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 Mars of person 1 square any planet of person 2, especially Mars, Saturn or

Uranus: the Mars square can bring hate (at first sight).

While Mars of person 1 square the Moon or the Sun of the other may instantly
bring irresistible attraction, the feelings may evolve and end in a painful
experience if there are no other supportive harmonious aspects.

Mars almost always works instantly and in an acute way. At times, Mars can
become explosive (especially the Mars-Uranus or Mars-Pluto square).

The Mars-Mars, Mars-Saturn and Mars-Uranus squares are the worst of all.

 Saturn of person 1 square or opposite any (personal) planet of person 2:

unlike the Mars square, Saturn needs time to let the relationship deteriorate.

Saturn is the time-keeper and is pulling the relationship away and down over
time. In the long run, both partners will more and more avoid each other.

Also, the Saturn partner is the one blocking the relationship, setting up a wall.
This person is the most heavy and cold one too.

The opposition is separative while the square is plain frustrating.

 Any inter-aspect combination between the following three planets:

Venus, Saturn and Neptune.

For example: Venus of person 1 square Saturn of person 2 and semi-square

Neptune of person 2.

This is a plain bad configuration that may bring irresistible and self-destructive

Disastrous results may follow. Inter-aspects between fixed signs often add to the

 Avoid the inter-aspects written about in our article about Astrology and

the Love Bite.

You don't want to have an emotionally draining and (self-)destructive love bond,
do you?

 After doing statistical research, the German astrologer and retired engineer Harald
Hoffmann  has identified different inter-aspects that he calls 'killer aspects' and
that are detrimental to a love union.

These are the 20 most important ones:

1. Male Venus semi-square female Mars (orb 2°)

2. Male Moon semi-sextile female MC (orb 2°)
3. Male Mars conjunct female MC (orb 6°)
4. Male MC sesquiquadrate female Saturn (orb 2°)
5. Male Ascendant opposite female Saturn (orb 5°)
6. Male Saturn conjunct female Sun (orb 6°)
7. Male Sun inconjunct female Mars (orb 2°)
8. Male Sun opposite female Mercury (orb 5°)
9. Male Sun opposite female Uranus (orb 5°)
10. Male Mercury sesquiquadrate female Uranus (orb 2°)
11. Male Venus semi-sextile female Moon (orb 2°)
12. Male Ascendant conjunct female North Node of the Moon (orb 5°)
13. Male Venus conjunct female North Node of the Moon (orb 6°)
14. Male Ascendant conjunct female Pluto (orb 6°)
15. Male Pluto sesquiquadrate female MC (orb 2°)
16. Male MC semi-sextile female Sun (orb 2°)
17. Male Pluto conjunct or square female Black Moon (mean apogee of the
18. Male Black Moon (Lilith, the mean apogee of the Moon) sextile female
Black Moon (orb 2°)
19. Male Uranus sesquiquadrate or inconjunct female Black Moon (orb 2°)
20. Male Black Moon semi-sextile or semi-square female Chiron (orb 2°)

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