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5. AIM

A solenoid is a type of electromagnet when the purpose is to generate a
controlled magnetic field. If the purpose of the solenoid is instead to impede changes
in the electric current, a solenoid can be more specifically classified as an inductor
rather than an electromagnet. In engineering, the term may also refer to a variety of
transducer devices that convert energy into linear motion. The term is also often used
to refer to a solenoid valve, which is an integrated device containing an
electromechanical solenoid which actuates either a pneumatic or hydraulic valve, or
a solenoid switch, which is a specific type of relay that internally uses an
electromechanical solenoid to operate an electrical switch; for example, an
automobile starter solenoid, or a linear solenoid, which is an electromechanical
solenoid. Solenoid bolts, a type of electronic-mechanical locking mechanism, also
exist. Solenoid is the generic term for a coil of wire used as an electromagnet. It also
refers to any device that converts electrical energy to mechanical energy using a
solenoid. The device creates a magnetic field from electric current and uses the
magnetic field to create linear motion. Common application ofsolenoids is to power
a switch, like the starter in an automobile, or a valve, such as in a sprinkler system.
A solenoid consists of a coil and a moving metal rod, also known as amature or
plunger. The operation of solenoids is based on conversion electrical energy into
mechanical energy. and therefore solenoids are being considered as
electromechanically actuators. Normally, the coil is a copper wire wound a tiny pitch
and placed in a metal (iron-based material) case, also known as a C-frame. The C-
frame is a supporting structure that also contributes to the magnetic field produced
by the coil. Applying an electric current to a solenoid coil generates a magnetic field
or flux with intensity proportional to the current. The magnetic field pulls the plunger
in. The reason for the plunger attraction is a ferromagnetic material with high
magnetic permeability, whereas air which has very low magnetic permeability.
Pulling the plunger inside closes the air gap and intensifies the field concentration
inside the solenoid.
Single-solenoidelectric.engine plan

Power is epplied et points Aend B.

The plunger (armature) of the solenoid can only be attracted by the magnetic
field, hence the solenoid can only generate force in one direction. Normally when the
solenoid is in the rest the plunger is kept far from the coil using a spring. However,
solenoid has been used as servo actuator in engine mount application. Arzanpour and
Golnaraghi have replaced the plunger of a solenoid with a permanent magnet and
retrofitted it inside an active engine bushing. It enables them to both attract and repel
the actuator and create sinusoidal motion with it. Also Mansour et. al have replaced
the spring of a solenoid with a stronger one and gave the solenoid a bias current to
use it a as a servo actuator.
To demonstrate the concepts of Electromagnetism and self-inductance using
solenoid engine.

1. Solenoid Coil (500 cm)
2. Crankshaft
3. Battery (9V)
4. Switch key
5. Cl piston (30 cm)
6. Wooden base.

1) Place the crank shaft support on the both side of acrylic sheet
2) Place solenoid coil on the solenoid stand
3) Use a drill bit as a plunder of solenoid
4) Connect plunger extension shaft
5) Connect the shaft with cranks shaft Make an arrangement like when
plunger is extremely out from solenoid, solenoid get power and pull
plunger in
6) By repeating this continuously your engine start rotating
7) Use a 12V DC as power source
A solenoid is a coil wound into a tightly packed helix. The term was invented by
French physicist André-Marie Ampère to designate a helical coil.
In physics, the term refers to a coil whose length is substantially greater than
its diameter, often wrapped around a metallic core, which produces a uniform
magnetic field in a volume of space (where some experiment might be carried out)
when an electric current is passed through it. A solenoid is a type ofelectromagnet
whose purpose is to generate a controlled magnetic field. If the purpose of the
solenoid is instead to impede changes in the electric current, a solenoid can be more
specifically classified as an inductor rather than an electromagnet. Not all
electromagnets and inductors are solenoids; for example, the first electromagnet,
invented in 1824, had a horseshoe rather than a cylindrical solenoid shape.
In engineering, the term may also refer to a variety of transducer devices that
convert energy into linear motion. The term is also often used to refer to a solenoid
valve, which is an integrated device containing an electromechanical solenoid which
actuates either a pneumatic or hydraulic valve, or a solenoid switch, which is a
specific type ofrelay that internally uses an electromechanical solenoid to operate an
electrical switch; for example, an automobile starter solenoid, or a linear solenoid,
which is an electromechanical solenoid. Solenoid bolts, a type of electronic-
mechanical locking mechanism, also exist.


Magnetic field created by aseven-loopsolenoid (cross-sectional

view)described usingfield lines

An infinite solenoid is a solenoid with infinite length but finite diameter.
Continuous means that the solenoid is not formed by discrete finite-width coils but
by infinitely many infinitely-thin coils with no space between them; in this
abstraction, the solenoid is often viewed as a cylindrical sheet of conductive material.

The magnetic field inside an infinitely long solenoid is homogeneous and its
strength neither depends on the distance from the axis, nor on the solenoid's
crosssectional area.

This is a derivation ofthe magnetic flux density around a solenoid that is long
enough so that fringe effects can be ignored. In Figure 1, we immediately know that
the flux density vector points in the positive z direction inside the solenoid, and in
the negativez direction outside the solenoid. We confim this by applying the right
hand grip rule for the field around a wire. Ifwe wrap our right hand around a wire
with the thumb pointing in the direction of the current, the curl of the fingers shows
how the field behaves. Since we are dealing with a long solenoid, all of the
components of the magnetic field not pointing upwards cancel out by symmetry.
Outside, a similar cancellation occurs, and the field is only pointing downwards.
Now consider the imaginary loop c that is located inside the solenoid. By
Ampère's law, we know that the line integral ofB (the magnetic flux density vector)
around this loop is zero, since it encloses no electrical currents (it can be also assumed
that the circuital electric field passing through the loop is constant under
conditions: a constant or constantly changing currentthrough the solenoid). We have
shown above that the field is pointing upwards inside the solenoid, so the horizontal
portions of loop c do not contribute anything to the integral. Thus the integral ofthe
up side I is equal to the integral ofthe down side 2. Since we can arbitrarily change
the dimensions ofthe loop and get the same result, the only physical explanation is
thatthe integrands are actually equal, that is, the magnetic field inside the solenoid is
radially uniform. Note, though, that nothing prohibits it from varying longitudinally,
which in fact it does.
A similar argument can be applied to the loop a to conclude that the field
outside the solenoid is radially uniform or constant. This last result, which holds
strictly true only near the centre ofthe solenoid where the field lines are parallel to
its length, is important as it shows that the flux density outside is practically zero
since the radii of the field outside the solenoid will tend to infinity.

An intuitive argument can also be used to show that the flux density outside
the solenoid is actually zero. Magnetic field lines only exist as loops, they cannot
diverge from or converge to a point like electric field lines can (see Gauss's law for
magnetism). The magnetic field lines follow the longitudinal path of the solenoid
inside, so they must go in the opposite direction outside of the solenoid so that the
lines can form a loop. However, the volume outside the solenoid is much greaterthan
the volume inside, so the density of magnetic field lines outside is greatly reduced.
Now recall that the field outside is constant. In order for the total number offield
lines to be conserved, the field outside must go to zero as the solenoid gets longer.

Of course, ifthe solenoid is constructed as a wire spiral (as often done in

practice), then it emanates an outside field the same way as a single wire, due to the
current flowing overall down the length of the solenoid.

Now we can consider the imaginary loop b. Take the line integral of B (the
magnetic flux density vector) around the loop of length I. The horizontal components
vanish, and the field outside is practically zero, so Ampre's Law gives us:
Bl = 4NI,

Where to is the magnetic constant, N the number of turns, and / the current.
B= Ho 1
From this we get

This equation is valid for a solenoid in free space, which means the
permeability ofthe magnetic path is the same as permeability of free space, jHo.

Ifthe solenoid is immersed in a material with relative permeability Hr, then the
field is increased by that amount
B =

In most solenoids, the solenoid is not immersed in a higher permeability

material, but rather some portion of the space around the solenoid has the higher
permeability material and some is just air (which behaves much like free space). In
that scenario, the full effect of the high permeability material is not seen, but there
will be an effective (or apparent) permeability Heftsuch that lSHerS Hr.

The inclusion ofa ferromagnetic core, such as iron, increases the magnitude of
the magnetic flux density in the solenoid and raises the effective permeability ofthe
magnetic path. This is expressed by the formula
B 4o4T
Where Heff is the effective or apparent permeability ofthe core. The effective
permeability is a function of the geometric properties of the core and its relative
permeability. The terms relative permeability (a property of just the material) and
effective permeability (a property of the whole structure) are often confused; they
can differ by many orders of magnitude.

For an open magnetic structure, the relationship between the effective

permeability and relative permeability is given as follows:
Where k is the demagnetization factor of the core.

A finite solenoid is a solenoid with finite length. Continuous means that the
solenoid is not formed by discrete coils but by a sheet of conductive material. We
assume the current is uniformly distributed on the surface of the solenoid, with a
surface current density K; in cylindrical coordinates:

The magnetic field can be found using the vector potential, which for a finite solenoid
with radius a and length L in cylindrical coordinates (p, p. 2) is

A AT L h2k2 K(e)-ELP)+*n,P))


(at p)?+C3
K(m) = -dé,
Vl- msin 0

E(m) vl-msia' Ode,

I(n,m)= (1 n sin 8) V1 -
m sin 6

Here, K (m), E (m) and Il(n,m) are complete elliptic integrals ofthe first, second and
third kind.


The magnetic flux density is obtained as,


The demand for fossil fuels keeps on increasing and there will be a time when
the world will have to depend on electricity as the only source of fucls. Though
electric engines are heavy and require more power, they have lesser efficiency when
compared to IC engines. A magnetic engine is a promising alternative to the internal
combustion engines due to the following factors.
i. There is no hazard to the surroundings because solenoid
engines cause no atmospheric pollution.
ii. Serves as a promising alternative to the fossil fuels. ii. Better
efficiency for operations requiring lesser torque.
IV. Less maintenance is required.
V. Very much lighter than an internal combustion engine.

This work presents the pentagonal engine structure. In future,|
for more power and torque output we can design the
with more sectional design like V8 or V12 engine with more
efficient power outage due to use of this and this type of|
system use of non-renewable resource is somewhat reduced
and energy for future can be conserved.


1. https:/
2. http:/ papers/EE013%20Solenoid%20



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