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Edexcel transactional writing tasks

Answer one question.


1. Write a speech for a school assembly encouraging your peers to raise funds for a charity.

[40 marks]

In your speech you could:

 state why the organisation is such a good cause

 describe ways you and your peers could raise funds
 explain the impact your contribution might have.


2. Write an article for your school newspaper exploring the importance of safety during
adventurous activities.
[40 marks]

In your article you could write about:

 the different ways we might find ourselves in dangerous situations

 how we could prepare for an unexpected event which might put us in danger
 what benefits might come out of facing challenging situations.

Answer one question.


1. Write the words for a presentation encouraging your peers to be more understanding of each
other’s values and cultural backgrounds.
[40 marks]

In your presentation you could:

 state why it is important to be understanding of people’s differences

 describe ways you could develop a more understanding attitude to those around you
 explain the impact such a change might have on society.


2. Write a letter to your headteacher encouraging him/her to allow you to create a special
event to celebrate how differences within the school can unite us.
[40 marks]

In your letter you could write about:

 why it is important to celebrate people’s differences

 the different celebratory activities that could take place and their significance
 what benefits might come out of this kind of event.

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