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If I were a butterfly

A butterfly has a very tough life. Searching for nectar, finding trees to lay eggs on. All the
stages of its life are very difficult. It has to roam everywhere just searching for food. Come, let’s dive
into a story of a boy wanting to become a butterfly.

Once, a boy named Shashwat was playing in open space. He was playing cricket. He only
liked three subjects- information technology, maths and science. Then the best batsman of the
opponent’s team went for a six. He was just going to catch it, but then a butterfly sat on his nose! He
admired it. But he dropped the catch, and on top of that, it went for a six! We lost the match.
Everyone in my team was upset with me. That night he thought just about the butterfly. He just
managed to click a photo and by mistake he also touched it! The blue, red and green colour also
came on his hands! That day he could barely sleep. Then tired of resting so long and not doing
anything he sat up, switched on his study lamp and began to research on butterflies and which type
of butterfly the one he looked at was. Obviously he didn’t find it at first. But he didn’t give up. He
knew there were millions of species of butterflies. He searched for hours and hours. But at last he
found it! He was lucky. It was a rare species to find. After all that he put in and found out, he began
to dose off.

But just when he was going to sleep a white light struck him. It said “What do you want to be? “ He
was shocked and rubbed his eyes, but the light was still there! To his relief, the light had not
disappeared. He asked immediately, I want to be a butterfly, the rare blue, red and green colour
one! There was silence for a few seconds. And then in a blink of an eye, the white light disappeared
and he was in, what he called butterland!! But still as I told you, the butterfly has its own problems
as I told you, searching for nectar, finding trees to lay eggs on. But now he was in a world, of
dangers, mostly of HUMANS!!! It was a hard but the best day of his life. From then on he swore that
he would never ever trouble insects again, any of them! Of course, when he will go in human form.

Then the white light appeared again! It asked him: “Do you want to stay here?” It was a tough
decision to make. Then he decided to stay in butterland.

The again, in the blink of an eye, the white light disappeared, and his father appeared in the form of
a butterfly! Then he was happy. Then he got caught in a net. The white light appeared again. It asked
if he wanted to go to the human world with his father. I said “Yes!” From then on, it was a secret
between me and my father. We both smiled.

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