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Class: XII(Artificial Intelligence)

Ch-1 Capstone Project: Common Algorithms and Metrices
Q.1 Why do you need to split the data set into train/test? What are some popular ratios of test/train data
Q.2 Explain with example the various steps followed in cross-validation techniques.
Q.3 What do you understand by time series decomposition and what are its four components?
Q.4 Explain various types of cross-validation techniques. Which of these is the most popular and why?
Q.5 How do you Train/ Test Data splitting in Python? Write the code for the steps to split data set.
Q.6 How do you decide the value of k in K-Fold cross validation? Which are the usual values of k?
Q.7 What do you understand by Confusion Matrix? Explain with the help of an example.
Q.8 Explain the Trade-offs Between Cross-Validation and Train-Test Split methods.
Q.9 Explain the K-Fold cross-validation procedure with scikit library with the help of example.
Q.10 What is meant by Bias and Precision? Explain with the help of an example?
Q.11 Calculate MAPE for the following data set:
Sr. No. Actual Demand Forecasted Demand
1 42 44
2 45 46
3 49 48
4 55 50
5 57 55
6 60 60
7 62 64
8 58 60
9 54 53
10 50 48
11 44 42
12 40 38

Q.12 What is meant by Mean Squared Error (MSE)? Why do we use MSE?
Q.13 What is the difference between Regression and Classification loss function? Explain with examples.
Q.14 Why do we need performance metrics of model quality? List out some of the metrics.
Q.15 What is the difference between Mean Bias Error and Mean Squared Logarithmic Error?
Q.16 Explain the steps to be followed to complete a project.

Q.17 What do you mean by underfitting and overfitting of a model? Explain with example.

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