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IR Question for midterm exam:

Composed by S.S.H. Fahim PGD-HRM,

Batch: 2022, Roll No: 22KH002,
Cell: +8801717528799.


Qus: Define Industrial Relations.

Ans: According to Prof. Dunlop, “Industrial relations is defined as the complex of
interrelations among workers, managers and Government’’.

According to V.B Singh, “IR is a set of functional interdependence involving historical,

economic, social, psychological, demographic, technological, occupational, political, and
legal variables.’’

Qus: Discuss the factors that influence the pattern of Industrial Relations.
Qus: "There are some aspects that influence the patterns of industrial relations.
These influences act, interact and reinforce one another in the course of
developing industrial relations." Do you agree with this statement? If yes,
discuss the major aspects of industrial relations.
Qus: Make a list of the main factors those affect good industrial relations in
Bangladeshi context.
Qus: "Good industrial relations depend on a great variety of factors." Do you
agree? If yes, list a) out the factors that affect sound industrial relations.
Qus: List out the factors that affect sound industrial relations.

Ans: There are some aspects that influence the patterns of industrial relations. These
influences act, interact and reinforce one another in the course of developing industrial
relations some of the aspects arc mentioned below:

A. Social Aspects: There are certain social aspects which influence the pattern of
industrial relations. such as-
1. Social Status: Workers- have a different social identity and status. As a result,
there is a distance in relationship.
2. Social Groups: Different social groups such as master- servant, higher- caste
lower-caste influence the pattern of industrial relations.
3. Social Values: Different social values play their role in setting the pattern of
industrial relations.

pg. 1

B. Psychological Aspects: Several psychological aspects such as motivation, alienation

and morale are significant determinants of industrial relations.(motivation- job
satisfaction, job advantages, job enrichment etc.
1. Alienation: It crates separation rather than integrity.
2. Motivation: Motivation of employees can play a vital role for good or bad
industrial relations.
3. Morale: Management should not create such an environment so that employees
have low morale
C. Political Aspects: The political framework in different countries such as democratic
system, autocratic system, and laissez-faire system is important determinants of industrial
1. Democracy: It ensures participation of workers in making decisions and executing
the same.
2. Dictatorship: The degree of dictatorship may influence industrial relation. But,
benevolent dictatorship may be acceptable for a limited period.
D. Economical Aspects: There are certain economic influences which provide the basic
setting as well as the broader framework for industrial relations. The economic status of
the employer and the workers in society differs widely which influences the pattern of
industrial relations.
1. Unemployment: Increased rate of unemployment of employee’s children or
dependents may create dissatisfaction among them.
2. Inflation: The more the rate of inflation, the more the pressure on management for
wages enhancement.
3. Demand: Demand for the product but less income for buying the product may
create bitter relations among the employers & employees.
4. Income Gap: Income gap between managers and employees may create
dissatisfaction leading to bad IR.

Qus: "Human resource development interventions can decrease industrial

conflicts."- Discuss.
Qus: Areas/Scopes of Industrial Relations (Areas of Industrial Conflict)

Ans: There may be many reasons that turn to conflicts and disputes between workers and
management. The areas or scope for such industrial conflicts can be classified in several
categories; as follows:

1) Economical: Wages, increment, bonus, pension, gratuity, provident fund etc.

2) Organizational: Working terms & conditions, working period, leave, work system etc.
3) Personnel Management: Selection procedure, appointment, promotion, transfer,
discipline, compliance, motivation, punishment etc.

pg. 2

4) Welfare: Workers welfare, entertainment, sports, cultural program etc.

5) Behavioral: Behavior patterns between management and workers, or workers and
6) Tactical & Legal: Lay-off, lockout, strike etc.
7) Institutional: Weakness of the trade unions and their behavior, violation of the law and
contract by any party, inefficient management.
8) Political: Influence of the government on the management, political influence and
pressure on the trade unions.
9) Social: Influences of formal and informal groups, influences of geographical areas on
the management and workers.

Qus: Briefly discuss the three actors of industrial.

Qus: 'Industrial socicties necessarily creatc industrial rolations, defined as the
complex of intcrrelations among workers, management and government.' Do
you agree? If yes, talk about the threc actors of industrial relations in the light
of this statement.
Qus: Actors/ Party‟s of Industrial Relations.

Ans: Industrial relationship is the relation of owner/ management, workers and the
government agency. So, there are three parties involved with industrial relation-
A. Trade Union: trade union is the heart of industrial relation. The employee can present
their complaint through the trade union. They have taken different measures for getting the
faire wages.
B. Owners/ Management: managers are the representative of owner. They negotiate with
the trade union for take a reasonable agreement.

C. Government: government forms different rules and impose these rules for protect the
employer and employee. Government play important role as a medial for resolve the
conflict between the two groups.

pg. 3

Qus: Discuss the objectives and functions of industrial relations.

Qus: Discuss the Objectives of Industrial Relations in the Context of Bangladesh.

Ans: Objectives of IRs: The objectives of industrial relations are as follows:

1. To maintain and develop good employer and employee relations.
2. To maintain industrial peace.
3. To safeguard the interests of labor and management.
4. To avoid as per as possible, industrial conflicts.
5. To establish industrial democracy.
6. To help the economic development of the country.
7. To encourage collective bargaining as a means of self-regulation.
8. To help maintain discipline amongst workers.
9. To help Government in making laws.
10. To help unions and management to develop constructive attitudes toward each other.

Qus: Mention major four models of industrial relations system. &

The Industrial Relations system is a sus-system of the total societal
system". Explain the Dunlop's model of IRs in the light of this statement.
What are the different models of Industrial Relations? Explain the Dunlopian
Model of Industrial Relations.

pg. 4

Ans: Four major models of industrial relations, namely:

1. Dunlopian models,
2. Marxist model,
3. Social action model, and
4. Human relations model


According to the Dunlopian Model, the industrial relations system is a sub-system of the
wider society or the total social system. An industrial relations system at any particular
time is regarded as comprised of certain actors. Certain context and ideology which binds
the industrial relations system together and a body of rules are created to govern the
actors at the place of work and work community.
Dunlop identifies three groups of actors –
 Workers,
 Management and
 The Government

Thus, R= f (a, i, b)

Where: R = Industrial relations system, f = function, a = actors, i = ideology, and b =

body of rules.

Actors: In every country, workers, management, and the Government all interact to build
up the country’s industrial relations system.

Ideology: In any economy, there is an ideology that is shared in common by the

government, businessmen, and workers, Such as democratic capitalism, democratic
socialism, free economy, and mixed economy.

Rules: Rules and regulations made by the Government influence the pattern of industrial

Management Roles:
1) Exploitative Authoritarian system:
 Labour was exploited ruthlessly.
 Wages paid was bare subsistence.
 No job security.
 No welfare system.
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2) Benevolent authoritarian system:

It believes in labor welfare.
3) Consultative style:
4) Participative style:
Under this style labor is not a commodity but a friend.

pg. 6
Trade Union
Qus: What is Trade Union?

Ans: Trade Union means any combination of workmen or employees formed primarily for
the purpose of regulating the relationship between workmen and employers or workmen
and workmen or employers and employers, or for imposing restrictive conditions on the
conduct of any trade or business and includes a federation of two or more trade unions.

Qus: "The purpose of the trade union is to regulate the relationship between
workmen and employers or workmen and workmen or employers
and employers"- Discuss.

Qus: Mention trade union structure in Bangladesh.


Labour Act, 2006]
Trade unions in Bangladesh may be divided into two categories-Basic Trade Union and
Trade Union Federation.

Basic Trade Union- a primary organization of workers at the working place. Usually, the
trade unions at plant level are termed basic unions.

Trade Union Federation are the body of unions from the same or different industries.

Federation of Trade Unions

Federation of trade unions can be two types: Industrial Federation and National

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Trade Union

1. Industrial Federation can be composed of five or more basic trade unions related to
the same type of industry, such as jute workers federation, textile workers federation, and
garments workers federations.
2. National Federation is a federation of basic unions irrespective of industries. A
national federation may be constituted of twenty or more basic trade unions
irrespectively of the trade.
At least ten national based trade union federations constituted may, by joining themselves
together, constitute a national based confederation

Qus: "industrial relations in Bangladesh is very weak."- Discuss

The major problems & major weaknesses
a) Lack of efficient leaders
b) Shortage of adequate financial fund
c) Political influence
d) Employers opposition.
e) Lack of consciousness
f) Lack of Unity
g) Lack of knowledge
h) Division of trade union
i) Limited Membership
j) Small Size of Trade Unions
k) Attitude of Employers
l) Outside Leadership
m) Lack of Interest on the Part of the Workers
n) Lack of a Common Goal
Qus: What is Trade Union? Briefly discuss the advantages and disadvantages of
Trade Union in Bangladesh.

pg. 8
Trade Union

Qus: Define Trade Union Why Is it important? Discuss the basic types of Trade

Ans: Importance of Trade union:

Qus: The basic types of Trade Union

Three Basic types of Trade Union:

• General unions: These unions include workers with a range of skills and from a range
of industries.
• Craft Union: A craft union is the simplest form of trade union. These represent
workers with particular skills e.g. plumbers and weavers. These workers may be
employed in a number of industries.
• Industrial unions: These seek to represent all the workers in a particular industry, for
instance, those in the garment industry.

Qus: "Trade union in Bangladesh has failed to serve the objectives for which they were formed" Do you
agree? Give reason

Qus: Discuss the process of registration of a Trade Union as per Bangladesh Labor Act 2006.

Qus: Discuss the rights and privileges of a registered Trade Union.

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