Journal 4 1

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This week, I made timely progress with the first floor.

In two classes, I fully assembled the first floor of

my house, but it did not go without minor problems. I found it difficult to glue the pieces together
because all the pieces are only ¼” which makes them very fragile under pressure so I could not use
clamps while attaching the outer layer of the wall because it might have cracked the wood or worse
broken the pieces. It took about ten to fifteen minutes for the glue to dry on each wall which means I
spent an entire spare block gluing and holding the walls in place with my hands which was an incredibly
time-consuming process as well as very boring. Another slight problem I ran into was the alignment of
the windows were just a tiny bit off, but I still had to spend time filling them down so that they lined up
properly. It took about thirty minutes to get to the doorway and all the windows to line up. My goal for
next week is to hopefully finish the skeleton of the roof. I am not 100% sure how I am going to do the
roof, but I will talk it over with Mrs. Dahl to see what she suggests for how to make the roof.

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