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• Material costs that need to be included in brickwork are bricks, mortar, exmet, and
DPC if necessary. Mortar usually contain a mixture of cement and sand in the ratio of
1: 3 or 1: 4 for the masonry below ground level, and a mixture of 1: 6 for the masonry
above ground level.
• Lime is often used to facilitate blending and slow down hardening of mortar. The
mixture ratio of cement, lime and sand that is often used is 1: 1: 6.
• Exmet is usually required for a half-brick wall and installed every four layers of brick.
1 square meter of brickwall requires 3.50 meters exmet. The table below shows the
materials needed for 1 square meter brick wall.

Description Mortar (m3) Number of brick


½ Brickwall 0.025 63

1 Brickwall 0.050 125

I ½ Brickwall 0.075 188

• labour for brickwork requires general workers to help the bricklayer. They can help
to mix the mortar and lift the bricks to the required place. Labour output for mixing
mortar is 2.00 hours / m3. Labour output per square meter for lay brickwall is shown
in the table below.

Description Bricklayer General labour

(hour/m2) (hour/m2)

½ Brickwall in common brick 1.00 0.35

1 Brickwall in common brick 1.75 0.70

½ Brickwall in facing brick 2.00 0.50

1 Brickwall in facing brick 3.50 1.00

BRICKWORK (Half Brickwall)
BRICKWORK (One Brickwall)
BRICKWORK (Damp Proof Course (DPC))

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