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I want to do a cost analysis on Azure services costs.

This data is in a json array of objects and

an example entry looks like this: ```json {"Subscription":"GO-M-DEV-
Orchestrator","ResourceGroup":"kivlevrg","ResourceType":"Log Analytics
platform - azure - iaas
dev","charge_code":"2440208012","environment":"dev","ticket_number":"ritm0363701"} ```
what approach could i take to get some insights into this data?

To get insights from this data, you can perform the following steps:

1. Parse the JSON data and convert it into a structured format such as a Pandas
2. Explore the data to get a better understanding of the different fields and their values.
You can use the describe() method of the dataframe to get summary statistics for
numeric fields, and the value_counts() method to get a count of the unique values in
a categorical field.
3. Visualize the data using various plots such as histograms, scatter plots, and bar plots to
better understand the distribution and relationships between the different fields.
4. Use the data to answer specific questions that you have about the Azure service costs.
For example, you might want to know which resource groups have the highest costs,
or which resource types have the highest costs within a particular subscription. You
can use the groupby() and aggregate() methods of the dataframe to group the data
and calculate summary statistics.
5. Use the insights from your analysis to identify potential areas for cost optimization,
such as by identifying underutilized resources or resources with high costs.

Please improve this as a presentation: I converted and structured the data into objects, tried to
get some insights from it. Decided that we should take a general programmatic approach to
doing this cost analysis and these are a couple of things that should happen: * we would like
to focus on quick wins first * problem statement: most of the team has been changed,
therefore some resources have been provisioned are no longer relevant. * we export resources
to excel and reviewed top resources ordered by costs * analyze based on ticket numbers

Here is a revised version of the presentation:

Title: Cost Analysis on Azure Services


 In this presentation, we will be discussing a cost analysis on Azure services.

 The data we are using is in the form of a JSON array of objects.
 We have converted and structured the data into a more usable format, and we will be
using a programmatic approach to analyze the data and identify potential areas for cost

 Our main objective is to identify quick wins in terms of cost optimization.

Problem Statement:

 Our team has recently undergone significant changes, and as a result, some resources
that have been provisioned may no longer be relevant to our current needs.


 We will start by exporting the resources to an Excel file and reviewing the top
resources ordered by costs.
 We will then analyze the data based on ticket numbers to understand how the
resources are being used and whether they are still necessary.


 By following this approach, we hope to identify quick wins in terms of cost

optimization and make informed decisions about the resources we are using on Azure.

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