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Endocrinology | Oxytocin Medical Editor: Ilia-Presiyan Georgiev

OUTLINE (5) The increased intracellular Ca++ volume

Activates Calmodulin
I) SYNTHESIS o Leads to increased contractions
o Which helps pushing the baby out

Oxytocin is synthesized by the paraventricular nucleus
After it’s created it is transported down the axons in
synaptic vesicles by specific motor proteins
The vesicles need certain stimuli to release the oxytocin
o Birthing process
o Suckling by the baby on the mother’s mammary glands
o Male ejaculation Figure 1 Effect of oxytocin during the birthing process.


(1) During the birthing process
the baby stretches the cervix of the uterus (1) When the baby suckles
o Specific stretch receptors within certain layers of the on the nipple specific mechanoreceptors are activated
uterus are activated o They pick up tactile stimuli
 Send signals to the hypothalamus o When stimulated a signal is sent to the hypothalamus
o The hypothalamus sends a signal to the PVN to release oxytocin
 It secretes the already synthesized oxytocin
(2) The released oxytocin
The oxytocin travels through the circulation
o Binds to specific receptors in the myometrium will go to the myoepithelial cells next to the alveolar
 Second layer of the uterus glands inside the breasts
 Consists of smooth muscle cells o Produce milk

By binding to the receptor, it activates a Gq protein In these cells, via the aforementioned Gq protein
mechanism, intracellular Ca++ volume will be increased
(2) The activated Gq protein o Enhance the contractile process
goes to an effector enzyme on the cell membrane –  Helps the already made milk to be ejected
Phospholipase C
o The effector enzyme has a specific point of This is called Milk Letdown Reflex
attachment for the Gq protein
o The effector enzyme becomes very active
(3) Phospholipase C
Acts as a GTPase-activating protein (GAP)
o GTPase cuts the GTP and turns it into GDP
o Energy is produced and used to cut a specific molecule
that is found in the membrane - Phosphatidylinositol
Biphosphate (PIP2) into diacylglycerol (DAG) and
inositol trisphosphate (IP3).
 DAG activates a specific enzyme – protein
kinase C (pkC)
(4) pkC
has the same function as pkA – phosphorylation of
different proteins
o Can lead to activation or deactivation
IP3 affects the smooth endoplasmic reticulum in most
Figure 2 Effect of oxytocin during suckling.
cells or the sarcoplasmic reticulum in muscle cells.
o The reticulum has specific receptors for IP3
IP3 binds to the receptor to open a specific channel
o Calcium (Ca++) leaves the reticulum and goes in the

OxytocIn ENDOCRINE PHYSIOLOGY: Note #4. 1 of 3


(1) Male ejaculation (1) Making too much oxytocin

When a man is undergoing the sexual orgasmic Uncommon condition
response before ejaculation, the oxytocin affects the vas During birthing process, the female may need a little
deferens assistance so she is given synthetic oxytocin – pitocin
o The vas deferens contracts
 The sperm is moved up through the entire male
reproductive tract VI) HYPOSECRETION

(2) Love and compassion (1) Not making enough oxytocin.

Oxytocin is also associated with love and compassion Uncommon condition
and their emotional aspects Can cause uterine inertia
o It is sometimes called the ‘cuddle hormone’ o The contractions are not strong enough to push the
If someone has elevated oxytocin levels, they may exhibit fetus out during birth
more love and compassion like feelings
Sometimes it may be caused by postpartum hemorrhaging
that affects the vessels going between the hypothalamus and
the neurohypophysis (Sheehan’s syndrome)
o Its’s more common in the anterior pituitary than in the


Location of the
Stimulus Receptors Mechanism Effect
Birthing process Stretch receptors Myometrium Gq Increased contractions of the uterus
Suckling by the Increased milk production and Milk Letdown
Mechanoreceptors Nipple Gq
baby Reflex
Moving of the semen through the male
Male ejaculation vas deferens
reproductive tract


Breakdown product of Phosphatidylinositol
Which nucleus produces Oxytocin? biphosphate (PIP2)?
a. Paraventricular nucleus a. pkC
b. Subthalamic nucleus b. Ca++
c. Supraoptic nucleus c. DAG
d. Arcuate nucleus d. Oxytocin

Which receptors are triggered during birthing What is the effect of IP3 in cells with sarcoplasmic
process? reticulum?
a. Mechanoreceptors a. ↑ intracellular Ca++
b. Proprioceptors b. ↓ intracellular Ca++
c. Stretch receptors c. ↑ intracellular K+
d. IP3 receptors d. ↓ intracellular K+

Which protein is activated when oxytocin binds to What is the common effect of oxytocin in birthing
myometrium receptors? process, suckling, etc.?
a. Gq a. Relaxation
b. Gs b. Secretion
c. Gi c. Cell division
d. Gt d. Contraction

Phospholipase C acts as a/an? During male ejaculation oxytocin affects:

a. GDPase a. Prostate
b. GTPase b. Glans penis
c. ATPase c. Vas deferens
d. UTPase d. Testicles

2 of 3 ENDOCRINE PHYSIOLOGY: Note #4. OxytocIn

Hyposecretion of oxytocin can cause?
● Le T, Bhushan V, Sochat M, Chavda Y, Zureick A. First Aid for
a. Uterine polyp the USMLE Step 1 2018. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Medical; 2017
b. Uterine prolapse ● Marieb EN, Hoehn K. Anatomy & Physiology. Hoboken, NJ:
c. Uterine inertia Pearson; 2020.
● Boron WF, Boulpaep EL. Medical Physiology.; 2017.
d. Uterine inversion ● Jameson JL, Fauci AS, Kasper DL, Hauser SL, Longo DL,
Loscalzo J. Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, Twentieth
Edition (Vol.1 & Vol.2). McGraw-Hill Education / Medical; 2018
What is the name of the synthetic oxytocin given ● Hall JE, Hall ME. Guyton and Hall Textbook of Medical
during the birthing process? Physiology. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; 2021.
a. Methergin
b. Ranitidine
c. Metformin
d. pitocin


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