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Ecologic Model Report : An Example

1. Hypothesis: Tentative statement of what you think caused the disease
The mild to severe respiratory Illness experience by the client in the past 2 weeks prior
to admission is caused by contracting Novel Coronavirus causing Covid19 overwhelming
the host(client) resulting to mild to severe respiratory symptoms as a consequence of
exposure to the virus due to urban crowding and lack of quarantine services available in
the community where the patient is staying.
2. Predisposing Factors (host, agent, environment) specify the factors.
Host Factors:
Age: patient is 65 years old
Diet: lack of nutritional diet
Resistance: lowered resistance

Agent: Novel Coronavirus as per swab testing

Biologic: exposure to people who contracted the disease or suspected of infection.
Socio-economic: Urban Crowding, workplace contain the agent, lack of sufficient health
services for diagnosis and quarantine of infected patients
3. Choose a model that best illustrates or depict disease causation as per hypothesis.
The chosen model that depicts the disease causation is the LEVER where the role of
Novel Coronavirus is emphasized overwhelming the host with the environmental
conditions favoring the spread of the virus.
4. Analysis of the model and predisposing factors with reference to help confirm the
hypothesis or reject. Site references/scientific facts that supports previously identified
predisposing factors:
The epidemiological lever is chosen to emphasize the role of Novel Coronavirus
overwhelming the host with environmental conditions favoring the susceptibility of the
host to contracting the virus. According to Mercado, the epidemilogic lever emphasize
the role of the agent in disease causation.
The Host factors - description of specific characteristics according to studies
The agent - (Novel coronavirus - description of its characteristics accdg to studies.
Environment - description of environmental conditions supported by evidence.
5. Conclusion and recommendations.
It is therefore concluded that the mild- severe respiratory symptoms experienced by the
patient in the past few weeks was caused by the Novel Coronavirus causing COVID-19
as confirmed by the laboratory findings thru the swab test which overwhelmed the host
with specific environmental conditions making the client susceptible to contracting the
virus. It is then recommended as per WHO guidelines on Coronavirus Disease 19 that
the quarantine and precautionary measures be practiced to prevent spread of the
disease. (And other recommendations specific to client's condition of mild to severe
respiratory symptoms)


USING THE ABOVE EXAMPLE, Write an ecologic report of the health deficit you have
identified from the case previously given for your Family Health Nursing Process, Use
the following
1. Hypothesis
2. Identifying Factors
3. Choosing the Model
4. Analysis of the Model and the Predisposing Factors
5. Conclusions and Recommendations

Submit your output in word file and attached the document in our Group chat

Thank you


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