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Script Breakdown Colour Coding Element, Colour 7 Shape Description CAST Red (underline) Any speaking actor. EXTRA (silent parts) (Vaawiahnant, | 77 S°t0r Who wil have a specific part tw play but have no nes to read, EXTAA [atmosphere] | EaaaNaINEER [7 ©>¢ra oF group of extras needed in the background ofa scene. STUNTS ‘Orange (highlighter) ‘A stunt that may require a stunt double or a stunt co-ordinator. ‘SPECIAL EFFECTS Blue (underiine) Any special effect required. PROPS Purple (underline) Objects used by an actor that are important to the script. VEHICLES 7 ANIMALS Any vehicle and any animals - especially f an animal trainer is required. SOUND EFFECTS 7 Sounds or music required ON SET — not sound to be added in post- MUSIC production. WARDROBE ‘Specific costumes needed for production. MAKEUP7HAIR “Asterisk & | Any specific make-up or hair requirements - such as scars or blood. ‘SPECIAL EQUIPMENT Gq For when a scene requires specialist or uncommon equipment, such as underwater cameras, cranes etc. PRODUCTION NOTES Black [underling) For any other questions or prompts, or if there is confusion about how ‘something will happen. Use the margins to write additional information. PRODUCERS NAME: pate_©) /04 SCRIPT BREAKDOWN SHEET : INT/EXT:_Pot DAY/NIGHT: ). PRODUCTION TITLE: Tea a fn Ded LOCATION NAME: ‘SCENE NUMBER: j ~ 7 ‘SCRIPT PAGE NUMBER: Various DESCRIPTION: CAST STUNTS EXTRAS / ATMOSPHERE Shem Fan : EA iif Dx Selly | pes RRS as Coefe Macy if Halk Mev ‘SPECIAL PRACTICAL EFFECTS: PROPS | VEHICLES / ANIMALS Pood Fihrt on Laden | COKe 0g lek Cornetto wi ae Chest Comsite , Bid hha ats el WARDROBE MAKEUP / HAIR SOUND EFFECTS / MUSIC Grote Jid Labo Blood Nowe beat Dison A © ego” Mette? ‘SPECIAL EQUIPMENT PRODUCTION NOTES: % vrinich Rotem «fy pe oe pds JV Sem Gab we S fe Shnt Jayne ox Nadogerd Cee ele BREAKDOWN PAGE NUMBER: { INT. KITCHEN -SUNDAY MORNING L —— suxon wakes, groggy and hung-over* He's still in the chair. His eyes focus on the ‘THINGS TO DO’ board. It reads~ ‘GO ROUND MUM’S...GET LIZ BACK...SORT LIFE OUT’ 1 INT. LOUNGE -NORNING ED is still slumped on thgpBofa. sHAUN Want anything from the shop? 2 Cornetto. EXT. STREET -NORNING shambling up the middle of the road z SHAUN goss the street. In the distance we glimpse pe 4 INT. NEWSAGENT -MORNING SHADY No-one is behind the counter. SHAUN grabs a Strawberry Cornetto from the freezer and goes to the cooler. Hé opens the door, not noticing two smeared BLOODY HANDPRINTS GLASS. SHAUN grabs a Coke oblivious, sTipping as he moves or = Nelson? SHAUM_{CONT’ D) Nelson? SHAUN goes to the counter. It seems oddly bare. SHAUN_(CONT’ D) Nelson, you got any papers? SHAUN shrugs and puts some change onto the counter. (> UA) é at gy os OS eR SHAUN_(CONT’ D) I owe you fifteen pence Nels. 4 Alright? z SHAUN leaves. In the security mirror we can see the body of mis = Nelson slumped at the back of the store. set Re EXT. STREET -MORNING S SHAUN crosses the street again. One GENES. is close now, its ARMS OUTSTRETCHED. It wears aCGRHEN CoaT)and trails a dog lead in its hand. SHAUN fishes in his pockets, without realty t ‘ooking over. si Sorry mate, no change. shamble out of the shop. ‘esas aie St Lp INT. LOUNGE -NORNING cle SHAUN sits down and puts his feet up on the coffee table. He an cracks open his Goke and picks up the remote, flicking idly through the Sunday morning television. NEWS: A_REPORTER “Religious groups are calling it Judgement Day. There’ MTV: THE SMITHS ‘Panic on the streets of London...’ NEWS: ANOTHER REPORTER ‘ an increasing number of...’ \ © G- FOOTBALL SHOW: COMMENTATOR ‘...serious attacks on.../ —— NEWS: A DIFEERENT REPORTER AGAIN * Literally being..." -people, who are WILDLIFE SHOW: LIONS DEVOUR A GAZELLE ‘...eaten alive...’ NEWS: A VERY HARASSED REPORTER VERY HARASSED REPORT ‘witness reports are sketchy but one unifying detail seems to be that the attackers in many instances appear to be..." KIDS SHOW: A TV PRESENTER * here...’ Sear -dead excited to have with us SHAUN £lips back to the previous channel, curious. NEWS: A HARASSEED REPORTER *..-accounts of multiple unidentified assailants...’ SHAUN leans forward to watch more closely. a) There’s a girl in the garden. SHAUN turns. ED is peering through the back window SHAUN What? — ED In the garden, there's a girl. SHAUN joins ED at the window. Standing at the very bottom of the garden is a @gRI with her back to them. EXT. GARDEN -MOMENTS LATER SHAUN calls timidly to the gH. x SHAUN Hello...excuse me ED picks up a lunp of mud and throws it at the (GERD. ED oi! = The missile strikes her on the head. she turns slowly. WE SEE HER FACE She is pale, greyish. Her eyes are lifeless and cloudy” tie: hair is matted with something. Her CHECKOUT dirty and torn. The image is horrific and unmistakable SHAUN Oh my God! She is so drunk. D How much Have you had love? She lurches forward, her ARMS OUTSTRETCHED towards SHAUN. ED and SHAUN step back, giggling. EQ_ICONT’ Dp) Ooh she likes you: SHAUN Shut up. BD I think shé wants a cuddle. She keeps coming. Mouth open. HISSING. SHAUN backs up. SHAUN Look I’ve just come out of a relationship- He trips and falls, THBNGHRL is quick1y on top of him. SHAUN_(CONT’ D) Ed, do something! 2 Wait there? ED runs back into the house. SHAUN Ed! at: =D10.8.) ‘Two seconds. SHAUN gets a clear look at her eyes. Something's not right. ED_{CONT’ D) Hold it there. ED has come running back with a FUN CAMERA. Takes a snap. SHAUN Get her off me. ED pushes the GERM away. she stumbles, then comes back at them both. ED gets his first good look. ED Whats up with your eyes? What's up with her eyes? SHAUN jumps up and shouts to the gua sHAUS Now seriously, I’m warning you... She keeps coming...SHAUN clocks her name badge. SHUN {CON?”D) ..Mary. I’m going to have to get physical. I mean it! She keeps coming. SHAUN loses his patience. 5. SHAUN _{CONT! D} Right, this is it? off! SHAUN si hard in the chest. She stumbles down the garden, and IMPALES HERSELF onto the rusty Foy nop / remnants of a free standing clothes line. The metal pole protrudes through her stomach. BLOQD-aages through her top.* SHAUN puts his hands to his mouth. ED bites his lip. fads SQUELCH. She gets up. SHAUN is momentarily relieved...before seeing the G H. ED starts to wind on the fun camera. SHAUN bats it out of Ais hands. SHABN_{CONT” D) I think we should go back inside. ED Okay. They turn to see a NUBRINGIWAY right behind them. His eyes dead also. He has massive injuries to his face and neck... *

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