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“As a Partial Requirement for BCA-6 th Sem”


Rajesh Sir Ruchit Moradiya


Dollyben Desai Institute of Computer and Allied Sciences


Affiliated with Veer Narmad South Gujarat University


 I am extremely grateful to Rajesh Sir, Dollyben Desai Institute of

Computer and Allied Sciences for their constant support, guidance,
encouragement, and moral support throughout the seminar.

 I express my thanks to all staff members and friends for all the help and
co-ordination extended in bringing out this Seminar successfully in time.

 Finally, I am very much thankful to my parents who guided me for every


Submitted By: -
Ruchit Moradiya

Technology is one of the key words in people's lives. In the near future, a
subdivision of technology which is nanotechnology will have an important role.
Bio-products, tools, devices, materials are influenced from consequences of
research and developments on nanotechnology. Nanotechnology is the science
and technology of very small things in particular, things that are less than 100
nanometers in size. Nanotechnology is an advance technique which has
progressively entered in the everyday life, conquering an increased importance in
many fields. As an emerging strategy for development, nano-based ingredients
have found a place as consumer products in the market such as paints, building
materials, cosmetics and in medical treatment, the food industry and so much
more. In fact, it's becoming increasingly harder to keep track of where nanotech
isn't. We are using it in our daily lives and not even realizing it. With
nanotechnology; more useful devices, better drugs for diseases, more appropriate
materials for construction will be developed.


No. Topic Pg. No.

1. Introduction
2. History
3. Definition
4. Classification of Techniques for synthesis of Nanomaterials
5. Applications
 Textile
 Biotech
 Health Care
 Food
 Electronics
 Environment
 Renewable Energy
6. Principles
7. Advantages
8. Disadvantages
9. Future Scope
10. Conclusion
11. Reference

Nanotechnology is the science and technology of very small things in
particular, things that are less than 100 nanometers in size. The area of
nanoscience and nanotechnology has become increasing important in recent
years a wide variety of applications of these materials are expected in various
branches of Science & Technology comprising Physics, Chemistry, Biology,
Materials Science, Medicine, Computational Science, Environmental Science,
Management Science etc. and thus providing a profound impact in our daily lives.
As we wake up in the morning, nanotechnology is probably the furthest
thing from our mind. Yet throughout the day at every step, we have unknowingly
encountered it. From the wrinkly-free shirt and sunglasses we wear to computer
hard drives and even cosmetic products, to the way to office nanotechnology is
there. The nanoparticle in the bumper of car reduces weight. Other side
nanoparticles boosted our sunscreen's ability to reflect harmful ultraviolet
radiation, rendered shirt with that just-ironed look and armored our designer
Nanotechnology is an advance technique which has progressively entered
in the everyday life, conquering an increased importance in many fields. As an
emerging strategy for development, nano-based ingredients have found a place
as consumer products in the market such as paints, building materials, cosmetics
and in medical treatment, the food industry and so much more. In fact, it's
becoming increasingly harder to keep track of where nanotech isn't. We are using
it in our daily lives and not even realizing it.
With nanotechnology; more useful devices, better drugs for diseases, more
appropriate materials for construction will be developed.


The nanotechnology that has become so popular in the last decade has its origin
back in 1959 when the American physicist and later Nobel laureate gave the
lecture "There's Plenty of Room at the Bottom". In it, he dealt with the possible
influence of molecules of the order of atoms. The term nanotechnology itself was
first used by the Japanese professor Norio Taniguchi in 1974 in a contribution to
semiconductor processes and possible applications. The imagination thus aroused
by the researchers finally led to the development of the scanning tunneling
microscope in 1981, for which the physicists Binning and Rohrer were awarded
the Nobel Prize in 1986.

Nanotechnology deals with the manipulation of matter at the size of 10-9 nm.
Scientists did not consider its importance until Richard Feynman gave his speech,
although, in some occasions in laboratories, they managed to create an atomic
level compound with properties similar to those of current nanotechnology. In
fact, the popular belief is that at some point in history, graphene sheets and
nanotubes were manufactured that are so popular today.

In the past, nanotechnology was not studied until several books were published
talking about it and its potential. Richard Feynman's famous phrase "there is a lot
of space in the background" made him an iconic figure of the twentieth century
and made many other scientists interested in nanotechnology.

The scanning tunneling microscope then allowed the rapid gain of experience in
the field of quantum mechanics. At the end of the 1980s and early 1990s, the
scientist Eric Drexler developed revolutionary ideas for the creation and
construction of complex machines and materials made of single atoms. These
visions have motivated many scientists since then to deal critically with the
history and development of nanotechnology and the associated possibilities


'Nano-' is a prefix like 'milli-' or 'mega-', meaning 'one thousand-millionth',

i.e., 10-9 therefore 1 nm = 10-9 m. There are a million nanometers (nm) in 1 mm,
and a human hair is approximately 100, 000 nm across.

Nanotechnology and nanoscience are associated with structures and

materials that are on the nanoscale (between 1-100 nm), and only a tens or
hundreds atoms in size.

Nanomaterials, such as gold nanoparticles, can behave quite differently to

their bulk material equivalents, because they have huge surface areas for a small

volume of material. A high surface-area: volume ratio often makes nanomaterials

much more reactive than bulk material composed of the same chemistry.

Classification of Techniques for synthesis

of Nanomaterials

(a) Top-down approach

 Top-down approach involves the breaking down of the bulk material into
nanosized structures or particles.

 Top-down synthesis techniques are extension of those that have been used
for producing micron sized particles.

 Top-down approaches are inherently simpler and depend either on

removal or division of bulk material or on miniaturization of bulk
fabrication processes to produce the desired structure with appropriate

 The biggest problem with the top-down approach is the imperfection of

surface structure.

 For example, nanowires made by lithography are not smooth and may
contain a lot of impurities and structural defects on its surface. Examples of
such techniques are high-energy wet ball milling, electron beam
lithography, atomic force manipulation, gas-phase condensation, aerosol
spray, etc.

(b) Bottom-up approach

 The alternative approach, which has the potential of creating less waste
and hence the more economical, is the ‘bottom- up’.

 Bottom-up approach refers to the build-up of a material from the bottom:

atom-by-atom, molecule-by-molecule, or cluster-by cluster.

 Many of these techniques are still under development or are just beginning
to be used for commercial production of nano powders.

 Organometallic chemical route, revere-micelle route, sol-gel synthesis,

colloidal precipitation, hydrothermal synthesis, template assisted sol-gel,
electrodeposition etc, are some of the well- known bottom–up techniques
reported for the preparation of luminescent nanoparticles.


Textiles: -
 Protective Clothing: Nano textiles are used in protective clothing such as
firefighters’ suits, chemical suits, protective suits for hazardous waste, and
military uniforms. These materials provide thermal protection as well as
protection from gases, liquids, and solid particles.

 Medical Textiles: Nano textiles are used in medical applications such as

wound dressings, implants, tissue regeneration, and drug delivery. They are

also used in orthopedic casts and braces, and they can be used to monitor
vital signs.

 Smart Textiles: Smart textiles are fabrics that have been designed with
sensors and other electronics that can detect changes in the environment
and interact with it. Examples of smart textiles include smart fabrics that
change color in response to changes in temperature, fabrics that have built-
in sensors to monitor vital signs, fabrics that can detect and respond to
pollutants, and fabrics that can detect and respond to movement.

 Energy Textiles: Energy textiles are fabrics that have been designed to
harvest energy from the environment. Examples of energy textiles include
solar textiles that can generate electricity from solar energy, fabrics that
can store energy from solar or kinetic energy, and fabrics that can be used
to convert heat into electricity.

Biotech: -
 Medicine and Healthcare: Nanotechnology has the potential to
revolutionize the healthcare industry. Nanomaterials can be used to detect
and treat diseases, create artificial organs and tissues, and develop new
drug delivery systems.

 Agriculture: Nanotechnology can be used to improve crop yields and

reduce the use of pesticides and fertilizers. Nanoparticles can be used to

deliver nutrients, such as nitrogen and phosphorus, directly to the root of

the plant, helping to increase crop yields.

 Energy Production: Nanotechnology can be used to improve the efficiency

and storage of renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power.
Nanomaterials can also be used to create new methods of generating
energy, such as fuel cells.

 Water Filtration: Nanoparticles can be used to filter water and remove

pollutants, such as heavy metals and bacteria. This could help to make
drinking water safe for people in developing countries, as well as help to
protect aquatic ecosystems.

 Food Production: Nanotechnology can be used to improve food

production, from increasing crop yields to enhancing food safety.
Nanoparticles can be used to detect toxins, allergens, and bacteria in food,
as well as improve the flavor and texture of food.

Health Care: -
 Diagnostics: Nanotechnology has made it possible to create revolutionary
diagnostic tools such as nano-sized biosensors, which can detect and
measure the presence of a wide range of substances in the human body.
These biosensors can be used to detect the presence of cancer cells,
genetic abnormalities, and other diseases.

 Drug Delivery: Nanoparticles can be used to deliver drugs more effectively

and accurately to target cells and tissues. This helps to reduce the side
effects of drugs and make them more effective.

 Wound Healing: Nanoparticles can be used to speed up the healing process

and reduce the risk of infection. Nanoparticles can also be used to deliver
growth factors to stimulate tissue regeneration.

 Tissue Engineering: Nanoparticles can be used to create complex tissue

structures, such as artificial organs and bones. This can be used to replace
damaged or missing organs and tissues.

 Gene Therapy: Nanoparticles can be used to deliver gene therapy to

specific cells, which can be used to treat genetic diseases.

 Monitoring: Nanoparticles can be used to monitor vital signs and cellular

activity in real-time. This can be used to monitor the progress of

 Cancer Treatment: Nanoparticles can be used to deliver targeted drugs to

cancer cells, destroying them without harming the surrounding healthy
tissue. This has the potential to revolutionize cancer treatment.

Food: -
 Enhanced Flavor Delivery: Nanoparticles can be used to deliver flavor
molecules directly to the taste buds on the tongue, resulting in a more
intense flavor experience.

 Enhanced Nutrient Delivery: Nanoparticles can be used to deliver nutrients

and vitamins more effectively than traditional formulas.

 Enhanced Shelf Life: Nanoparticles can be used to extend the shelf life of
food products by slowing down the degradation of key nutrients and

 Enhanced Textures: Nanoparticles can be used to modify the texture of

food products, resulting in a smoother, creamier texture.

 Improved Food Safety: Nanoparticles can be used to detect and remove

harmful contaminants from food products, resulting in a safer product for

 Improved Packaging: Nanoparticles can be used to create more sustainable

food packaging materials. Nanoparticles can be used to create materials
that are stronger, lighter, and more flexible than traditional packaging

 Improved Sensory Experiences: Nanoparticles can be used to create a

more immersive and interactive culinary experience by adding a variety of
textures, flavors, and aromas to food products.

Electronics: -
 Computing: Nano electronics can be used in computing applications, such
as logic gates, transistors, and memory cells. These components can be
used to build powerful logic circuits and memory systems.

 Sensing: Nano electronics can be used in sensing applications, such as

sensors for detecting temperature, pressure, light, and other

environmental variables. These sensors can be used to monitor and control

various systems.

 Communication: Nano electronics can be used in communication

applications, such as antennas, transceivers, and amplifiers. These
components can be used to transmit and receive signals over long

 Energy harvesting: Nano electronics can be used to harvest energy from

the environment, such as solar cells, wind turbines, and fuel cells. These
components can be used to generate and store energy for use in various

Environment: -
 Air and Water Purification: Nanoparticles can be used to purify air and
water from pollutants and contaminants. This can be done by using
nanomaterials such as titanium dioxide, zinc oxide or silver nanoparticles,
which are effective at trapping and breaking down pollutants.

 Solar Cells: Nanoparticles can be used to create solar cells with higher
efficiency and light absorption. This is done by using quantum dots, which

are semiconductor nanocrystals that can absorb light energy and convert it
into electrical energy.

 Batteries and Fuel Cells: Nanomaterials can be used to create more

efficient batteries and fuel cells. This can be done by using nanostructured
materials such as carbon nanotubes, which can help increase the capacity
and charge rate of batteries.

 Nanofibers: Nano fibers are extremely small fibers that measure less than
100 nanometers in diameter. They are typically made of polymers, carbon,
or metal and are used in a variety of applications, including medical,
automotive, and consumer electronics. Nano fibers are highly versatile and
can be used to create lightweight and durable materials, including fabrics,
foams, and composites. They can also be used to create sensors, protective
coatings, and other products.

Renewable Energy: -
 Solar Panels: Nano renewable energy can be used to create more efficient
solar panels. Nanomaterials are able to capture more of the sun’s energy
and convert it into electricity, allowing solar panels to generate more

 Batteries: Nano renewable energy technology can be used to create more

efficient batteries for storing energy. These batteries can store more energy
and have a longer life span than traditional batteries.

 Fuel Cells: Nano renewable energy can also be used to create more
efficient fuel cells. Fuel cells are devices that use chemical reactions to
convert energy from one form to another, such as from electricity to fuel.
Nano fuel cells can generate more power and be more efficient than
traditional fuel cells.

 Wind Turbines: Nano renewable energy can be used to create more

efficient wind turbines. Nano wind turbines can capture more of the wind’s
energy, allowing them to generate more power.

 Hydropower: Nano renewable energy technology can also be used to

create more efficient hydropower systems. These systems can use the
power of water to generate electricity and can be more efficient than
traditional systems.


 Size Matters: The unique physical and chemical properties of nanomaterials

arise from their small size.

 Surface Area Matters: Due to their small size, nanomaterials have a large
surface area in comparison to their volume. This increases their reactivity
and can be beneficial for certain applications.

 Shape Matters: The shape of nanomaterials has a direct influence on their


 Interfacial Interactions Matter: Interactions between nanomaterials and

their environment are essential for understanding their behavior and

 Quantum Effects Matter: At the nanoscale, quantum effects become

significant and can influence the properties of nanomaterials.

 Complexity Matters: Nanomaterials are usually composed of multiple

components, and their behavior can be difficult to predict.

 Emergent Properties Matter: The combination of nanomaterials can give

rise to unique properties not present in their individual components.

 Multifunctionality Matters: The behavior of nanomaterials can be tuned to

give rise to multiple properties and functions.


 Improved medical treatments: Nanotechnology can be used to create new

materials and devices with a wide range of medical applications, such as
drug delivery systems, tissue engineering, diagnostic devices, and artificial

 Increased energy efficiency: Nanotechnology can be used to create more

efficient energy storage and conversion devices, allowing for the
production of clean energy sources.

 Environmental cleanup: Nanomaterials can be used to create systems that

can detect and clean up hazardous pollutants and materials from the

 Improved materials: Nanotechnology can be used to develop materials with

improved properties, such as increased strength and durability, lighter
weight, and improved electrical conductivity.

 Faster computing: Nanotechnology can be used to develop faster, smaller,

and more powerful computing systems.

 Reduced manufacturing costs: By reducing the size of components and

improving their efficiency, nanotechnology can help reduce the cost of
production for a wide range of products.


 Potential for Negative Environmental Impact: Nanotechnology has the

potential to cause serious environmental damage due to the tiny size of the
particles and the fact that they can easily spread and travel through the air
and water.

 Possible Health Risks: There are concerns that nanoparticles may be toxic
and cause adverse health effects when inhaled or absorbed into the skin.

 Loss of Privacy: Nanotechnology could be used to track people without

their knowledge or consent.

 Unintended Consequences: It is difficult to predict the potential effects and

unintended consequences of introducing new technology into the

 High Costs: The cost of developing and producing nanotechnology is still

very high and often prohibitive for most companies.

 Societal Disruption: Nanotechnology could disrupt existing social and

economic structures, leading to job displacement and other social

Future scope

 The future of nanotechnology is extremely promising and holds the

potential to revolutionize many different industries. Possible applications of
nanotechnology include:

 Medicine: Nanotechnology could help develop advanced drug delivery

systems, more effective treatments for cancer, and new diagnostic tools.

 Energy: Nanotechnology could be used to create more efficient and cost-

effective energy storage systems and create more efficient solar cells.

 Manufacturing: Nanotechnology could enable more precise and efficient

manufacturing processes, creating new materials and products with better

 Environment: Nanotechnology could help reduce waste and pollution and

improve water and air quality.

 Computing: Nanotechnology could lead to the development of faster, more

powerful, and more energy-efficient computers and other electronic

 Security: Nanotechnology could help create more secure authentication

and identification systems for people and objects.

 Space Exploration: Nanotechnology could help create new materials and

technologies for use in space exploration and travel.

 Agriculture: Nanotechnology could help develop more efficient and

sustainable methods of crop production.

Nanotechnology has the potential to revolutionize many industries, from
energy and transportation to healthcare and manufacturing. It has the potential
to create new materials, improve existing ones, and create new ways of
producing and using energy. Nanotechnology could be used to create smaller,
more efficient devices, improve drug delivery systems, and create more effective
medical treatments. It could also help reduce environmental pollution, improve
water quality, and make our cities more livable. As the technology continues to
develop and become more accessible, it will undoubtedly have a major impact on
our lives.


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