DuraFlex Calcium Silicate Boards

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corte moore key PA Ae tus el RAISED FLOOR PANEL- ELAVATOR FLOOR CALCIUM SILICATE BOARDS 100% ASBESTOS FREE AMERICAN QUALITY, FLOOR - EAVES FLOOR UNDERLAY ROOF UNDERLAY Contents DuRAtor 2 Tecrricalniemation § Aepleatento eccseccsing 6 Aevleatonte concealed celng 8 Appicoton io ywatiane external 10 pearions Apsteaton to floor uncolay 12 Asploatentoreidance tooing ond rated tora WoringsanaWioranty 16 THersoeration and stoage 18 About VninTusra 19 2 | Duwi ex The colclum siteate board: have been used neatly one hundred years In developed countries with fll applicationsin nteror and exteror designs. win the prominent charactorics such as wateresstanee, fre-prooting sound-nsulation, thermal insulation. calcium sllcate boards increasingly shows is advantages highly sultable for wormness, humity and heavy rainfall in VieInam and has gradually become popular constuction otetiok Recognizng the potential development of calcium sicate boards and {dosrng fo bring the most optimal solutions to customers. Vinn Tuong has lounched te the market one produc! called EXTRA-DURABLE (calelum sllcats boards) wth the thacernark named DURA = DURATox s applied to the exposed calling, concocted collng, oxtornal Patton, underlay, underlay loorng, floor panels and elevator flooring. "= DURAox|s manufactured with the most popular thicknesses boing 3 rm, mm, 45 mm, 6 me, 8 mmm, Fram, 10mm, 12MM and other loves lf thickness ond ses, which con be custom-mase 1 DURAtex's 100% asbestos tree, made fom the envrenmentally trendy natural mtorals ASSURE HEALTH and SAFETY FOR USERS, pu a+ *@ Posland cement —_slleasond Comoe Cellulose toer \wite she commiiment of 60 years warranty, being 100% osbestos tee, ond having perfect smoother surface than other products, Duratiex expected ee sas to always bring satisfaction to uses. DURMox complied with: gas G=s ext Amn sgt Hiep Phu Corporation eos Fhe Caner ‘etree BEING HIGHSCREW WITHDRAWAL STRENGTH SAG RESISTANCE BRIGHT, FLAT, a ‘SMOOTH SURFACE - Il TERMITE AND PEST RESISTANCE SPECIFICATIONS DURAMex wih high curobilty I suitable or wet areas with diferent appllctions, depending on thickness os follows: TECHNICAL INFORMATION CHARACTERISTICS VALUE STANDARDS Density 1.35 -1.45 g/ em? ASIMCII8S: Fre resstonce (1) Uunovtemmable 85.476 port Sprecaing index of fame = 0 CONE EET Spreading index of smoke <5 SS ecard aan ee ; west ceosy sen Pear states os . a — . a ree . = oy ora Tener Duwyizr| 5 6 | DUR ie: ay ae a fe ec a ei y985 of designs or pasted with PVE to the best choice ‘or end users 4 1 Atte competing, the instalation of exporod celng ern system continues 1 lay Ine tls boots lsedy cut In the way select forthe ame system. The specications offen used forthe exposed ling oe os follows: Frome sysiom «610x610 mm 610 1220 60x EOD 60x 1200 men Sze of Hes 605%406mm 05x 1BImen——G9SASAS erm 59H 119M 1 Modumibod hat he celng syst boos when hang he dacorate ks: Thickness Maxenum toonkkaim) Accesories “sy Treinen Moxenumtcaatigim ____Aewossoes_ m 35mm 25 Gol anchor folt anchor aa = Bak anchor am 7 Bol anchor 1 For the best performance of celng system, we recommend Duratlex tobe used with Vinh Tuang coling tomes. = P ‘ — 1 96) wast done \ \ HELLOSPRING \ rr = \ ons WANTING doco" | ‘Nos ae WRHTUONG docor" Faswonr oe late Sion \ oe VINHTUONG decom ‘cana —— DURAMox boards have high durablty, righ tre resstonc ‘concealed caling and celing plaster. which can be cut, ho) For concealed celing yems veicn us DURAexbootck or ecty fo combine wih dere ‘ype ot decoraive iii Seestecbeautulageh ao Fe 1 Maxirum load coling system can stand when hanged with the decorative Fah Tekness Meru oad gin? Accesories _ miner 10 Bott anchor got anchor 1 For tho best performance of celing system, we recommend Duratex to 5° Used with Vinh Tueng ceilng rames ano < re * 8 | DuRv i \Wnen instaling DURAex boards for concealed cong boards must be installed staggered to fevold cracking. Attach the DURAMIex boards to the conceaied frame system occording to the ‘allowing qudetines: ‘A, DRILLING SCREWS AND FIXING BOARDS: 1 Scrowing The spacing from comers to screws is 60 mn, Cond the spacing ftom edges fe scrows is more thon 12 ram. The gop between scrows: + Coling Isom of tho edge & 240mm ind, Using MB. 25mm screws fr mm Boer, + Drywalt 200m a tho eiga& Sor sito, Using MBS x 28mm scrows for -lOmm boards & MI. x ‘aren sows fot Von, + floor: 200mm ot the 8099 & 300mm nse. Using 1M. nm sella eres 1 Fring she beara! Before joinng the join: the gap between ends of bores is 4 Celing & ckywatl: 23mm ++ loot: $n Examples: drywall [cee —_ ae ir 8 DETAIL A ‘ ae B, HOW TO JOIN THE GAP BETWEEN THE FLAT JOINTS 1 Stop 1: + Fil he thin gop between the boards wih DURAtex Joint Compound + Plaster the screw heads with jont-orocesing powder m step 2 + Alter 6h, ll another layer of DURAtEK Joint CCompoune of around 75ren then paste @ paper ope (aready soaked with wate: on the layer of powder just fle in. Usng the rowel to press ond strongly push tne recerty-posted (with proper strength) to press the layer of powder Underneath to spread to both edges of the paper tape + Ploster me screw heads forthe second te. Step 3 Cover the surface of the recerily plastered paper ope witha layer of powder, to make tis layer of powder ofuly cover the whole surface of the paper tae. m step + Ator 20min, plaster the nex layer of DURAToX Joint Compound of around 125mm thickness on Paper tape. + Alor drying, plaster the lost leyor of around 175mm thickness. + Using scrapooper to smooth scrap the surface. Step 5: Fishing & painting DURAMtexdrywallboards are used to cr proof. tre-proot and can replace brck/ct ‘fo add to the lighter stucture, to so balding projects Use Vinh Tuong V-WALL or VinhTuong V-SHAFT and other functionalsuch as soundtinsulated, thermal Insulation and fee-prooting walls with adcftional elnforcements depending on the funetions. Wh the good waterproof capacity and sultailty for harsh cimate conedtions, DURAfox boards aro for tho external paritions or In the heavily hurd areos such as ktchen, battzoom, sound, ‘and cold - storage warehouses. For the best performance of drywall system, we recommend DUYAex le be used wih Vinh Tuong a-ywall ares DRYWA To | DURAVfex PERSPECTIVE OF DRYWALL SYSTEM FOR WET AREAS. Boing cble to instal anchors into walls used Tohang neavy things with the load as below: Peat) oer koa ean) ocanote 1 soll DURAox boar int tho wal tame sysiom accorcing to guidotnesin tern A,Poge 9 |= How tojoln the jon forthe arywaisystom: 0. The flat jane b. Creating engroves 6. Embossed border curs 1 ty ttn 1. tang. conceg 2 Duwnlor made ne 1 Spit by mou. ate ot 3 Site 3 katt sare = of 1 am he tt ort accaang soar hr age P 1 Thon completing the wallsurface by painting sticking to the decorative paper. hstaling wood ‘or ile. (For humid areas such as bathyooms. the coating es are recommended) \Wnen instaling with DURAex boards at the door, and ‘he window, the cut width should not be larger thon 100 12 | DuRAfiex DUiAter Soom eter amentnng win ong conustoninesrerpewe he Prost ee eae ee eae = Boing used os ining for wood floating and He 4eodng. for constructions such os Festauron's, towers, race centers, anc resicentil houses. om Bosk ex boards Bren - mm can be Used To Undetlay the eoves concrete root sictures, THE STRUCTURE OF UNDERLAY SYSTEM: u i i i 1 2 ‘3. Undertaying foam 4 Wood 14 | DuRAffex DUPAsexboates have types af cxnessISimm, 18mm wih hard sustece and hign weigh led copectty. re applied to the ralsed floor panel for works = _Repating, exzancing works reques low weigh lood copoety andi no infuenes on the ‘extting loading capacity of concrete toting cine basement Works that require quick nsaltion time ond soving-cos" such os oc, Hade canter bulings, worhops, house. |= Flooring for stas 0 elevators. Instoll DURATiox boarcs Into the flooring orl eccotcing to Guidelines in tem A, Page 9 ‘Afforfrishing the irsallation: using tug. coating wood lotto. 10 complote the sutace on your dernanc, LOADING CAPACITY LOADING CAPACITY ¢kg/m’) pont err) GIR uRamex —DURAFO ome Weare CURA Empat WonsGepe Mier Si eaten ae 200 «300 mm ae soa 200 400 ves sacs sas uaa 400 409 vrs asa wis mot 200x600 vee meat ven tate 00 809 vos tere pesos coo x00 maa oon coax 200 sas ne we wo oma 400 200 scons vas sor t20 20 180 Duryiz | 15 ‘THE WARRANTY PROCESS OF VINH TUONG 1 Vinh Tuong wil examine, check, and conduct the waranty according fo the regulations tthe panels havo some fous by manufacturing process or durabilty oss within the warranty limit. Vinh Tuang wil overcome by repaiiing. replacing those products wth a quantity equal to he confirmed broken quanti. 1 The decision to compensate (f any) is @ unicteral eckson by Vinh Tuong, and there Isne negotiation. THE CONDITIONS OF USE Bofore constructing, the panels must be proserwed In dry ond clean areos. use pallets accoraing *o Insiuctions, avoid damages caused by cain and ‘excossve humieity. fn transporations, Keo tho panels ‘tom collaing, boing soratened, or broken in ony ports before anc ater constructing, CConsituct the panels according to the vallé fecommendations ond regulations trom Vinh ‘Tuong atthe tine of working. Be compan’ to the ppenciples mn the Technicol Handbook which s publshea Widely at the Delvery Centers and on Vinh Tuong’s website www.vinntuong.com, All types of panels must be conducted ot the creas having appropriate conctions of temperature ond humicly. The lempercture in the working envronmant must not be over S00, and tho relative humitty (RH) nt over 97% when constructing he products. Working in the enveonmental conditions where there Is ne water no det or increct water-absorberts ‘tom the oround sources, not even condensation oF leak ‘tom the pipes. or steam that may touch the panels or ccallng ond portion structures. Donot use the panelsos mater or other purposes. Uso the panok wih thor thickness osecornmendedt bby Vinh Tuong and we fares and cocesores os high quatty os Vinn Tong's standlora. Donotusethespaceabove the cellng.cellng paras 10s places fer ploes suppiying gos fo he bulaing. Do not use the celng as place to hang drecty a erp system or machanical and slectical devices. ‘CONDITIONS THATTHE WARRANTY IS INAPPLICABLE: VnhTuongisnotresponsibletocttera warranty fortheclamages No warranty for the products constructed dtferenty trom Nowarrenty tor ne damages caused by water condensation, ppattions, The causes may ekide, but not Imitad to, bulking cconstuctions, water leak, condensation, le eficlent operation ‘of mechanical retigeration unis, and other causes Impacting rectly ond causing witness the surface of the panels 4° waranty n case of force majeure such as es, explosions, extemal factors, vibration, anc normal wear LIMITS OF THE WARRANTY | Merona bt tn 0 yon: tna ansocae ote. The menufacture date & printed on the bec cconstcting, replacing, and disposing: charges of o Cchorges of workers, ransportation fees of france and foes of ‘oth rsponsibitios diferent om the ones mentioned above, ot ‘occurring by ony other causes 3" ‘Tuong just only offers the warranty forts products, anc not any stat. delvery centers, dealers could add other terms to tis paley of woxranty HOW TO GET THE WARRANTY? INlsnecessary to send @ document fo announce the faults within 30 days since the day fouls ere detected to the Department of Complaint Resoluton: The head office of VINH TUONG Industial Corporation - M Floor, PC Building, 1489 Nguyen Van Linh Steet, Phu My Hung Ward, Distt 7, HEME, Hanol Branch Ofice: 14h Foor, ULAMA 10 Tower, Te Huu St, Nam TuLlem Dist, Hanol City Hottne: 18001218 Durvici jaz 18 | DURMfex STORAGE To ovola the breakage ond ‘damage unonimpact. DURAMex boatds ore Kept In the best concitions. Nectly stock the boards on the pole. ‘wrap 4 como with aluminum bars certon with the asic ‘wrapping and fx win plastic bells Pu! polets vertically one obove onother with the: Wrong roximur neight of 2m awry ttc LOADING/ UNLOADING To erie thet OUR&ox boards aro loadea/untoadad by ight methods, VinnTuong’s locdingjunloadng guidelines must be kept. Ut the DURAtlex board from the midale of the boord ses. Aways bing the boards Vertically while moving during ‘the process of hanating. “etnsortboteoswahoreromal. A pot of the pile Is not ‘covered by plastic fm. treed tape doen Panera x - TRANSPORTATION It's encouraged to use Fora fo bring Up ond down the boards fom franspertetion means or move palle's rom one place to enother \when transporting Sy truck, containers 1 Reinforce pallets on tucks/conteiers fo ovoldsteing and collating together during rarsportation tims. 1 IFtronspottes by ruck, here should be cover to protect ‘the boars fom ran and wind. Founded in 197, Vinh Long nesta! Corporation vin Tueng) 8 he ‘tet companyin Vietnam hmanutoeturhg ana suppiving product suchas susoendes colng ames, wltames onc decorative cllngt to replace Viera, prow: the total cong and ywasoliions, wh the growth late of 600% in the past yeas. he whe system of management anc production acriever hleratinal Standort 10 901 20 ond wor ‘waranty. inh Tuangishanered te be awardedtIne National ald Quolty and he op 10 compares producing constuction mater and top 250, op Phu Fectry (HPC) Is he ta factory te menutactue cole | scare boctde wih no aber In Vietnam, nvastas by Vinh Tuong. on 9 big scale. using the ackanced wold techncloay wih branc-neme ‘he factry with the ttalerea of 2000, ad the proaueton capacity ot # millon majyear, HPCs nvestaa wih more than 290 bon VND wih ‘pe moder Intemational manufactuing fechreloay proces. wit 180 actery ensues products reaching the ternational tandotas ASTM = crganzoton In HPC, DURAox Boor ore manwactuzed wih medem Autoclave technol, which koops seaming he produc! fr along tine. The Nh tempsia'ue ond high presi helps fo stabiza and irove the long: {am curcblly andsoisis re axpacteato sary comands he more HC wih he advantage I prosiced locally and combined wih ho Wide dstburion notwor of Vit Tuang, cays Five the upp alls Setisty the bast and fstst orders to woks and needs of rosdonce in tales inthe county, 100% ASBESTOS FREE END-USER SUPPORTING TOOLS: Downioad at acnntion contin QO) Fenee i Tuona'ssystem orc SOUTHERN AREA eM. Tome a9 nage Yan Li tot. 7 HOME ral Fao 377026 stn ete oRTHERW AREA nr 1 lt LLAMA 1 Tome, Toast. Nam Tu Leni Hic sivas THton aes 08 Far) 3856685 oe vissnearone 4 chin be Root Singapore 18018 Tot 6) 858188 80901 ‘TechwicaL consutrant~ rou Free: 1800 1218. t4 VITO TOTAL CEILING & DRYWALL SOLUTION FAST500 mB Ly in Ty) Tan sae SAITO NETWORK SOUTHERN AREA 229 Ten Tans, Word 1, i. 18, HOME TWEo) 065 450 Fax 0) 286 275 9 Won Com 2 cam Le Dit, Dn hy 2 Tag Son Hab, Warp Bi Ps, Th Due Dt, Hoe a on ar7 a8 a 0037272504 ter sh Couples te Du Te Nerincorng, Tle Hao "op aes et6 Fa (4) 788 Ta For more information, plas ist ou west For ostmsurons

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