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The area on earth which exhibits high species richeness as well as high species endemism and are

under constant threat are termed as hotspots.

to qualify as a hotspot a region must satisfy the following conditions

1. must support 1500 endemic plant species that is 0.5 % of global total.
2. Must have lost more than 70% of its original habitat.

There are 34 hotspots of biodiversity at global level out of which the following are present in India
extending into neighbouring countries.

1. Western ghats & eastern himalayas.

These areas are not only rich in flowering plants but also in relative amphibians amongst 1 billion
people that live in this hotspots areas and many of these areas also suffer from over exploitations
of land due to excessive aggriculture, hunting, grazing and climate change. This hotspots are in
need of sincere conversation action.

2. Endangered and endemic species

endemic species are species native and confined to a certain region most species are rare and
restricted because of their ecological requirements are only met over a small area because they are
not capable of dispersing great distance to other suitable habitats for eg Nilgiri hills

Critically Endangered species => When species is facing an extremely high risk of extension in the
wild in immediate future.

Endangered Species => When species are facing a high risk of extension in the immidiate future.

India contains 215 species of animals considered globally threatened. Eg=> Asian Elephant,White

They are provided with legal protection because their population is decreasing very rapidly.

Extinct Species => When there is no reasonable doubt that last individual has died the species is
said to be extinct.

Vulnerable Species => When species is not endangered or critically endangered but is facing high
risk of extension in the near future.

Rare and threatened Species => They are not endanagered but have very small population in the
world. T.S may become extinct if not protected , includes rare vulnerable and endangered species.

Threat to Biodiversity

-> Habitat degredation or loss

-> Pollution
-> Over expolitation of resources
-> Invasion of alien species/ non- native species
-> poaching of wildlife
Poaching => Illegal hunting of animals for personal benifits.

Global Environment Changes

We can stop poaching by reporting poaching incidents encouraging effective law enforcement ,
spreading awareness about importance of wildlife and refusing to purchase products that have been
illegally obtained from animals.

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