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1.Where will you go? – Hara gedeceksen?

2.When will you go? – Ne vaxt gedeceksen?

3.I am busy – Meşğulam
4.I am not free – Boş deyiləm
5.I want to improve my english – Ingilis dilimi tekmillesdirmek isteyirem
6.I would like to live abroad – Xaricde yasamaq isterdim
7.What did you decide? – Ne qerara geldin?
8.I realized everything – Men herseyin ferqine vardim
9.What is your decision? - Qerarin nedir?
10. Don’t brag – Lovgalanma
11.He is frank person – O semimi insandir
12.It seems to me that – Mene ele gelir ki
13.Limon is sour – Limon tursdur
14.Talking of – soz dusmusken
15.Do you see what i mean? – Ne dediyimi anlayirsan?
16.Do you see, right? – Basa dusursen de he?
17.Can you spare me time? - Mene vaxt ayira bilersen?
18.Don’t praise him – Onu terifleme
19.Thank you in advance – Onceden tesekkur edirem
20.Just in case – Her ehtimala qarsi
21.Wach your mouth – Ne dediyine fikir ver
22.Safe and sound – Sag Salamat
23.I am fed up – Bezmisem
24.Say no more – Soz deme, danisma
25.They are siblings – Onlar bacı qardasdirlar
26.I wish I knew – Kas bilerdim
27.Unlike you – Senden ferqli olaraq
28.Keep your tongue – Dilini saxla
29.I can’t stand – Doze bilmirem
30.Be my guest – Buyur ye/qonaqim ol
31.I am coming to work – Ise gelirem
32.What are you eating? - Ne yeyirsen?
33.I am eating a meal – yem’k yeyir’m
34.I am drinking a tea – Men cay icirem
35.What are you buying? – Ne alirsan?
36.Bring the glass - Stekani getir
37.Can you bring the glass? – Stekani getire bilersen?
38.Take this to kitchen – Apar bunu metbexe
39.I will take this – Men bunu aparacam
40.What are you taking? – Ne aparirsan?
41.Why are you taking? - - Niye aparirsan?
42.Don’t take it – Aparma onu
43.The tea is cold – Cay soyuqdur
44.I wouldn’t like tea – Men cay istemezdim
45.Give me wather please – Su ver mene z.o.
46.Can you give me wather please ? – Mene su vere bilersen?
47.I am thirsty – Susamisam
48.We need a rest – Bizim isdirahete ehtiyacimiz var
49.we are resting - - Biz isdirahet edirik
50.Let’s go on holiday – Gel tetile gedek
51.Where will you stay – Harada qalacaqsan
52.I arrived late – Gec catdim
53.Where do you live – Harada yasayirsan
54.We are ready – Biz haziriq
55.The glass is empty – Stekan bosdur
56.The bus is full – Avtobus doludur
57.I am busy now – Indi mesgulam
58.i am not free – Bos deyilem
59.Go straight – Duz get
60.Go ahead – Ireli get
61.Put the phone down – Telefonu yere qoy
62.Take the books – kitablarini gotr
63.Do you remember me? – Meni xatirlayirsan?
64.Do you know English? – Ingilis dilini bilirsen?
65.Tidy up your room – Otagini seliqeye sal
66.Pick up your toys – Oyuncaqlarini topla
67.Comb your hair – Sacini dara
68.Brush your teeth – Dislerini fircala
69.After me – Menden sonra
70.It is my turn – Menim novbemdir
71.Don’t touch it – Ona toxunma
72.It is mine – Menimdir
73.It is yours – Senindir
74.Whose is this – Kimindir?
75.It is me – Menem
76.See you tomorrow – Sabah goruserik
77.Where are you? – Sen hardasan?
78.Where were you? – Sen hardaydin?
79.Trust me – Mene guven
80.Stay here – Burda dayan
81.I will go – Gedecem
82.Why do you ask? – Niye sorusursan?
83.No reason – Ele bele
84.To be honest, I don’t know exactly – Duzune qalsa deqiq bil
85.Where in Baku? – Bakinin harasinda?
86.Who do you live with? – Kimle yasiyirsan?
87.Are you pleased? – Memnunsan?
88.What don’t you like? – Neyi xoslamirsan?
89.Will you come? – Geleceksen?
90.Did you come? - Geldin?
91.Do you want to come? – Gelmek isteyirsen?
92.If you have time, can you come? – Vaxtin olsa gele bilersen?
93.Do you have time?/Are you free – Vaxtin var?/Bossan?
94.When are you free? – Ne vaxt bossan?
95.When do you have free time? – Ne vaxt bos vaxtin var?
96.Shell I come? – Gelim?
97.May I come? – Olar gelim

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