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1) Age

o 15 - 20
o 21 - 25
o 26 - 30
o Above 30

2) Gender
o Female
o Male
o Other

3) Family Income
o Less than 1 lakh
o 1 lakh to 3 lakh
o 3 lakh to 5 lakh
o More than 5 lakh

4) Residential Status
o Urban
o Rural
o Semi-urban

5) Current employment status

o Student
o Seeking opportunities
o Employed Full-Time
o Employed Part-Time
o Retired
o Prefer not to say

6) Do you prefer buying branded clothes?

o Yes
o No

7) How much conscious are you about the branded clothing around you?
o Very
o Moderately
o Not so much
o Not at all

8) How often you prefer shopping for branded clothes?

o Regularly
o Special occasions
o Sometimes
o Never

9) Which brand you prefer to buy?

o Levi’s
o Raymond
o Nike
o Louis Vuitton
o Gucci
o Other

10) What type of clothes you prefer to buy from a branded outlet?
o Formals
o Casuals
o Night clothes
o Sports wear

11) Do you feel confident after wearing branded clothes?

o Yes
o No

12) Does store ambience and merchandising affect your perception towards
o Strongly agree
o Agree
o Neutral
o Disagree
o Strongly disagree

13) Rate your preferences while choosing a particular brand of clothing.

o Very high
o High
o Average
o Low
o Very low

14) Does the brand image of the clothing brand affect your buying decision?
o Always
o Often
o Sometimes
o Rarely
o Never
15) Which are the places you buy most of the branded clothes from?
o Shopping malls
o Fashion shows and exhibitions
o Branded retail outlets
o Online stores
16) How likely are you to repurchase from your preferred cloth brand?
o Excellent
o Very Good
o Neutral
o Poor
o Very poor

17) Why do you prefer clothing of the specific brand selected above?
o I like the quality of the clothes
o I like the quality of sewing
o I like their design
o It fits me well
o I just like these brands
o Their brand is very popular

18)   Choose one criteria which plays most important role when you choose an cloth
o Price
o Quality
o Availbility
o Comfort
o Brand Image

19) How much money do you spend on buying branded clothing per month?
o Less than 1,000
o 1,000-3,000
o 3,000-5,000
o More than 5,000

20) Does advertisements and promotional activity change your view about
branded clothes?
o Yes
o Sometimes
o No

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