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Jasmine Jade Vergara – 8 MOLAVE

sentence Idiomatic Context clues Literal meaning Actual meaning
1. My phone broke Blessing in I have been wasting Something
It is a blessing in
down again. Maybe unexpected
it is a blessing in disguise my time on social costume
media happened and it
disguise. I have
ended up being a
been wasting my
time on social good thing
media applications,

2. Be careful with
our car. It costs It was very
us an arm and a An arm and a Be careful with our expensive
leg. leg car The car costs them
actual arms and legs
3. My older
brother thought My older brother Doing something
that he could get thought that he could He took a bite more
high grades and
He bit more and not being
get high grades and than he can eat and
participate in the than he can able to fulfill it
participate in the chew
varsity team at chew
varsity team at the
the same time. same time
For sure, he
knows that he bit
off more than he
can chew.

4. "Did you
understand what They did’nt
It sounds all “Did you understand understand
he said?"
"I don't know. It greek to me what he said?” what he said.
He is speaking
sounds all Greek
to me, actually."

5. "I dropped
out from the Going back
“I was out of “I dropped out from from
the frying pan the volleyball somewhere bad
training and
and into the training and signed They got out of the to somewhere
signed up for
fire” up for the chess fryingpan and worse
the chess
training.” getting into literal
training, but I
felt like I was fire
out of the frying
pan and into
the fire lately
with these

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