02.01.23 Senior Paper

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Date: 02.01.2023 CODE: 100884.

0 SET – A

FIITJEE Internal test

Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks: 300

A. Questions paper format :

i) This question paper consists of 3 sections (Section 1 – Maths, Section 2 – Physics &
Section 3 - Chemistry) Each Section has 2 parts: PART – A, PART – D

ii) PART – A contains 20 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 choices a, b, c and d, out of
which single answer correct.

iii) PART – D contains 10 questions. Answer any 5 of these questions. The answer to each of the
question is an integer; the answer should be rounded off to the nearest integer. Answer as
numerical value – xxxx.00

B. Marking scheme :
i) For each question in PART- A you will be awarded 4 Marks if you have darkened only the bubble
corresponding to the correct answer and zero mark if no bubble is darkened. In all other cases, minus
one (-1) mark will be awarded.

ii) For each question in PART- D, you will be awarded 4 marks if you give answer corresponding to the
correct one and zero mark if no answer is given. In all other cases, minus one (-1) mark will be


-31 -19
Mass of an electron (m) = 9.1 x 10 kg Charge of an electron (e) = 1.6 x 10 coulombs
23 -34
Avogadro’s Number (Na) = 6.023 x 10 Planck’s constant (h) = 6.626 x 10 Js
1 Faraday = 96500 Coulomb 1 Calorie = 4.2 joule
Atomic Masses: Cr = 52, Mn = 55, Fe = 56, Co = 59, Ni = 58.7, Cu = 63.5, Zn = 65.4, As = 75, Br = 80,
Kr = 83.8, Ag = 108, Sn=118.6,I = 127,Xe = 131, Ba = 137,Au= 197, Pb = 207, U=238

Enrollment No. :

Batch : ______________________________________________________________________________________

Name : ______________________________________________________________________________________
SENIORS F5 REV MAIN PT-6 SET – A Date: 02-01-23


1. If Z  , then find Z 14 :
3  4i
a) 2 7 b)  2   
c) 27 i  
d) 27 i

2.  cot
x .cosec8 x dx is equal to
cosec8 x cosec6 x sin 6 x sin8 x
a)  c b)  c
8 6 6 8
cos8 x sin8 x
c)  c d) None
8 8

x4  1 1  1 1 3
3. If  x 6  1 dx  A tan  x  x   B tan x  C , then
a) A  B  b) A is prime number
c) A is composite number d) B is a natural number

4.  tan
x  dx , where  .  denotes the greatest integer function.

a) 10   tan1 b) 5   tan 1 c) 5  tan1 d) 10   tan1

18  x 2 
5. 0  x 2  36 x  324   x2  dx is equal to
   
a) 0 b) 1 c) 9 d) 7
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ROUGH WORK -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

FIITJEE VIZAG Centre, #49-52-5, Santhipuram, Sankaramatam Road, Visakhapatnam-530016 Ph:0891-2555501,02,03

FIITJEE VIZAG Centre # 1-9-4, 1-9-4/2 to 1-9-4/5, Sector-1, MVP Colony, Visakhapatnam – 530 017. Ph:0891-2555501,02,03
SENIORS F5 REV MAIN PT-6 SET – A Date: 02-01-23

Let f  x  be a differentiable function such that f  x   x   et f  x  t  dt . Then 2


a) f  x  is decreasing in    ,  2  and 0,  

b) f  x  is increasing in   2, 0 
c) f 1 
d) f 1 

7. Let f  x    and g  x  be inverse of f  x  then
0 1 t3
a) 2 g "  g b) 2 g "  3g 2 c) 3g "  2g 2 d) 3g "  g 2

8. The value of lim 3 t 2 cos5 t dt is equal to
x  0 x  x  sin x  

a) 0 b) c) 2 d) 5

 /3
9. The value of  ln 1 

3 tan x dx equals

  2 
a) ln 2 b) c) ln 2 d) ln 2
3 3 6 2


10. The value of   2sin x dx , where  .  is GIF

5 5
a)  b)   c) d)  2
3 3

11. The area of the region bounded by y  e x , y  e  x , x  0 and x  1 is

1 4  4 1
a) e  b) log   c) 4 log   d) e   2
e e e e

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ROUGH WORK -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

FIITJEE VIZAG Centre, #49-52-5, Santhipuram, Sankaramatam Road, Visakhapatnam-530016 Ph:0891-2555501,02,03

FIITJEE VIZAG Centre # 1-9-4, 1-9-4/2 to 1-9-4/5, Sector-1, MVP Colony, Visakhapatnam – 530 017. Ph:0891-2555501,02,03
SENIORS F5 REV MAIN PT-6 SET – A Date: 02-01-23

12. The area in the first quadrant between x2  y 2   2 and y  sin x is

 3
 8
 3
 16
 3
 8
4 4 4 2

13. The general solution of  1  x 2  y 2  x 2 y 2 is
a) 2sin 1 y  x 1  y 2  c b) sin 1 y  sin 1 x  c
1 1 1  1 y  x3
c) cos y  x cos x  c d) log    x c
2  1 y  3

14. The solution of the differential equation e x  y  1 dy  cos 2 x  sin 2 x y  dx   0  

subjected to the condition that y  1 when x  0 is
a)  y  1  e x cos 2 x  2 b) y  log y  e x cos 2 x
c) log  y  1  e x cos 2 x  1 d) y  log y  e x cos 2 x  2

15. The solution of the differential equation y 2 dx  x 2  xy  y 2 dy  0 is  

1  x 1 x
a) tan    ln y  C  0 b) 2tan    ln x  C  0
 y  y

c) ln y  x 2  y 2  ln y  C  0  
d) ln x  x 2  y 2  C  0 
16. If y  t  satisfies the differential equation y '  t   2 y  t   2 e 2t , y  0   2 then y 1 
3 3 4 4
a) b) 2 c) d) 2
e e e e

17. The general solution of the differential equation 1  x2 y 2 dx  y dx  x dy is

a) sin  xy   x  c b) sin 1  xy   x  c c) sin  x  c   xy d) sin  xy   x  c

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ROUGH WORK -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

FIITJEE VIZAG Centre, #49-52-5, Santhipuram, Sankaramatam Road, Visakhapatnam-530016 Ph:0891-2555501,02,03

FIITJEE VIZAG Centre # 1-9-4, 1-9-4/2 to 1-9-4/5, Sector-1, MVP Colony, Visakhapatnam – 530 017. Ph:0891-2555501,02,03
SENIORS F5 REV MAIN PT-6 SET – A Date: 02-01-23

18. A population grows at the rate of 10% of the population per year. How long does it take
for the population to double?
a) 2 loge 10 years b) 20 loge 2 years c) 10 loge 2 years d) 5 loge 2 years

19. If z be a complex number satisfying Re  z   Im  z   2 , then z cannot be

a) 2 b) c) 3 d) 5

20. If  ,  are roots of x 2  2 x  4  0 then the value of    2020 is
a) 22020 b) 22020 c) 22021 d) 22021


3 2
 1 x 1 x  1 
1. If the value of  tan  tan  dx is equal to k then  k  
1 
x2  1 x 
(where  x  is GIF)

n I10
2. Let I n   1  x5   dx then
 55 

3. If area bounded by the curves y  2 x , x  y  1  0 and x – axis is k then 3k =

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ROUGH WORK -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

FIITJEE VIZAG Centre, #49-52-5, Santhipuram, Sankaramatam Road, Visakhapatnam-530016 Ph:0891-2555501,02,03

FIITJEE VIZAG Centre # 1-9-4, 1-9-4/2 to 1-9-4/5, Sector-1, MVP Colony, Visakhapatnam – 530 017. Ph:0891-2555501,02,03
SENIORS F5 REV MAIN PT-6 SET – A Date: 02-01-23

4. If area formed by the set of points satisfying 2  y  x  1  2 is k then 3k =

5. If z  3i  5 then the maximum value of i  z  1  1 is

6. If Z  4  Z  4  10 , then the difference between the maximum and the minimum

values of Z is:

7.  
The integral I   sin  x 2   2 x 2 cos  x 2  dx  x H  x   C , (where C is the constant of
integration). If the range of H  x  is  a, b  , then the value of a  2b is equal to

8. Let e  x 2 dx  f  x  e x  C (where C is the constant of integration). The range of
f  x  as x  R is  a,   . The value of a is

 sin y 
9. The value of   2
dy  (where  x  is greatest integer function) is
  1  tan y 

10. If An   sin x dx,  n  N , then  r 1
Ar is equal to

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ROUGH WORK -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

FIITJEE VIZAG Centre, #49-52-5, Santhipuram, Sankaramatam Road, Visakhapatnam-530016 Ph:0891-2555501,02,03

FIITJEE VIZAG Centre # 1-9-4, 1-9-4/2 to 1-9-4/5, Sector-1, MVP Colony, Visakhapatnam – 530 017. Ph:0891-2555501,02,03
SENIORS F5 REV MAIN PT-6 SET – A Date: 02-01-23

1. A metallic shell has a point charge ‘q’ kept inside its cavity. Which one of the
following diagrams correctly represents the electric lines of forces ?

a) b)

c) d)

2. A spherical portion has been removed from a solid

sphere having a charge distributed uniformly in its
volume as shown in the figure. The electric field inside
the emptied space is

a) zero everywhere b) non-zero and uniform

c) non-uniform d) zero only at its centre

3. An electric dipole is formed by two equal and opposite charges q with separation d. The
charges have same mass m. It is kept in a uniform electric field E. If it is slightly rotated
from its equilibrium orientation, then its angular frequency  is :
qE 2qE qE qE
a) b) c) 2 d)
md md md 2md
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ROUGH WORK -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

FIITJEE VIZAG Centre, #49-52-5, Santhipuram, Sankaramatam Road, Visakhapatnam-530016 Ph:0891-2555501,02,03

FIITJEE VIZAG Centre # 1-9-4, 1-9-4/2 to 1-9-4/5, Sector-1, MVP Colony, Visakhapatnam – 530 017. Ph:0891-2555501,02,03
SENIORS F5 REV MAIN PT-6 SET – A Date: 02-01-23

4. An electric field of 1000 V/m is applied to an electric dipole at angle of 45o . The value
of electric dipole moment is 1029 cm. What is the potential energy of the electric
a) 20  1018 J b) 7  10 27 J c) 10  1029 J d) 9  1020 J

 r
5. A solid ball of radius R has a charge density  given by   0 1   for
 R
0  r  R . The electric field outside the ball is :
0 R 3 40 R 3 30 R 3 0 R 3
a) b) c) d)
0r 2 3 0 r 2 40 r 2 120 r 2

6. A particle of mass m and charge q has an initial velocity v  v0 ˆj . If an electric field
 
E  E0iˆ and magnetic field B  B0 iˆ act on the particle, its speed will double after a
2mv0 3mv0 3 mv0 2 mv0
a) b) c) d)
qE0 qE0 qE0 qE0

7. A wheel having mass m has charge +q and –q on

diametrically opposite points. It remains in equilibrium
on a rough inclined plane in the presence of uniform
vertical electric field E. The value of E is :

mg mg mg tan 
a) b) c) d) None
q 2q 2q

8. The equivalent resistance between the points A

and B is :
a)  b) 10 
c)  d) None of these
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ROUGH WORK -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

FIITJEE VIZAG Centre, #49-52-5, Santhipuram, Sankaramatam Road, Visakhapatnam-530016 Ph:0891-2555501,02,03

FIITJEE VIZAG Centre # 1-9-4, 1-9-4/2 to 1-9-4/5, Sector-1, MVP Colony, Visakhapatnam – 530 017. Ph:0891-2555501,02,03
SENIORS F5 REV MAIN PT-6 SET – A Date: 02-01-23

9. A wire has a non-uniform cross-section as shown in

figure. A steady current flow through it. The drift speed
of electrons at points P and Q is vP and vQ

a) vP  vQ b) vP  vQ c) vP  vQ d) data insufficient

10. A galvanometer has a resistance of 20  and reads full-scale when 0.2 V is applied
across it. To convert it into a 10A ammeter, the galvanometer coil should have a
a) 0.01  resistor connected across it
b) 0.02  resistor connected across it
c) 200  resistor connected in series with it
d) 2000  resistor connected in series with it

11. Consider a metal ring kept on a horizontal plane. A bar magnet is

held above the ring with its length along the axis of the ring. If the
magnet is dropped freely the acceleration of the falling magnet is
(g is acceleration due to gravity)
a) more than g b) equal to g
c) less than g d) depend on mass of magnet

12. Two identical inductance carry currents that vary with time
according to linear laws (as shown in figure). In which of two
inductance is the self induction emf greater ?
a) 1 b) 2
c) same d) data are insufficient to decide

13. A semicircular wire of radius R is rotated with constant

angular velocity  about an axis passing through one
end and perpendicular to the plane of the wire. There is a
uniform magnetic field of strength B. The induced emf.
Between the ends is
BR 2
a) b) 2BR 2 c) is variable d) none of these
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ROUGH WORK -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

FIITJEE VIZAG Centre, #49-52-5, Santhipuram, Sankaramatam Road, Visakhapatnam-530016 Ph:0891-2555501,02,03

FIITJEE VIZAG Centre # 1-9-4, 1-9-4/2 to 1-9-4/5, Sector-1, MVP Colony, Visakhapatnam – 530 017. Ph:0891-2555501,02,03
SENIORS F5 REV MAIN PT-6 SET – A Date: 02-01-23

14. A square loop of area 2.5 103 m 2 and having 100 turns
with a total resistance of 100  is moved out of a uniform
magnetic field of 0.40 T in 1 sec with a constant speed.
Then work done, in pulling the loop is

a) zero b) 1 mJ c) 1 J d) 0.1 mJ

15. The magnetic field in a coil of 100 turns and 40 cm 2 an area is increased from 1 tesla to
6 tesla in 2 second. The magnetic field is perpendicular to the coil. The emf generated
in it is
a) 104 V b) 1.2 V c) 1.0 V d) 102 V

16. A charge Q is uniformly distributed over a long rod AB of length L as shown in the
figure. The electric potential at the point O lying at a distance L from the end A is

Q 3Q Q Q ln 2
a) b) c) d)
8 0 L 4 0 L 4 0 L ln 2 4 0 L

17. A charged particle q is placed at the center O of cube

of length L (ABCDEFGH). Another same charge q is
placed at a distance L from O. Then the electric flux
through ABCD is
a) b) zero
4 0 L
q q
c) d)
2 0 L 3 0 L

18. A charged ball B hangs from a silk thread S, which makes an

angle  with a large charged conducting sheet P, as shown in
the figure. The surface charge density  of the sheet is
proportional to
a) cos  b) cot 
c) sin  d) tan 
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ROUGH WORK -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

FIITJEE VIZAG Centre, #49-52-5, Santhipuram, Sankaramatam Road, Visakhapatnam-530016 Ph:0891-2555501,02,03

FIITJEE VIZAG Centre # 1-9-4, 1-9-4/2 to 1-9-4/5, Sector-1, MVP Colony, Visakhapatnam – 530 017. Ph:0891-2555501,02,03
SENIORS F5 REV MAIN PT-6 SET – A Date: 02-01-23

19. Three points charges are placed at the corners of an

equilateral triangle of side L as shown in the figure.
a) The potential at the centroid of the triangle is zero
b) The electric field at the centroid of the triangle is zero
c) The dipole moment of the system is 2 qL
d) The dipole moment of the system is 3 qL

20. In a certain region of space, the potential is given by V  k  2 x 2  y 2  z 2  . The

electric field at (1, 1, 1) has magnitude :
a) k 6 b) 2k 6 c) 2k 3 d) 4k 3


1. A rectangular loop with a sliding connector of length

  1.0 m is situated in a uniform magnetic field
B  2T perpendicular to the plane of loop. Resistance
of connector is r  2  . Two resistance of 6  and
3  are connected as shown in figure. Find the
external force required to keep the connector moving
with a constant velocity v  2 m/s (n newtons)

2. Find out the value of current through 2  resistance for the given circuit

3. In the circuit, the galvanometer G shows zero deflection. If the batteries A and B have
negligible internal resistance, the value of the resistor R will be :

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ROUGH WORK -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

FIITJEE VIZAG Centre, #49-52-5, Santhipuram, Sankaramatam Road, Visakhapatnam-530016 Ph:0891-2555501,02,03

FIITJEE VIZAG Centre # 1-9-4, 1-9-4/2 to 1-9-4/5, Sector-1, MVP Colony, Visakhapatnam – 530 017. Ph:0891-2555501,02,03
SENIORS F5 REV MAIN PT-6 SET – A Date: 02-01-23

4. In the circuit shown the resistance of voltmeter is 10,000

ohm and that of ammeter is 20 ohm. The ammeter
reading is 0.10 amp and voltmeter reading is 12 volt.
Then R is equal to

5. A galvanometer coil has a resistance 90  and full scale deflection current 10mA. A
910  resistance is connected in series with the galvanometer to make a voltmeter. If
the least count of the voltmeter is 0.1 V, the number of divisions on its scale is

6. When magnetic flux through a coil is changed, the

variation of induced current in the coil with time is as
shown in graph. If resistance of coil is 10  , then the
total change in flux of coil will be

7. For a inductor coil L  0.04 H then work done in joules by source to establish a current
of 10A in it is

8. A charged cork of mass m suspended by a light string is

placed in uniform electric field of strength
 
E  iˆ  ˆj  105 NC1 as shown in the figure. If in
equilibrium position tension in the string is then
1 3
angle  with the vertical in degrees is :

9. A battery of internal resistance 4  is connected to the network of resistance as shown.

In order that the maximum power can be delivered to the network, the value of R in 
should be :

10. Electric flux through a surface of area 100 m 2 lying in the x-y plane in a uniform

electric field E  iˆ  2 ˆj  3kˆ N/C in (v-m) is 
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ROUGH WORK -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

FIITJEE VIZAG Centre, #49-52-5, Santhipuram, Sankaramatam Road, Visakhapatnam-530016 Ph:0891-2555501,02,03

FIITJEE VIZAG Centre # 1-9-4, 1-9-4/2 to 1-9-4/5, Sector-1, MVP Colony, Visakhapatnam – 530 017. Ph:0891-2555501,02,03
SENIORS F5 REV MAIN PT-6 SET – A Date: 02-01-23



1. The dipole moment of CH3 X( where X is a halogen) follows the order

a) CH3 F > CH3Cl > CH3 Br b) CH3 F > CH3Cl < CH3 Br
c) CH3 F  CH3 Cl > CH3 Br d) CH3 F  CH3 Cl < CH3 Br

2. Treating iodoform with silver powder gives

a) Ethylene b) Acetylene c) Methane d) Diiodo methane

3. Which of the following compounds undergoes replacement of – Cl by – OH by merely

warming the compound with aqueous NaOH?
Cl Cl
NO 2
a) b)

Cl Cl
NO 2 O2N NO 2

c) d)

NO 2 NO 2

570 K.
The product can be
a) 1- Propanol b) Propanone c) Propanal d) Propene

5 In the Victor – Meyer test, red coloration is shown by.

a) 10 alcohol b) 20 alcohol c) 30 alcohol d) Phenol
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ROUGH WORK -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

FIITJEE VIZAG Centre, #49-52-5, Santhipuram, Sankaramatam Road, Visakhapatnam-530016 Ph:0891-2555501,02,03

FIITJEE VIZAG Centre # 1-9-4, 1-9-4/2 to 1-9-4/5, Sector-1, MVP Colony, Visakhapatnam – 530 017. Ph:0891-2555501,02,03
SENIORS F5 REV MAIN PT-6 SET – A Date: 02-01-23

6. Which of the following statements is not correct?

a) Picric acid is 2,4,6- trinitrophenol
b) Kolbe reaction helps in converting phenol to salicylic acid.
c) Reimer – Tiemann reaction involving phenol and chloroform converts the former
into salicylic acid
d) Phenol gives characteristics colour with FeCl3, This test is due to enol structure

CH2 HI(1eq)
7. products,

The products are

a) PhI + CH3 CH 2 OH b) PhI + CH3 CH3 c) C6 H6 + CH3 CH2 I d) PhOH + CH3 CH 2 I

8. Which of the following is an example of cannizaro reaction?

a) C6 H 5 CHO + CH3 NO2   C6 H5 CH  CHNO2 + H 2 O
b) 2CH 3 COCH 3    CH3 2 CH  CHCOCH 3
c) 2 HCHO +NaOH  CH3 OH + HCOONa
d) C6 H 5 CHO +  CH 3 CO 2 O  C 6 H 5 CH = CHCOOH

i) KMnO4,OH-
(ii) dil.H2SO4

CH 2CH 3
The major product of the above reaction is
a) b)

c) d)


------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ROUGH WORK -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

FIITJEE VIZAG Centre, #49-52-5, Santhipuram, Sankaramatam Road, Visakhapatnam-530016 Ph:0891-2555501,02,03

FIITJEE VIZAG Centre # 1-9-4, 1-9-4/2 to 1-9-4/5, Sector-1, MVP Colony, Visakhapatnam – 530 017. Ph:0891-2555501,02,03
SENIORS F5 REV MAIN PT-6 SET – A Date: 02-01-23

10. Acetophonone differs from aliphatic ketones in that it does not react with
a) HCN b) NaHSO3 c) I2 and NaOH d) NH2OH

11. CH 3 CH 2 COOH + Cl2  P4
 A The product ‘A’ can be:

a) CH3 CH 2 COCl b) CH3 CH 2 CH2 Cl

c) CH 3 CH  Cl  COOH d)

12. Which of the following reactants produces an aldehyde on heating

a) Calcium formate + Calcium benzoate b) Calcium acetate + Calcium benzoate
c) Calcium acetate d) Calcium benzoate

13. The treatment of an ester with LiAlH4 followed by acid hydrolysis produces
a) two alcohols b) two acids c) two aldehydes d) One alcohol and one acid

14. Which of the following sequence of relative rates of alkaline hydrolysis of ester is
a) CH 3 COOC3 H 7 > CH3 COOCH(CH 3 )2 > CH 3COOC  CH 3 3
b) CH 3 COOC3 H 7 < CH3 COOCH(CH 3 )2 < CH 3COOC  CH 3 3
c) CH 3 COOC3 H 7 < CH3 COOCH(CH 3 )2 < CH 3COOC  CH 3 3
d) CH 3 COOC3 H 7 > CH3 COOCH(CH 3 )2 < CH 3COOC  CH 3 3

15. The complete hydrolysis of nitrile produces

a) Acid b) Amide c) Amine d) Ester

16. Which of the following orders is the correct order of basic strength for the amines in
aqueous phase?
a)  CH3  2 NH > CH 3 NH 2 >  CH3 3 N b)  CH 3  2 NH >  CH3 3 N > CH 3 NH 2
c)  CH 3 3 N >  CH 3 2 NH > CH 3 NH 2 d)  CH3 3 N > CH 3 NH 2 >  CH 3  2 NH

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ROUGH WORK -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

FIITJEE VIZAG Centre, #49-52-5, Santhipuram, Sankaramatam Road, Visakhapatnam-530016 Ph:0891-2555501,02,03

FIITJEE VIZAG Centre # 1-9-4, 1-9-4/2 to 1-9-4/5, Sector-1, MVP Colony, Visakhapatnam – 530 017. Ph:0891-2555501,02,03
SENIORS F5 REV MAIN PT-6 SET – A Date: 02-01-23

17. Which of the following amines form n- nitroso derivative when treated with NaNO2and

a) CH3 NH2 b) NH2

c) N d) NH2

18. Hinsberg’s reagent is

a) Phenylisocyanide b) Benzene sulphonyl chloride
c) p-Toluenesulphonic acid d) o- Dichloro benzene.

19. Consider the following compound:


P) Q) R) S)

Br Br Br Br
The order of rate of reaction for SN1 reaction for above compounds will be:
a) S>R>Q>P b)S>Q>R>P c) S>R>P>Q d) S>P>Q>R

20. In the reaction sequence:

Cl 2 / hv alc.KOH/  i  o3
cyclohexane   (x)   (y)    z  (z) will be
 ii  Zn / H 2 O
a) Hexanal b) 2-Hexanone c) 3- Hexanone d) Hexane dial

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ROUGH WORK -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

FIITJEE VIZAG Centre, #49-52-5, Santhipuram, Sankaramatam Road, Visakhapatnam-530016 Ph:0891-2555501,02,03

FIITJEE VIZAG Centre # 1-9-4, 1-9-4/2 to 1-9-4/5, Sector-1, MVP Colony, Visakhapatnam – 530 017. Ph:0891-2555501,02,03
SENIORS F5 REV MAIN PT-6 SET – A Date: 02-01-23

O a

a PCl5 b NaNH2 c CH3I

1. X Y

(1 Mole) C

If a,b and c are the number of moles of PCl5, NaNH2 and CH3I used in this reaction,
then 1000a + 100 b + 10 c =


2. CH3OH

X = Total number of substitution and elimination products. The value of 2x =

3. Let X: Number of carbonyl compounds (including stereoisomers) having the molecular

formula C4H8O
Let Y: Number of cyclic alcohols( including stereoisomers) possible for the molecular
formula C4H8O
Calculate the product XY =

4. If (dl) or    2-methyl butanoic acid were esterified by the reaction with (dl) or    2-
butanol, how many optically active compounds would be present in the final
equilibrium mixture
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ROUGH WORK -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

FIITJEE VIZAG Centre, #49-52-5, Santhipuram, Sankaramatam Road, Visakhapatnam-530016 Ph:0891-2555501,02,03

FIITJEE VIZAG Centre # 1-9-4, 1-9-4/2 to 1-9-4/5, Sector-1, MVP Colony, Visakhapatnam – 530 017. Ph:0891-2555501,02,03
SENIORS F5 REV MAIN PT-6 SET – A Date: 02-01-23

5. Formaldehyde on treatment with NH3 forms hexamethylenetetramine

Let P: Number of fused chair conformations in hexamethylenetetramine.
Q: Number of C-C bonds in hexa methylene tetramine. Calculate PQ

6. Malonic acid on heating to nearly 450K produces 2 compounds ‘A’ and ‘B’. ‘A’
dissolves in lime water and result in the formation of a white precipitate. The
precipitate disappears when excess of A is passed through the lime water. What is the
mass percentage of carbon in ‘B’?

7. In the given reaction:

(i) H+ / H2O
(ii) KMnO4,H+

(iii) Ph Mg Br
(iv) H2O Major Product
(v) H+, heat
The number of Sp2 hybridized carbons in the compound ‘X’ is ___________

8. In gaseous trimethyl amine, the “C-N-C” bond angle is __________degree.

9. Out of all the nitrogen atoms in the following molecule, the percentage of favourable
sites for protonation is _______



10. Consider the following molecule:

Let A: Number of monochlorination products obtained from the above molecule

B: Number of fractional distillation parts obtained on monochlorination of the
given molecule.
Calculate (A+B)2
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ROUGH WORK -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

FIITJEE VIZAG Centre, #49-52-5, Santhipuram, Sankaramatam Road, Visakhapatnam-530016 Ph:0891-2555501,02,03

FIITJEE VIZAG Centre # 1-9-4, 1-9-4/2 to 1-9-4/5, Sector-1, MVP Colony, Visakhapatnam – 530 017. Ph:0891-2555501,02,03

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