Questions (4th July)

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What countries would you like to visit and why?

As far as I am concerned, I have always had a great curiosity ABOUT knowing countries whose
way of living, traditions and social organization are pretty DIFFERENT from our occidental
system. Therefore, my favourite countries to visit are mainly Asian countries, such as China or
Japan. Nowadays, THOSE countries are attractive AS FAR AS tourism IS CONCERN. And also,
there are opportunities TO WORK which fit “like a glove” to my prospects of GETTING A job in
my field.

With regard to the European countries, I would like know France, UK, Germany, Switzerland
and some countries IN the north OF europe, for instance Sweden or Norway. Those countries
have some interesting features in their educational, social and workING sytems which are
necessary to know for any student of economics. Needless to add the The Southamerican
Region as a Magnificent touristic place.

2.- What would you like to do when you finish your degree?

According to my future prospects, When I get my degree in Economics, I will try to get my first
job related to my qualification. I would prefer to work in the following jobs: accountancy, to be
part of the financial department in any Enterprise, to take part of a statistics office , to work in
the ministery of Economics or any associated organism.

On ther hand, I am really convinced of the current neccesity of having knowledge and skills in
other relevant fields such as, Management of electronic devices and development of new
devices, chemical or physical Engineering. Those jobs will become more relevant in the future,
that is the reason why I want to study all that afterwards.

Finally, last but no the least, I am interesting in learning new languages, apart from English,
hence If I want to improve my level of fluency in those languages, I should move to those
countries to interact with the native speakers closer.

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