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Module: Aircraft Aerodynamics Structures and

Course: BEng Aircraft Engineering

Name: Kasi- Dakna
Student ID: B00340520

Coursework Assessment Feedback
Module Title: Aircraft Aerodynamics, Structures and Systems
Course/Year Aircraft Engineering Year 1 Session 2017-18
Module Code: ENGG07011 Word-count: 1500
CW Title Computer-based airfoil and wing aerodynamic analysis
Date Due: 04 Dec 2017 23.59 Date Submitted: 0.4 Dec 2017
Student ID Number: B00340520


COURSEWORK 1st marker 2nd marker
Write up: Introduction
(5%), structure (5%),
Presentation (5%), and
Referencing (5%)
description (10%), set-up
(5%), and post
processing (5%)
Computational data:
Graphs (5%),
presentation (5%),
discussion/analysis (10%)
Evaluation of the
software, data and
application of data


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Table of Contents
1.0 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................. 3
2.0 XFLR-5...................................................................................................................................................... 4
3.0 METHODOLOGY: ..................................................................................................................................... 5
3.1 WING DESIGN.................................................................................................................................. 9
3.2 WING TIP DESIGN .......................................................................................................................... 11
4.0 CONCLUSION ......................................................................................................................................... 12
5.0 REFERENCES .......................................................................................................................................... 12

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In this coursework, the design of a wing for a prototype aircraft is done by the study of
its cross-sectional area, in a fluid flow with varying Reynolds number, angle of attack,
coefficient of lift and coefficient of drag.

National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA) established in 1915 to better

understand the characteristics of a good and efficient wing. In 1933, NACA published
the technical report N0 460 “The characteristics of 78 related airfoil sections from tests
in the variable and density wind tunnel” which gave birth to, NACA 4 –digit series.

The wings are the main generators of lift for an aircraft. Lift is produce due to the
differential pressure that is created when airstream flow over an airfoil. The differential
pressure is caused by the geometry and shape of the airfoil. When the airstream pass
over a non-symmetry, it has the tendency to flow with higher speed on the upper
surface than the lower surface, thus less pressure acts on the upper surface than the
lower surface. Lift generated on the airfoil, is caused by the movement of high pressure
moving towards low pressure. The high pressure present at the lower surface, push
airfoil in the air.

Fig 01.

By Bernoulli’ theorem:

Assuming the flow is inviscid, incompressible and steady

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Bernoulli states that in a streamline flowing fluid the total energy of always remain
constant. The sum of dynamic pressure and static pressure is a constant, if static
pressure is increase the dynamic pressure will decrease.

1. Reynolds Number
Re= (D*V*p)/mu
2. Lift force


3. Mach Number

M= speed of aircraft/ local speed of sound

4. Area of rectangular wing

A= L* H

2.0 XFLR-5

XFLR5 is a great tool when it comes to the analysis of foils, 3-D analysis and analysis of
airplanes and other single components operating at low Reynolds Number. For the
design of wings, precise and accurate calculations can be done. The analysis of the
wing begins with an airfoil. The airfoil can either be created or loaded from in the XFLR5
software database or from other sources. The airfoil can be further modified to the
desired geometry according to the user. The airfoil can then be analysed using the
Batch Analysis where the aerodynamic data such as range for; Reynolds Number,
coefficient of lift and angle of attack are inserted. The Mach number is also inserted and
the software already includes the atmospheric conditions for the analysis of the foil. One

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helpful feature is that with XFLR5 we can zoom in largely rotate the components to
better understanding and analysis.

Graphs of Cl against Cd, Cl against Angle of Attack, Cl/Cd against Angle of Attack and
other graphs are obtained describing the aerodynamic parameter’s behaviour with the
varying AOA and Re Number. From this the wing design is possible, selecting the wing
and plane design, the designs of the wings, elevators, fins, plane and many other
individual components are possible. Tabs are open where the geometry of the
designing part are inserted. For example for the wing design, the twist angle, dihedral
angle, chord length and wing span data are inserted.

The analysis of the wing for example can be done, the software simulates airflow over
the wing or the plane. The type of analysis can also be selected from Wing Design
Analysis, stability control of plane at lo Re number, Inverse Analysis Capabilities and 3-
D panel method analysis. These analysis are very helpful, for example for the Wing
Design Analysis, the lift, drag downwash and the variation of the aerodynamic data with
the angle of attack is shown and animated as well. The XFLR5 tool is very helpful as it
enables the designer to design with precision and he would also know the behaviour of
the plane at particular conditions and can further improve.

The software XFLR-5 is use to study the airfoil assigned (NACA 2420).

2. Click on FILE
3. Then click on Direct X-Foil Design
4. Click on FOIL
5. Select NACA FOILS
6. Insert the NACA data 2420


1. Click on FILE

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4. In the Fig 02 below shows the data inserted
5. Click on ANALYSE
6. The following data were inserted for the Batch Analysis
RE NO ( 400,000 – 1000,000)
Angle of Attack (0-17) degrees
Cl ( 0 – 3.0 )
Atmosheric Condition were already set by XFLR5.
The Figure below Illustrates the range of values inserted.

Fig 02.

The range of Re NO of ( 400,000 – 1000,000) was selected because below

Re NO 400,000 the graph were not smooth and did not produce feasible
aerodynamic data and above Re NO 1000,000 the graphs were too disturbed.
The Range of angle of Attack of (0-17) was selected because at 0 degrees
there is minimum lift generation and the stall angle is about 8 degrees so 17
degrees was selected to observe the flow after the stall angle is reached.
The range of Cl of ( 0- 3) was selected because 0 is the strict minimum and 3
being a hign value was set up so to avoid discrepancy in the graph.

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The figure below shows the results of the batch analysis obtained on XFLR-5.

Fig 03.


Fig 04.

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The glide ratio graph shows the efficiency of the airfoil. The glide ratio is the ratio of
coefficient of lift to coefficient of drag. Comparison between the greatest Re NO and one
with the lowest Re NO, shows that there is a slight difference on the Cd axis, but after a
certain point which is approximately 0.008 at Re NO 1000,000 there is an increase in
Cd upto 0.015 at Re NO 400,000. On the Cl axis, the graphs are steep and increasing
considerably and more or less linearly. At approximately 1.18 the graphs has a
tendency to follow the same paths and more or less at a constant value of Cd.

Fig 05

The graphs shows a linear increase along the Cl axis, but at approximately at 1.15 the
graphs takes a parabolic path and starts to become wavy, which cause by a significant
increase Cd. The stall angle is about 8 degrees for Re NO of 1000,000 and 7 degrees
for Re No of 400,000, that is Re NO does not have a major impact on the stall angle.

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Glide Ratio v/s Alpha

Fig 06

As the angle of attack increases the glide ratio increases until the stall angle of 6
degrees is achieved for Re NO of 1000,000. The Re NO has no significant impact on
the stall angle as for Re NO of 400,000 the stall angle is 6.5 degrees. After the stall
angle the graph decreases drastically as after stall angle there is no lift generation and
Cd keeps on increasing.
1. Click on FILE
3. Click on ANALYSIS
4. Define a NEW PLANE
6. Right click> current plane and select EDIT
7. Then insert wing data
The wing data were calculated as follows:
𝑆𝑝𝑒𝑒𝑑 𝑜𝑓𝐴𝑖𝑟𝑐𝑟𝑎𝑓𝑡
𝑀𝑎𝑐ℎ 𝑁𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 =
𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑒𝑑 𝑜𝑓 𝑆𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑑
Speed of Aircraft = 0.2x340
Speed of Aircraft = 68 m/s

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𝑅𝑒𝑦𝑛𝑜𝑙𝑑 ′ 𝑠 𝑁𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 =
L = (1000000 x 1.789x 10-5)/(1.225 x 68)
L= 0.26m (chord Length)

Using the equation: L = 0.5 Cl.V2.A

Weight of Aircraft was assumed to (be 35 x 9.81)= 343.35 N
Lift to be generated at take off is assumed to be 500 N
A = ( 500) / (0.5 x 0.775 x 682)
A = 0.279 m2.
For a rectangular wing,
Area = L x H
L = 0./0.17
L = 1.26 m
L is selected as 1.3m and span 2.6m.

The following wing was obtained and analysed.

Fig 07

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High drag was observed at the wing tip, therefore a wing tip was designed as shown


Fig 08

Fig 09.

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From the graphs of Cl vs Cd it is concluded that Cl increases significantly compare to
Cd because cd remains almost the same as it depends on the geometry of the airfoil
and the flow around it. At higher Re No the Cd is lower than that of Re No because at
low speed the air particles have more time to collide with the wall of the exerting more
shear stress. After a value of Cl of 1.2 the Cd increases more than Cl and remains more
or less the same. This is because the stall angle is reached. The same value of Cl of
about 1.1 is reached at stall angle for Cl vs alpha graph. After the stall angle the graphs
takes the shape of separation of flow on an airfoil. For the Cl/Cd vs alpha graph after
the stall angle is reached there is no generation of lift causing the graph to decrease

The XFLR5 is a useful software for the analysis of airplanes, individual components
such as the wing, elevator and fins can be designed and analysed. There are several
analysis types enabling designing at different conditions. It should be taken into account
that XFLR5 is not a professional software and it cannot be used for the design and
analysis of commercial aircrafts. The XFLR5 states clearly in its guideline that it takes
no part in the data obtained and it is the user that takes the full responsibilities for the
implementation and use of the data.

From the graphs obtained and the wing design and analysis it is concluded that the
airfoil cannot be used for the design of aircraft wings. As the stalling angle is reached
too early, at take off and during lift augmentation a certain angle of attack will be
achieved but for this airfoil stall angle is too small so the airfoil is not aerodynamically

 Introduction To Aerodynamics of Flight.Available at:(
Introduction%20to%20aerodynamics..pdf).(Accessed on 03 Dec 2017)
 All PC World.XFLR5 overview.Available
free/).(Accessed on 03 Dec 2017).

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 Cosmol Blog. The capabilities of NACA;airfoil optimization App.Available
app/). Accessed on(03 Dec 2017).
 National Advisory Committee For Aeronautics.Available
airfoil.pdf).(Accessed on 03 Dec 2017)

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