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It was a hot summer day in New York City when Professor Charles Xavier and his wife,

Doctor Strange's sister, decided to go for a walk in Central Park. As they strolled through the
lush green grass, they couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and happiness. They had
just found out that they were expecting their first child and they couldn't wait to start their

As they walked, they couldn't help but wonder what their child would be like. Would they
have Xavier's telepathic abilities or Doctor Strange's magical powers? Either way, they knew
that their child would be special and that they would love and support them no matter what.

As the months passed, the couple couldn't wait to meet their little one. They spent their days
preparing for the arrival of their baby, buying all of the necessary items and decorating the
nursery. Finally, the day arrived and Xavier and Doctor Strange's sister welcomed their
beautiful baby into the world.

They named their child Luna, after the Latin word for "moon," as they wanted her to always
be a guiding light in their lives. Luna was a happy and healthy baby, with a full head of dark
hair and piercing blue eyes. She was the perfect addition to their family and they were
overjoyed to have her in their lives.

As Luna grew older, she began to show signs of her extraordinary abilities. She was able to
read people's thoughts and emotions just like her father, and she also had a natural affinity for
magic, just like her aunt. Xavier and Doctor Strange's sister were thrilled to see their child
embracing her abilities and they knew that she would go on to do great things.

Overall, Xavier and Doctor Strange's sister were grateful for their beautiful baby and the joy
that she brought into their lives. They knew that they would always be there to support and
guide her as she navigated the world and discovered her true potential.

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