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Durian fruit

● The flesh of durian is highly nutritious, as it's a rich source of fiber, vitamin C,
potassium, and B vitamins. It's also packed with anti-inflammatory and
antioxidant compounds like quercetin, ​kaempferol, and luteolin ( 2 ).

=)What is the disadvantage of eating durian?

=)It is high in sugar.
dragon fruit

Dragon fruit is high in fiber and antioxidants, along with

various minerals and vitamins that are beneficial for our
health. It is rich in Vitamin C and antioxidants that help in
digestion, aid weight loss, treat anemia during pregnancy,
lowers blood sugar levels and even improves skin health.

=)does it have a disadvantage of eating dragon fruit ?


Chicken Breast is an excellent source of lean

protein. Chicken is also a good source of vitamin B,
vitamin D, calcium, iron, zinc, and trace amounts of
vitamin A and vitamin C

hicken products contain cholesterol, carcinogens,

and contaminants. Cholesterol, carcinogens,
pathogens, and even feces found in chicken products
increase the risk of heart disease, breast and prostate
cancers, urinary tract infections, and foodborne illness.

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