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I hope you’re doing fine.

I regret to say that I won’t be able to meet you as

promised and hope that you’ll forgive me. I’m so sorry that I have to put off our
meeting! It’s a shame that I couldn’t stick to the plan to meet you next
Tuesday. I don’t have enough words to express my regret at having to
postpone the meeting to another day.

The truth is I’m under tremendous work pressure and also in danger of losing
my job if I don’t meet a sales target. I have to visit a potential customer next
Tuesday. This is why I’m compelled to cancel our meeting.

I really hope you’ll understand my situation. By the way to make up for this, I
have booked a table for us both in your favourite restaurant, The Royal, for
next Saturday at 7:00 PM. I hope you can make it.

See you soon.

Warm wishes,


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