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Class: Date/Time: Theme: Skills: Topic:

English 02.03.2020 (Monday) World of Knowledge Listening &Speaking √ Writing Unit 2 - The
Year 5R 9.00am – 10.00 a.m. Reading Grammar/L Arts Stories To
Learn From
C& L Standard: 3.1.2 (b), 3.3.1 (b) Success Criteria:
1) Able to write in neat cursive writing with correct spelling: I will be successful if I can:
(b) paragraphs 1) Match the sentence parts correctly to form sentences.
2) Able to create texts using a variety of media with guidance: (b)
2) Form a story by rearranging the sentences according to the correct
LO: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: sequence.
1) Match the eight sentence parts in pink to the eight sentence parts
in blue to form correct sentences.
2) Rearrange the eight sentences in correct sequence to form a story.
Activities: 21st Century Skills
1) Pupils watch the story, “An Honest Boy” on YouTube. √ Communication √ Creative Thinking
2) Pupils talks about the importance of being honest. √ Collaboration
3) Teacher shows the picture to the pupils and prompts the pupils with a few questions. √ Critical Thinking
4) Pupils read the sentence parts in pink.
5) Teacher explains the meaning of unfamiliar words to the pupils. HOTS
6) Pupils read the sentence parts in blue. √ Creating
7) Teacher explains the meaning of unfamiliar words to the pupils. √ Evaluating
√ Analyzing
8) Each pupil is given a sentence strip with the sentence part either in pink or blue.
√ Applying
9) Pupils are given five minutes to find their partner holding the corresponding sentence parts and match them to √ Understanding
form correct sentences. √ Remembering
10) Each pair of pupils read aloud their sentences.
11) Pupils rearrange the sentences to form a story.
12) Pupils rewrite the story in their writing exercise book.
Resources (BBM): Assessment (PBD): Reflection:
 Textbook  Observation / 28 students achieved objective/ given enrichment exercise.
 Video  Question and Answer / 28 students were guided/ given remedial exercise.
 Sentence Strips  Pairing Activity Minimum hours per year: /96
Lesson postponed _____________________________________
 Picture  Writing Activity
 Others: ______________  Others: _______________

周期 第7周 日期 02.03.2020 星期 一
科目 音乐 班级 5J 时间 9.00am -9.30am
单元 单元一 课题 第一课 一条心
内容标准 1.1 唱出各种形式乐曲。
学习标准 1.1.1 以正确的音调唱出歌曲-短音符的控制
学习目标 在教师的引导下,学生能够:
a) 写出音值和休止符号
教学活动 1. 1. 画出乐谱中青色部分的三种音符,并写出其时值。
2. 2.仔细聆听【拍子后,依歌曲拍打青色部分的节奏。
3. 3.找出乐谱中的二分音符,拍打每个二分音符的节奏。
教具 投影片 价值观 勤勉、细心
跨学科元素 企业家元素 高层次思维 KBAT/ 应用
评估方式 随堂评估 课业 -
反思 1.( / 21) 的学生能够掌握技能 。
2. ( / 21)尚未达致目标的学生将进行辅导练习。
Tunda Masa Minimum Setahun : /16

Day: Monday WEEK 7 Date: 3/2/2020

Year : 2M
Time : 10.50am – 11.50am
Duration : 1 hour
Theme : World of Knowledge
Topic : Unit 5 - Free Time
Focus skill (L / S / R / W / LA ) : Listening
Language / Grammar focus : Days of the Week
Content standard : 1.1 Recognise and reproduce target language sounds
Learning standard : a) Main learning standard
1.1.1 Recognise and reproduce with support a limited range of
high frequency target language phonemes.
b) Complementary learning standard
1.2.1 Understand with support the main idea of simple phrases
and sentences.
Learning objective (s) : By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
1. recognise the days of the week

2. understand simple phrases and sentences

Cross curricular elements : Language

21 Century Learning Strategies

Skills No. Act Skills No. Act

I-think mind maps Jigsaw reading
Inner circle, Outer circle 3 stray, 1 stay
Think pair share Hot seat
Round table, round robin Group work/ Presentation 1
Chunk reading Gallery walk
Activities :
a) Pre lesson 1. Sing a song “ Days of the Week”.

b) Lesson delivery 1. Teacher play a music and student meditate what they did
during a week.
2. Students open their eyes and share their activities to their
3. Students share in the group.
4. Finally, student present in the class.
c) Post lesson 1. Teacher conclude the lesson.

Teacher’s reflection : 1. of students are able to recognise the days of

the week
2. of students are able to understand simple
phrases and sentences.
Tunda Masa Minimum Setahun : /80

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