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wheat has practically gone out of cultivation, but barley

southern California in which co-operation has made possible

but these merely attracted to him the favourable attention

the same manoeuvres, combined with constant "tapping" at

crushing of which in the following year established Adelaide's

AMPHITRITE, in ancient Greek mythology, a sea-goddess,

ABATEMENT IN LITIGATION. In civil proceedings, no action

Alexander now went on through the mountain belt, teaching the

are said (though the statement is doubtful) to have been

may now be traced. By the convention of the 14th of February

or English currency in France. The balance of trade between

the words which we have borrowed from French into English

and the first of Evans's ``Minoan'' periods (see CRETE).

known as the Tavole Amalfitane, was recognized in the

observed or not; and it was with the intention of definitely

not only a strong religious impulse, but a store of tales of

him to undertake banking. The Spanish government gave him

Utrecht, bestowed the fief on his brother, Guy of Hainaut.

of Conradin, the last of the Hohenstaufen, promising him

world, for the eyes of all nations were now turned with fear

unsuitable for an ancient city, and does not at all answer to

provinces in Spain are inhabited by so laborious, active and

deacon of the church of St Bartholomew at Liege, his native

definite article al, and maliakh, a word of uncertain

Borgia's daughter Lucrezia (see BORGIA, LUCREZIA) lived with

Whittier: Holmes: Lowell.

Total resistance . . . . . . . .= 40.38

specially marked in the great central highlands between Kabul

throughout his life, and even produced two works called

mechanical tools and intellectual apparatus as demanded by

printing and bleaching works of the vicinity, for which there

a characteristic smell; they are soluble in water and are


Michel, La question d'Ethiopie (Paris, 1905). (F. R. C.)

desirable, and it is a mark of change within recent years

Boker (1823-1890) and Thomas Buchanan Read (1822-1872), won

and the districts at its head, yet this is the shortest and

influences, however, began to reassert themselves in the Nile

extract has also been used, but without marked success,

a ``Convention to Regulate Commerce and Navigation.'' Soon

number of authors of the highest excellence have, from

council are amusingly taken to task by the demon Leviathan.

the extension of wide geographical surveys on a scientific

succession to the earlier imitations of English 18th-century

Piz Platta . . . . . . . . . . 11,109 Pizzo della Duana. . . . . . . . 10,279

and pressing cotton. Other industries include the manufacture

was destroyed; Norwich and Thetford in 1004. No effectual

works belong rather to learning than to literature. The same

third time, but the seals were not restored to him till ten

the leading position, but by 1905 the output--in that year

greater practical importance or which demands more careful

the university of Edinburgh at the age of fourteen, and four

if the Admiralty Board is responsible through the first lord

decree of the 20th of June 1866. For the war with Abyssinia

in England, the ``instance,'' jurisdiction of the admiralty

who had been captured by the Spaniards, died a prisoner at

prebends he resigned in 1528 on his election as archbishop of

more the case with peas. The mangel crop also is mainly

potent influence on the course of the Reformation. When the

such a process as an abrasion or excoriation of the skin. In

from whose building Ellsworth had removed a Confederate

and nickel are types, can be readily won or purified by the

once. Snow falls on all the higher mountain ranges, and on

forts along his coast and strengthening his castles in the

poets. Of his numerous works there remain to us only a few

Although the hieromnemones of the Thessalians, who held the

Ampsaga as far as Cyrenaica. The much more detailed list of

use of hydrogen gas, there are anticipations that must be

the new charter granted by King William which made property

pasture since the 1st Elizabeth shall be again converted into

business houses are to be found in Great Britain, and a

first in Seville, and when the Guadalquivir was found

conceded. By this convention the complete success of the

In the first draft of the new Institute, October 25, 1795, no

a certain number of elders or voivodes (Albanian kru-y'e,

wet. The vapour-laden sea air blowing landward against the

result in the offspring. One apparent exception to this rule

is held annually in September, and extends over several

Africa. Upon the discovery of the truth, Boniface, although

continued through four or five months of the summer and autumn.

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