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Integrated language skills in

English 2
15th November 2022
The last stand of
the Amazon
Reading comprehension
Parties involved Loggers
Tribes tribes
Tribes with very
circumcised dealings Oil
with the outside world Farmers Multinational com-
Regular relations panies
with the outside

Edward John Gold

Docx Hemming miners
Beatriz Paulo
Activists Huertas Adario
• Deforestation
• Concessioning off the rainforest for oil and gas extraction
• Seismic testing, helicopters, roads, crews, spills, accidents leading to
cadmium and lead poisoning and contamination of the region
• Integration projects
• Disease, slaughtering, children taken into slavery, hunted as animals
• Building dams; changing the flow and run of all river systems and
endangering aquatic species
Edward Docx

Deforestation has faded in our

collective consciousness in the past
few years. So it’s worth stepping
back and reminding ourselves of
some of the fundamentals.
Edward Docx

Major disruption and destruction to the forest

usually follows, starting with seismic testing
and then helicopters, roads, crews, and so on.
And inevitably, there are catastrophic spills
and accidents. Health studies have found that
98 percent of the children of the indigenous
Achuar tribe have high levels of cadmium in
their blood, and two-thirds suffer from lead
poisoning. A lawsuit is currently being
brought to court by some of their members
due to the contamination of the region.
Beatriz Huertas Castillo

They are indigenous peoples who,

either by choice or by chance, live
in remote isolation from their
national societies. There are at
least 14 such tribes in Peru. We
think 69 in Brazil. Maybe 100 in the
Amazon area as a whole.
Beatriz Huertas Castillo
I spoke to Mashco-Piro women when they were
first contacted. And they were terrified of
disease, of being slaughtered, of their children
being taken into slavery. In the past, every
encounter has brought terror for them – they
have no immunity to our diseases and they
were thought of as animals, even hunted. Now
they see the loggers and the oil companies
coming ion a little further every year. And for
them it’s the same thing so they flee into
neighbouring territories.
John Hemming The territories of tribes such as the
Kayapo will be flooded; vast amounts of
the greenhouse gas methane will be
released, due to rotting vegetation;
further roads and colonisation will
happen in their wake; they change the
flow and run of all the river systems,
which affects untold numbers of aquatic
species, meaning that more food will
have to be imported for consumption,
more roads will have to be built, and so
grimly on.
Paulo Adario Since the 2004 peak of 27,000 sq
km of forest destroyed, matters
have improved with regards to
deforestation. Last year we only
lost 6,500 sq km.”
• What is your opinion on contacting indigenous tribes and on
“integration projects”?
• How do the uncontacted tribes depend on the wild for protection and
• Why does the author use the word hypocrite at the end of the text?

Define these words:
• To damage something badly
• ravage • A loud noise, especially one that is made by a lot of people or
• crazed clamour animals
• A river or stream that flows into a larger river or lake
• tributaries • Becoming stronger
• resurgent threats • Belonging to a particular place rather than coming to it from
• indigenous somewhere else
• loggers • A person whose job is cutting down trees
• the curel killing of large numbers of people at one time, especially
• slaughter in a war
• concessions • A right or an advantage that is given to a group of people, an
• dredge up organization, etc., especially by a government or an employer
• To remove mud, stones, etc. from the bottom of a river, canal, etc.
• enmeshed to make it deeper or to search for something
• To involve somebody/something in a bad situation that it is not
easy to escape from
acknowledge actualities dispatch
Fill in the gaps with the
encounter flee flow grimly
words from the box.
heartfelt run wan
1. The reporter kept sending ______________
dispatch to his newspaper back home.
2. After our conversation, he sent a _______________
heartfelt apology to Stacy.
3. wan
The ____________ sunlight of the winter’s morning entered through her bedroom window.
4. encounter
He claimed to have had an _______________ with an extra-terrestrial being.
5. flee
He was caught trying to ____________ the country.
6. run
The biologists were examining the ____________ flow
and _____________ of the underground river
7. “It won’t be easy”, he said ___________________.
8. After having spent a year from home, he wrote a book on the _______________
actualities on the life in
the slums.
9. The president has to _________________
acknowledge the fact that he is responsible.
Fill in the gaps with the acrimony cautiously demoralising
heart fundamentals incursion
words from the box.
peoples unprecedented up to date
1. cautiously
Quietly and ______________, he entered the dark room. veteran
2. veteran
The committee is lead by a seasoned _____________ of the political establishment.
3. demoralising
The constant criticism was ____________.
4. She has been out of the game for a long time so you have to bring her _______________.
up to date
5. In the ____________
heart of the forest was a cottage where an old lady lived.
6. Countries in Africa consist of numerous _______________.
7. unprecedented events, so far never seen in human history.
2020 has had several ______________
8. fundamentals of the job so I think I’ve got it now.
He taught me the ________________
9. incursion
Government troops made an _______________ into territory held by the rebels.
10. The dispute, although heated, was settled without ________________.
Coursebook page 26
1. consumation
2. integration
3. disruption
4. colonisation
5. isolation
6. extraction
1. contamination h
2. degradation g
3. depletion i
4. deterioration a
5. devastation b
6. Implementation e
7. irrigation j
8. legislation f
9. pollination c
10. rehabilitation d
1. Rehabilitation
2. Irrigation; pollination
3. Contamination; Deterioration;
4. Degradation; depletion;
Phrasal verbs
I’m up for that.
I’m down for that.
What is UP?
• This two-letter word in English has more meanings than any other two-letter word, and that word is “UP”. It is listed in the dictionary as an
[adv.], [prep.], [adj.], [n.], and [v.].
• It’s easy to understand UP, meaning toward the sky or at the top of the list, but when we awaken in the morning, why do we wake UP? At a
meeting, why does a topic come UP?
• Why do we speak UP, and why are the candidates UP for election and why is it UP to the secretary to write UP a report? We call UP our
friends, brighten UP a room, polish UP the silver, warm UP the leftovers and clean UP the kitchen. We lock UP the house and fix UP the
old car. At other times, this little word has real special meaning. People stir UP trouble, line UP for tickets, work UP an appetite, and think
UP 0 excuses. To be dressed is one thing but to be dressed UP is special.
• And this UP is confusing: A drain must be opened UP because it is stopped UP.
• We open UP a store in the morning but we close it UP again. We seem to be pretty mixed UP about UP!
• To be knowledgeable about the proper uses of UP, look UP the word UP in the dictionary. In a desk-sized dictionary, it takes UP almost ¼ of
the page and can add UP to about thirty definitions.
• If you are UP to it, you might try building UP a list of the many ways UP is used. It will take UP a lot of your time, but if you don’t give UP,
you may wind UP with a hundred or more.
• When it threatens to rain, we say it is clouding UP. When the sun comes out, we say it is clearing UP. When it rains, the earth soaks it UP.
• When it does not rain for a while, things dry UP. One could go on and on, but I’ll wrap it UP, for now… my time is UP!
• Did that one crack you UP?
• Don’t screw UP. Send this on to everyone you look UP in your address book... if you’re UP for it… Or not… it’s UP to you.
• Now I’ll shut UP.
What is the meaning of UP?
 going up; leaping up
 lifting an object; raising an object and singling it out
 taking something out of somewhere and putting it on a visible surface; emerging
 a visible and open place; a high place; a prominent place; something noticeable; being in an upper position and standing out
 higher lever; a greater/higher number; a lot of something; higher quantity
 making something higher and larger; making something important
 bringing forward; putting something/somebody in front of everything else,
 putting something into function, something that was steady and waiting; making something work; start dealing with something
 progress, like climbing, progress towards completion
 getting to the end of something and stopping
 fully done; completely, finishing
 something sudden; abrupt

Page 59 Phrasal verbs with up and down 6a/b

1. Crack down on … hand out

Phrasal verbs: go

• 3 Complete each sentence with a suitable particle.

• 1 Although they tried to keep the guesthouse running,

the business finally went and they were

forced to sell.
2. Using up / wiping out
• 2 Jan went with chicken pox while we

• were staying at the lodge, which wasn't much fun.

3. Cutting down / wiping out…
Wipe out
• 3 So, she's gone to Africa as a volunteer

• on a community project for six months.

• 4 How do you go findingjust how green

an eco-tour operator really is?

5 Having underestimated their requirements, after five

4. Come up against
• days trekking, the team barely had enough food to

go ___ _

6 I no longer fly as it goes my principles

5. Dying out… being wiped out

of responsible travel.

7 Phil wants us to join the slow travel movement but 6. Amounted to

• I'm not sure if I go with his idea or not.

8 The company director said he wanted to commit

to sustainable tourism but I never believed he'd

7. Step back
• actually go with it.
• Read and learn the chapter on Conditional sentences in Eastwood
• Prepare today’s text for a dictation

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