APQP Phase 1: Feasible Product Can Be Produced As Specified With No Revisions

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APQP Phase 1

Project # Title Customer

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Our advanced quality planning team has considered the following questions in Phase 1
of our APQP process. The documents provided have been used as a basis for analyzing
the ability to meet all specified requirements. All 'NO' answers are supported with attached
comments identifying our concerns and/or proposed changes to enable us to meet
specified requirements.

Yes No Checklist Item

1 Has historical data and experience concerning customer needs been considered?
2 Has full consideration been given to the overall business plan and marketing strategy?
3 Have product/process benchmark data been considered?
4 Have the product/process assumptions been identified and challanged?
5 Have product reliability studies been conducted?
6 Have there ben appropriate customer inputs into the process?
7 Do the design goals reflect the data generated?
8 Do the quality and reliability goals reflect appropriate standards?
9 Is the preliminary bill of materials sufficiently thorough?
10 Does the preliminary process flow chart relate to the primary BOM and
product/process assumptions?
11 Are all special product and process characteristics lited?
12 Does the produxct assurance plan include and outline of program requirements, goals,
factors that may place the program at risk, FMEA, and preliminary enginering
standards requirements?

Feasible Product can be produced as specified with no revisions.

Feasible Changes recommended (See attached)
Not Feasible Design revision required to produce product within specified requirements

Team Member/Title/Date Team Member/Title/Date

Team Member/Title/Date Team Member/Title/Date

Disk File Name: 636690249.xls The Cayman Cove

Print Date: 01/04/2023 16949.com

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