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Jo Ann Katherine Z. Valledor
JNHS Batch 2004
You are historic.
To the 386 headstrong graduates of Jasaan National High School, Senior High School Class of
2020, my salute to you all.
The worldwide pandemic we are currently facing right now makes you different.
You have reached a milestone in your education where the world trembles with a disease that
even kings are not being spared.
But, what makes you unique is, while the world is trapped with fear, many did not give up on
Do you want to know why? It is because, we see HOPE in you.
That is the very reason for this digital graduation.
That is also the same reason why the Department of Education has launched platforms for
alternative modes of education to cater to the different learning needs and gaps of the learners that this
pandemic caused.
This is also to show you, dear graduates, that no matter how bleak you see the future, you can
always find a way to rise above every challenge if you have the courage to BELIEVE.
To believe in yourself,
To believe in your capacity to succeed,
To believe in others,
To believe in the government,
…and to believe in God.
At any rate, you are at the point of your lives right now where you have to make two choices: to
proceed to further education or to start a living.
You may choose to go to college or get yourself employed or start a business of your own and it
doesn’t matter. What matters is this, you live a life in COVID ----- where you must
C – Continue to believe in your dreams
O – Overcome life’s challenges. Never give up
V – Value life’s simple pleasures and joys. Appreciate
I – Impart the knowledge and skills you learned to the society, and
D – Dare to make a difference in this world.
Whether you become a professional in the near future, a businessman, or an esteemed member of
the work and labor force, always remember to have…
C – Compassion for others
O – Optimism – always look for the positive and brighter side of things
V – Voice for the voiceless
I – Integrity in all that you do. Always be honest, and
D – Discipline. Be a good citizen. Follow the laws of the land and respect others.
If you do that, you do not only become a successful person. You also become truly, a beacon of
hope not only to your families but also to our country, and to the world.
Be confident because you are the batch that made what is seemingly impossible, POSSIBLE.
You are the batch who beat the odds and that is why, I firmly believe, that YOU WILL BEAT
THE ODDS in the years to come.
Tell yourself, pandemic lang to, we have bigger God and Jasaan National High School graduates
kami. We have been equipped with life-long lessons and we are ready to face the world.
Sail on Batch 2020! Make a difference.

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