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Lilly was lonely and sad; she was the

only child of her parents. Her parents
bought Lilly enough toys and story
books, to make Lilly happy. Lilly had her
own room, filled with toys and stuff, it
was like her own play room but Lilly was
still sad, her parents continued to get her
Lilly’s play room became filled with
toys, day by day she continued to get
toys from her parents, she never refused.
Lilly's mum watched Lilly has she played
with her toys, Lilly’s mum noticed that
Lilly was unhappy.
One day Lilly’s mother passed by a toy
store and said to herself "I'm so tired of
buying Lilly toys, it's time I buy her_"
she drove further and stopped at the pet
store "Colin’s Incredible pet store"
she bought Lilly a fish bowl, a cute gold
fish. She couldn't wait to see Lilly's
reaction. Lilly’s mum went home, she put
the fish bowl in a box then she picked up
a marker and wrote "Lilly’s new pet" on
the box then she placed the box gently in
Lilly’s room. Then the next day when
Lilly woke she saw the box, Lilly was
excited, she quickly tore the box open
and gently removed the fish bowl.

Lilly named the fish limbi. "I guess I

won't need you anymore" said Lilly
pointing to her fake fish. Lilly and her
mum laughed.
Lilly and limbi we're best friends, she did
everything with her fish. Lilly’s parents
were happy to see Lilly happy again!



Long ago in Mavinsville there was a big
piece of cheese that was on the floor
next to a sewage. It was there for
decades, or even centuries. It was very
disgusting and stinky too so no one in
Mavinsville ever went near it.
In a small town far from Mavinsville
there lived a kid named Finn. Finn was
very playful and stubborn; his parents
were sick of his stubbornness. They
made him move to a new environment
with his aunt Madame Elle she was
French. Then they moved to Mavinsville.
Finn schooled in a school called Glow
Field boys and girls high. There was layed
the cheese. Finn made new friends,
Barley and John. One day has Finn and
his friends were strolling around the
school. They smelt something really bad.
They were curious so they went to check
were the horrible stench was coming
from. Oh whole and behold they saw the
cheese! “what is that?” asked John
“smells like rotten cheese to me” said
John has he was about to puke. “holy
crap! This stuff sucks!” said Finn holding
the cheese “oh my gosh! Uh! That’s very
disgusting Finn, drop it down!” screamed
Barley “Chill out Barley, it’s just cheese”
said Finn, Finn chased his friends with
the cheese in his hands, all in the cause
of having fun. Finn was reported to the
school principal, the principal Mrs. Molly
called Finn’s mom. “What did I do this
time?” asked Finn “What didn’t you do
Finn! You’re always getting your butt into

Finn returned to school, but no one in

school went near Finn. He somehow had
the cheese touch. According to the kids
in his school he was infected. His friends
too refused to talk to him. “common
guys, I’m so sorry” Finn said “Finn, you
almost killed me, I’m allergic to cheese!”
said John “ok, maybe I’m not allergic to
cheese but you were such a knuckle
head” “please guys, I mean it I’m so
sorry for being a looser” “And knuckle
head” Barley added “ok, and a knuckle
head” “how are you going to get all the
kids like you again! “there’s only one
way, the cheese!” “oh you have to be
kidding me!” said John
So, Finn and his friends took pieces of
the cheese and put them in all the nasty
kid’s locker. They really had fun. No one
hanged out with the nasty kids anymore,
and no one was ever bullied by them
again. The cheese touch was passing
from one person to another some kids
even fell sick….
No one ever heard of the cheese touch
again. The last person to contact the
cheese touch was a kid named Besill. He
Left the school no one ever heard of him
again. Since then the cheese is still there.


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