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Thesis evaluation is one of the means to get knowledge on the concept of research. We
have got the chance to evaluate a thesis titled “The students dropouts in secondary
school of West Wollega zone” conducted by Desalegn Yigazu. Based on the theoretical
knowledge we have learned in our research course, we tried to evaluate the thesis in
light of the six questions we are given to consider. To evaluate the thesis and get the
whole picture of it we tried to read the entire chapters of the paper.

Is the particular thesis you referred to dominantly quantitative or qualitative or of mixed

type? What makes it what it is? Substantiate your argument with evidences extracted
from parts of the thesis. What advantages and disadvantages does the approach
This question contains 4 sub-questions to be addressed based on the thesis we are
given to evaluate.
The question is about identifying the research approach the researcher used to study the
topic. As it is mentioned in the paper the researcher used a descriptive survey design
which is a part of quantitative research approach. In most part it is true that the
researcher used simple random sampling technique, close ended questionnaires,
statistical data analysis, and interpretation tools. Besides, the researcher also used
statistical documents that show students annual dropout trend analysis as a secondary
data. However, as we go through the thesis we have found that the researcher applied
qualitative research elements. For instance, the researcher used purposive sampling
techniques along with simple random sampling. In addition, open ended questionnaire
and semi-structured interview was used as a data collection tools. In our view the paper
seems mixed with dominantly quantitative. Using the quantitative research as a dominant
approach has the following advantages and disadvantages.
 generalizing the findings to the whole West Wollega Zone;
 minimum personal judgment, specific research problems,
 high level of reliability,
 it has the advantage to use large sample size.
 It can also replicable etc

 improper representation of the target population,

 inability to control the environment,
 limited outcomes due to structured method etc.
1. Are the constructs operationally defined?

Constructs are concepts/ abstract ideas characterized as internal attributes which are
difficult to measure directly. However, if we want to measure the constructs they have to
be defined operationally and it would be easy to identify how the variable are calculated
or recorded as a numeric value. Therefore, we need an operational definition which
deals with the nuts and bolts (details) of how a construct is actually measured.


 Construct: - the idea ‘Aggression’ is an abstract concept (construct) which is

impossible to measure or quantify.
 Operational definition: ‘how many times he/she hits something’. This
operational definition is an external behavior related to the construct and possible
to measure it.

Based on the concepts mentioned earlier we evaluated how these issues are tailored in
the thesis. The researcher outlined four basic questions in order to measure the
construct/concept „students‟ dropout‟. The first question that deals with the magnitude of
dropout rate is answered based on the secondary data taken from the sample schools.
Whereas for the rest three questions he developed questionnaires to measure them. The
factors, effects, and measures to be done are operationally defined (set of questions are
prepared) and measured in four scales namely strongly agree, agree, disagree, and
strongly dis agree. The researcher is used a 4 point Likert scale which is basically a
forced Likert scale. The reason it is named as such is that the user is forced to form an
opinion. There is no safe 'neutral' option. In certain cases in which a specific user opinion
is essential, the 4-point scale is most ideal. However, sometimes, respondents might not
answer at all. In many cases, it is preferable to know that they were neutral rather than
having them not answer the question at all which ultimately distort the results.

3. What statistical measures are used in the analysis section? (Nominal, ordinal,
interval, ratio, descriptive, inferential). Reflect on how relevant they are?

The statistical measures used in the research are descriptive statistics which are used
to present quantitative description in a meaningful way. It is an appropriate statistical
approach. The researcher used a nominal scale to present the background information
of the respondents. (Such as Gender). It is relevant to put the information in such a way
that the researcher used descriptive survey method.

The researcher used mean as measure of central tendency by assuming ordinal data as
an interval measure using a 4 point Likert scale to categorize respondents‟ response as
Strongly Agree, Agree, Disagree and Strongly Disagree. According to some scholars,
ordinal Data should be analyzed using median. However, if we use likert scale and
consider them as an interval, it is possible to use mean to analyze data. The
effectiveness of handling ordinal data as interval data continues to be debatable in
survey analysis of various fields. Often researchers treat ordinal data as interval data
because they claim that parametric statistical tests are more powerful than non-
parametric alternatives. Moreover, inferences from parametric tests are easy to interpret
and provide more information than non-parametric. Based on this assumption we can
generalize that the statistical measure used has consistency with the research design
and methodology. Nonetheless, the researcher used the four point likert scale which
forced the respondents to have opinion.

In education, evaluation is the process of using the measurements gathered in the

assessments. Teachers use this information to judge the relationship between what was
intended by the instruction and what was learned. They evaluate the information
gathered to determine what students know and understand, how far they have
progressed and how fast and how their scores and progress compare to those of other
Assessment is defined as gathering information or evidence, and evaluation is the use
of that information or evidence to make judgments. Measurement involves assigning
numbers or scores to an "attribute or characteristic of a person in such a way that the
numbers describe the degree to which the person possesses the attribute. Assigning
grade equivalents to scores on a standardized achievement test is an example of

Criterion-referenced interpretation is the interpretation of a test score as a measure of

the knowledge, skills, and abilities an individual or group can demonstrate from a clearly
defined content or behavior domain. It is often defined as a contrast to norm-referenced
interpretation, where an individual‟s score only has meaning when it is compared to
other individuals‟ scores. Criterion-referenced interpretations are independent of
information based on how the average person performs.

Q#4 is interpretation of data norm referenced, criterion referenced or self referenced?

Support your case with evidence?
1. NORM-REFERENCED TEST : It is a preliminary test for comparing achievement
of an examinee to a large group of examinees at the same grade. Norm
referenced test is a test design to provide a measure of performance that is
interpretable in terms of an individual„s relative standing in some known group.

2. CRITERION-REFERENCED TEST Criterion-referenced tests and assessments

are designed to measure student performance against a fixed set of
predetermined criteria or learning

3. SELF – REFERENCED TEST: is used to ascertain an individual‟s optimum

capabilities based on his/her own self reflection.

Data Interpretation: This involves asking a series of questions about your data that
relate to your study question(s). Your answers to these questions are organized as
findings and conclusions. Based on these, you may develop recommendations for
action or further study.
Hence, we discussed the use of measurement in our case by the researcher to be self
referenced test because the measurement tool used doesn‟t compare the results with
other individuals or has a standard fixed set of criteria to be compared with. It asks for
the personal reflection of different groups and set to determine the common factors for

Advantages of self-referenced interpretation

- Identified factors

Disadvantage of self-referenced interpretation

- Bias

- Can‟t be generalized

Q # 5. What instruments of data collection are used? To what extent the particular
questions specified in the given instrument relate to the basic questions? To what extent
do they guarantee validity?
This question has contained three main questions and each of them will be addressed
accordingly. Regarding the data collection instruments used, the researcher applied
questionnaires and interview as a primary data collection tool and students‟ annual
dropout rate statistics as a secondary data collection tool. The questionnaires are close
ended with the exception of one open ended question that invites respondents to write
extra factors that influence students to dropout that they know other than items listed in
the close-ended part. The interview is guided in nature and prepared to find out the
factors affected student‟ dropout and the endeavors done by the schools and woredas‟
to solve the problem.

Concerning the extent of specification of the questions based on the basic research
questions, the questionnaires are prepared in accordance with the three basic
questions. In The first part, 12 set of questions are prepared to focus on the factors that
favor students drop out which is the second main research question of the study. The
second part contains 11 set of questions which are about the fourth basic question that
is the measures needed to be carried out in order to improve the students‟ dropout
problem. The remaining 8 set of questions are prepared to address the third basic
question that deals with the effect of students‟ school dropout on quality education is
discussed.. However, the first basic question that states the magnitude of students‟
dropout in the area is not specified in the questionnaires or interview prepared rather
data is taken from secondary data collection tools that shows the trend of students‟
annual dropout rate. These items tried to cover every angles of the basic questions.

The other element of the question is the validity part. In survey research design there is
a major concern about whether the instruments and questionnaire items used to
measure variables are sufficiently accurate and stable. Content validity which evaluates
if the items measure the content they were intended to measure are valid. Most of this
is done through pre-testing instruments before the actual research is carried out, and
hence measures of reliability are important because they assesses whether an
instrument will produce the same score for each occasion that it is used. The researcher
explained that he applied pilot study and consulted with the advisor to guarantee
validity. The extent of the instruments guaranteeing validity is measured weather the
data gathered through the instruments reflect the reality under investigation. In the pilot
study part he explained the reliability of the research for each basic questions. Based on
this, he mentions the reliability coefficient of the factors, effect, and techniques to
improve dropout as a= 0.974, a =0.938, and a= 0.938 respectively which is a normal
reliability of alpha value. However, validity is not mentioned in detail. Reliable data may
not be valid.

Q # 6. To what extent are the basic questions answered in the conclusion?

In line with the basic questions raised to conduct the study, we can say that the
researcher addressed those questions one by one in the conclusion part of the thesis.
We discussed the extents along with the basic questions accordingly. The study has
four basic questions. The first is about the magnitude of students‟ dropout rate in
secondary schools of west wollega zone. This question addressed in the conclusion and
it is indicated that there is a high students‟ dropout rate in the zone. And the second
question is focused on the major factors that affected school dropout. These factors are
concluded as frequent absenteeism, students‟ lack of interest, and inappropriate
teacher student relationship. The third basic question is about the effects of dropout on
quality education. The researcher addressed this question in the conclusion part and
confirmed that wastage of educational resources, and increasing rate of children
participation in crime are identified as the main effects of school dropout. Finally, the
researcher also asked about the measures needed to be taken so as to reduce
students‟ dropout rate. In the conclusion part it was pointed out that strong attendance
follow-up per week, advice for the students, and discussion on the issue with teachers,
and parents are necessary. Besides, application of strong rules and regulations,
creating awareness to the community, motivating students, and creating conducive
school environment will reduce students‟ dropout rate.

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