their audio on again.

Ø The circle with the minus icon lets you remove that person from the meeting. Be
careful since this can’t be undone and they won’t be able to rejoin the meeting.

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' The top toolbar

Ø If you want to invite more people to the meeting or see who is already in the call, you
can click the Show everyone icon. To send more invitations, you can select Add
people. Below, you’ll see who is In Call.

Ø If you don’t want to see everyone in the call, you can click the pushpin icon next to
your name to only see yourself on the screen. You can click it again to unpin yourself.

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Ø Click the Chat tab to send a message to everyone involved in the call. Type your
message in the field at the bottom of the panel then click the arrow button to send it.
You can also see messages from those that are already in the call here. When you
are done, click the X to close the panel.

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' The three dots menu

On the bottom toolbar starting in the bottom-right corner, click the three dots icon. A pop-up
menu appears showing more features.

Ø Select Change layout. This will make it easier to see everyone who is a part of the
meeting. Take a look at the dialog box and choose the option that would work best for
you. Click the X to close out of it.

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Ø From the More options menu, you can choose Full screen if you want the
Google Meet to take up your entire desktop screen. If you didn’t set up a
background before joining the call or want to change it, you can select Change

Ø Within Settings, you can make changes to your Audio and Video to make
sure you have the correct equipment selected. You can also Test your
Speakers to make sure they are working properly. Click the X to close out of it.

' Exploring the bottom toolbar functions

On the bottom toolbar, you also have the option to Turn off microphone. No one will be
able to hear you until you turn it back on by clicking the icon again.

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Ø There is also the option to Turn off camera. This will hide you from the audience until
you click the icon again.

Ø Finally, when you are done with your video call, simply, click the Leave call icon.


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& Lesson 3

How to Present Using Google Slides

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@ How to present using Google Slides

Presenting during a video conference is a little bit different than presenting in-person. For a
video conference, you need to know how to use the video app's interface so you can take
charge of the meeting when it is time for you to present. To help you, we've put together a
Google Meet lesson that teaches you how to present using Google Slides.

' Getting started

1 To begin, you’ll need to be using Chrome as your web browser.

2 Also, you should have already logged into your Google account.

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3 Next, you'll need to have already created a Google Calendar event for the meeting.

4 Then, open a tab with your Google Slides presentation.

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' Join a meeting from Google Calendar

1 First, click the scheduled event you have already created.

2 Within the event’s information, click the Join with Google Meet button to join the
video call.

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3 A new tab opens to start the Google Meet. Some pop-ups may occur if you haven't
approved the use of your microphone, camera, and notifications. Click Allow for
these pop-ups.

4 You can choose to join the meeting with your microphone and camera on or off by
clicking their icons. Some people turn off their microphone to mute themselves so
that no one can hear them. Others keep their microphone on, but may turn off their
camera so no one can see them. If you change your mind, you can adjust these
settings inside the call.

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@ Presenting options
There are two ways you can present. One is right at the start of the video call. The other is
later on in the video call. We’ll show you both options.

' Start of the meeting

1 To have the meeting begin with your presentation, click Present.

2 A dialog box appears asking you to allow Google Chrome to record your computer
screen. You may have to adjust your computer’s settings if you want to proceed. If
you do not allow this, you’ll only be able to present a Chrome Tab.

3 If you do allow this, you’ll be able to present a Chrome Tab, Your Entire Screen, or
an Application Window. For this example, we’ll click the Entire Screen option.

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4 If what you are presenting needs to have audio enabled, make sure that the
checkbox for Share audio is checked.

5 Then, click the screen that you want to share followed by the Share button.

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6 Select the tab that has your Google Slides presentation.

7 Next, click the Present button.

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8 You can now carry out your presentation while the people in the call watch it
on their own screens. When you are finished presenting, click the Stop
sharing button.

' Later in the meeting

1 If you are not the first to present, click Join now instead.

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2 When you are ready to present, click Present now from the toolbar.

3 You can choose either to present Your entire screen, A window, or A tab.
Presenting by tab is only available if you are using Chrome as your web browser. For
this example, we’ll select A tab.

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4 Looking at the dialog box, keep the checkbox for Shared audio checked if what you
are presenting needs to have audio enabled.

5 Select the tab that you want to share. Then, click the Share button.

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6 Next, click Present.

7 The people in the call can now watch it on their own screens. When you are finished
presenting, click the Stop button.

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' Video conferencing tips

Ø If you experience technical difficulties, you can make adjustments in Settings. On the
bottom toolbar, click the three dots icon. A menu appears showing more features.
Within Settings, you can make changes to your Audio and Video to make sure you
have the correct equipment selected. You can also Test your Speakers to make sure
they are working properly.

Looking at the bottom toolbar, you also have the option to Turn off microphone. This will
mute your ability to speak in the meeting.

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Ø Also on the bottom toolbar, there is the option to Turn off camera. This will hide you
from the audience.

Ø When you are done with your video call, click the Leave call icon on the bottom


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& Lesson 4

Google Meet Mobile App

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@ Google Meet mobile app

Most of us have our smartphone or tablet nearby to talk to coworkers, family members, and
friends. Instead of calling or emailing, you can virtually connect face-to-face with a simple
video call. In this lesson, we'll teach you how to video chat using the Google Meet mobile

' Getting started

To begin, you’ll need to download the app to your smartphone or tablet.

Next, open the app followed by logging into your Google account.

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â In this example, we are using an iPhone so there may be some subtle differences for
those using an Android phone.

' Joining a meeting

At the top of the screen, there are two buttons to choose from. If you have already received a
code, you can enter it in by tapping the Join with a code button.

Type it in the field. Then, tap Join.

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@ Three ways to host a meeting

If you prefer to host the meeting, tap the New meeting button.

A pop-up menu appears with three options. Let's take a look at them.

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' Option 1 - Link to a meeting

1 Let’s tap Get a meeting link to share.

2 The dialog box appears with a link that you can copy and share with those you want
to invite to the video chat. It is best to save the link so you can return to it later.

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3 Depending on the device you are using, the Share invite button will have different
options. In this example, we can text, email, or share it via social media.

' Option 2 - Plan a meeting

1 Let's tap the Schedule in Google Calendar option.

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2 The Google Calendar app will open if you have it on your phone.

3 You can fill in the Google Calendar event information to set up a future video call.
Also, notice that the Google Meet video details are already added to the event.

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' Option 3 - Instant meeting

1 Let’s tap Start an instant meeting.

2 Since you are the host of the meeting, you will be the only one in the meeting until
others join.

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3 If someone tries to join the meeting that was not invited, a dialog box appears giving you
the options of Deny entry or Admit. For our example, we’ll tap Admit because we
know the person.

' People and Info Tabs

1 Within the video call, there are features to explore. Looking at the top of the
screen, tap the video call’s code.

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2 The People Tab lets you know who is in the call. As the organizer of the meeting, you
can tap the three horizontal dots next to a participant’s name to Mute a particular
person. In order to talk, the person will have to unmute themselves.

3 You can also tap the three vertical dots.

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4 A menu appears giving you another way to Mute them, Pin their video tile to your main
screen, and Remove them from the video call. Pinning their video tile lets you only see
that person.

5 Tap Cancel to exit out of the menu.

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6 Next, tap the Info Tab.

7 If you need to copy the joining info, you can do so here.

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8 To exit this menu, tap the down arrow in the top-left corner of the screen.

' Camera and audio icons

Ø In the top right-corner, there is the flip camera icon to switch between the front
camera and the back camera.

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Ø In this example, the audio icon lets you choose either iPhone or Speaker. If you don’t
want to have the phone near your ear, you can choose the Speaker option, which
amplifies the sound for you and those near you to hear.

' Main screen feature

If you want to see yourself on the main screen instead of the little screen, tap the three dots on
the little screen.

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The person you are talking to will now become the little screen.

' Three dots menu

Looking at the icons at the bottom, tap the vertical three dots. A pop-up menu appears showing
you more Google Meet mobile features.

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Ø If you want to invite more people to the call, you can tap Add others.

Ø To message people within the video call, tap In call messages. We’ll talk more about
sending messages later in this lesson.

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Ø To show guests in the video call your screen, tap Share screen. This is a helpful feature
if you are presenting via a tablet or smartphone. It is different from the desktop process
because you can’t choose a browser tab in the mobile app. The whole screen is shown!
Before selecting this option, make sure that your phone or tablet is presentation ready.

To send a message:

1 From the three dots menu, tap the In call messages feature.

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2 Type your message in the field. Then, tap the arrow button to send it. Keep
in mind that only people in the call can see the message and they are deleted
when you end the meeting. If someone sends an attachment, you can also
find it here.

3 To close out of In call messages, tap the X.

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' Changing screens

Two features that are not available on mobile is the ability to change your background and
the ability to change the layout of your screen. If you are talking to more than two
people, you can change who you see on your main screen by tapping each person's little
screen's three dots.

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You will now see that person on your main screen.

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' Basic video call functions

Looking at the bottom of your screen, there are three icons that are the basic video call

Ø The microphone icon helps you turn on or off your microphone. Some people like to mute
themselves so no one can hear their background noise.

Ø The video icon turns on or off your video camera. Some people turn off their camera so
no one can see them.

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Ø When you are done video chatting, tap the red end call button.


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