ETE Lab 1 Assignment

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Lab # 01

Introduction to Oscilloscope
1.1 Introduction
An oscilloscope is a type of electronic test instrument that can graphically display
signal voltage changes. Other signals (such as sound or vibration) can be converted
to voltages and displayed on the screen of the oscilloscope. Engineers use
oscilloscopes to study the changing process of various electrical phenomena for
laboratory work. It can be used to capture, process, display and analyze the
waveform and bandwidth of electronic signals.
1.1.1 Objective
The objective of this experiment is to learn how to display a waveform on
oscilloscope and measure its characteristics such as amplitude, time period and
frequency of the waveform.
1.1.2 Theory
Traditionally, an oscilloscope is made of a cathode-ray tube (CRT) in which a
heating element at the back end of it releases electrons. These electrons are
accelerated toward the front end of the tube due to a high positive voltage.This
CRT is the heart of oscilloscope.Such an instrument is obviously useful for the
design and repair of circuits in which voltages and currents are changing with time.
Oscilloscopes can be used in wide variety of applications such as automotive test,
protocol test, EMI precompliance analysis, signal analysis, conformance test,
power measurements and many more. In most cases the oscilloscope has to be
equiped with suitable options and/or probes.Oscilloscopes are used in the sciences,
medicine, engineering and the telecommunications industry. General-purpose
instruments are used for maintenance of electronic equipment and laboratory work.

1.2 Equipment
 Digital Oscilloscope
 BNC cable

1.3 Procedure
1. Turn on oscilloscope.
2. Connect channel 1 to inbuilt square waveform of oscilloscope by BNC cable.
3. Display waveform on the oscilloscope and measure its characteristics.
1.4 Conclusion
Explain the conclusion in your own words.

1.5 Questions
Write answers to the following questions:

Q2: What happens when you change the TIME/DIV control?
Q3: What happens when you change the VOLT/DIV control?
Q4: What does 1x and 10x on oscilloscope probe do?
Q5: Why are there two channels on the oscilloscope?

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