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I. Wybierz właściwą odpowiedź.

1. She ___ four languages.                                                               a. speak           b. speaks
2. Jane is a teacher. She ___ French.                                                a. teach           b. teaches
3. When the kettle ___, will you make some tea?                            a. boil              b. boils
4. I always ___ the window at night because it is cold.                   a. close            b. closes
5. Those shoes ___ too much.                                                           a. cost             b. costs
6. The food in Japan is expensive. It ___ a lot to live there.                        a. cost             b. costs
7. His job is great because he ___ a lot of people.                            a. meet                        b. meets
8. He always ___ his car on Sundays.                                              a. wash            b. washes
9. My watch is broken and it ___ to be fixed again.                                    a. need                        b. needs
10. I ___ to watch movies.                                                               a. love             b. loves
11. I ___ to the cinema at least once a week.                                   a. go                b. goes
12. They never ___ tea in the morning.                                            a. drink           b. drinks
13. We both ___ to the radio in the morning.                                  a. listen           b. listens
14. He ___ a big wedding.                                                               a. want                        b. wants
15. George ___ too much so he's getting fat.                                               a. eat               b. eats
16. The earth ___ round the sun, doesn't it?                                    a. go                b. goes
17. The shops in England ___ at 9:00 in the morning.                     a. open                        b. opens
18. The post office ___ at 5:30 pm.                                                  a. close            b. closes
19. Jackie ___ two children now.                                                     a. has               b. have
20. Mr. Smith ___ too much. He always has a cigarette in his mouth.        a. smoke          b. smokes
21. When the phone ___, please answer it.                                      a. ring              b. rings

II. Uzupełnij.
1. How often ________________ (you go) to the cinema?
2. She ________________ (not/think) that it is a good idea.
3. When ___________________ (he arrive) home in the evenings?
4. They ______________________ (not/live) in New York, they __________________ (live) in Boston
5. We usually _____________________ (take) the subway to work.
6. He _____________ (get up) early on Saturdays.
7. I _________________ (not/believe) in ghosts.
8. The store __________________ (close) at 9 pm.
9. I'm a Polish teacher and I ____________________ (work) at school.
10. He _______ (like ) football very much and he ________________ (play) it very often.
11. They're English and they ____________ (live ) in London.
12. It _____________ (rain) a lot here and I ______________ (hate) this weather.
13. She usually _______________(go) to work by car because it's the fastest way to get there.
14. I never ______________ (eat) breakfast. I ______________ (prefer) to wait until lunch.
15. Tom often _______________ (watch) television because he's got his own TV.
16. My parents seldom _______________ (stay) at home on Saturday evening as they usually _____________ (go out)
with their friends.
17. Kate _____________ (hale) two cats and she ________________ (love) them a lot.
18. My husband is a clerk and He ______________ (finish) work at 5 o'clock every day.
19. The shops in Poland usually ______________ (open) at 10 a.m. and I think it's the right time.
20. I always _______________ (drink) coffee in the morning because it ______________ (wake ) me up.

III. Uzupełnij podanym słownictwem.

break    on    on    brush    by    does    does    finishes    get    get    go    goes    goes    goes    has    has    have    have  
his    in    past    play    plays    starts    surf    to    until    watch    watches  
Maria's week:
"On weekdays, I _______up at half past seven. I ________a shower, ________my hair and _________dressed. I go to
school _______car. School ______at a quarter _______eight. _______is from quarter past eleven _______quarter to
twelve. School _______at half past two. I _______lunch at three o'clock........."
Carlos' week
"............................Every afternoon, I _______to the gym, I also _______with the computer, _______ TV and _______the
net. _______Saturdays and Sundays I play basketball."
Everyday, he ______his homework and at nine o'clock he ________a shower and ________dinner. Then, he _______to
his bedroom to listen ________music.
Alejandro's week
...............On Saturday, he ______hockey _______the morning. In the evening, he _______to the cinema and _______to
bed at half past one. ________Sunday morning he ________ ________homework and in the evening _________TV.
IV. Ułóż zdania.

1.David / hate / alcohol              _____________________________________________________
2.she / study / every / day         _____________________________________________________
3.never / I / read / a / book        _____________________________________________________
4.Pili and Sofia / like / ice cream          _____________________________________________________
5.go / the disco / to / we / Saturday/ on           ________________________________________________
6.I / drink / sometimes / coffee             _____________________________________________________
7.teacher / my / like / music      _____________________________________________________ / your / friendly / look /         _____________________________________________________ / play / brothers / basketball         _____________________________________________________
10. my sister / parties / enjoy      ________________________________________________________
V. Napisz przeczenia.
1.My cat sleeps 12 hours a day.                       __________________________________________
2.I go to school in the evening.                                    __________________________________________
3.My neighbours buy a new car every year.     __________________________________________
4.My boyfriend dances very well.                   __________________________________________
5.We fry eggs in the microwave.                     __________________________________________
6.I run more than 500 metres in a minute.       __________________________________________
7.Luis likes pop music.                                     __________________________________________
8.My mum watches TV every day.                  __________________________________________
9.People from China speak Russian.                __________________________________________
10.Teachers work hard.                                      __________________________________________

1 Write questions and answers.

1 you / live / Spain? x
2 they / like beer? v
3 you / like / swimming? x
4 they / have / an American car? x
5 they / work / in a Chinese restaurant? v
6 you / speak / Spanish? v
7 they / eat / Italian food? x
2 Read the text and answer the questions. Use short answers.

Lucy and William are married. They are from Canada but they don't live in Canada now.
They live in London. They’re both teachers and they teach in a big school in London. They
live in a nice house in the suburbs of London. They have a German car and a Japanese
computer. Lucy and William like Italian food and wine, and they both speak Italian because
they go to Italy on holiday. They don’t like French food and they don’t speak French. They
play sport. They like football and skiing but they don’t like tennis.
1 Are Lucy and William married?
2 Do they live in Canada?
3 Do they work in London?
4 Do they have a Japanese car?
5 Do they have a Japanese computer?
6 Do they like Italian food?
7 Do they speak Italian?
8 Do they go to France on holiday?
9 Do they like French food?
10 Do they speak French?
11 Do they play sport?
12 Do they like tennis?
3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of a verb.
drink     go (x2)      work     play     speak (x2)     leave (x2)     live     eat     have
1 Jane ____ lunch at a restaurant near her office.
2 Giorgio and Maria ____ out in the evenings.
3 Bruce ______________ home at 7.30 in the morning.
4 Sharon and Richard often ______________ a pizza at home in the evening.
5 I ______________ to work by bus.
6 You never ______________ wine.
7 He ______________ in a small house in Oxford.
8 Clare ______________ work at 6.30 in the evening.
9 You ______________French.
10 They ______________ the piano.
11 She ______________ in a bank.
12 My parents ______________ German and Spanish.
4 Make the sentences negative. Use he, she, or they.
1 Peter gets up at five o’clock.
2 Jack and Jean go to bed early.
3 Jane cooks dinner in the evening.
4 Tom goes to work by bus.
5 Andres and Ana work in an office.
6 Maria has breakfast at eight o’clock.
7 My father lives in Brazil.
8 Keiko works at weekends.
9 My brother wears a uniform at work.
10 He goes to the supermarket every day.
11 Barbara drives to work.
12 He has a lot of free time in the evenings.
13 She watches TV every morning.

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