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Important Questions & Answers

Going Places

1. Attempt a character sketch of Sophie as a girl who lives in her dreams. (1-1-1)
(6 Marks)
Sophie was the main character in the story of “Going Places”. Sophie was basically
an extremely shy girl. She had 6 toes and this made her embarrassed in public
encounters. She used to stay reserved all the time and displayed and introvert
She was a deamer and loved thinking impossible things all day long. Though she
hailed from a below average income class, this never came between her and her
dreams. She dreams to become successful and rich someday. The story gives a
perfect description of her character.
2. What was Sophie’s dream? How was it unrealistic? How was she different
from Jansie? (1-1-2)
Sophie’s ambition in life was either to come an actress, a fashion designer or a
boutique owner. She had not made any plan about how she was going to achieve
her ambition. Jansie and Sophie have contrasting characters and an altogether
different approach towards life. Jansie is quite practical and her feet are grounded
in reality, whereas Sophie is a daydreamer and lives in an imaginary world.
3. What did Sophie tell her father and her brother about her meeting(s) with
Danny Casey? How did each of them react? (1-1-3) (6 marks)
Sophie’s father is a realist to the core. He does not believe in Sophie’s story at all
and dismisses it as another of her wild fantasies. When Geoff tells him about
Sophie’s chance encounter with Danny Casey, the Irish prodigy, he expresses
disdain and rubbishes her story. He changes the topic by saying that he once
knew a man who knew another famous English footballer named Tom Finney. He
warns Sophie that such concocted stories would land her into trouble some day.
4. It is not unusual for a lower middle class girl to dream big. How unrealistic
were Sophie’s dreams? (1-2-1, 6 marks)
Sophie was an adolescent girl who always lived in a make–believe world of her
own. She always had the unrealistic expectation that she will have a successful
career as a boutique owner, store manager, actress or even a fashion–designer.
This was totally unrealistic, as she was from a working class family and would
have to work in the local biscuit factory after passing out from school. Similarly,
she unrealistically imagined that a famous footballer like Danny Casey would date
her. She even went to the extent of waiting beside the canal for him. After he did
not turn up, she realised that this was only her dream and Danny would never
date her. Even then, she is lost in her dream world, becoming sad that Danny did
not come. This shows how unrealistic were her dreams.
5. It is not unusual for a lower middle class girl to dream big. How unrealistic
were Sophie’s dreams? (1-2-2,3, 6 marks)
Sophie was an adolescent girl who always lived in a make–believe world of her
own. She always had the unrealistic expectation that she will have a successful
career as a boutique owner, store manager, actress or even a fashion–designer.
This was totally unrealistic, as she was from a working class family and would
have to work in the local biscuit factory after passing out from school. Similarly,
she unrealistically imagined that a famous footballer like Danny Casey would date
her. She even went to the extent of waiting beside the canal for him. After he did
not turn up, she realised that this was only her dream and Danny would never
date her. Even then, she is lost in her dream world, becoming sad that Danny did
not come. This shows how unrealistic were her dreams.
6. What do we know about the family life of Sophie? (1-3-1)
Sophie is a teenage girl who has big dreams. She comes from a poor family
background. Sophie lives in a house, which is very small for the number of people
in her family. Her family does not believe her, as she is known to make up stories
and scenarios in her head that are far from reality. Her elder brother Geoff, who
does not let anyone enter his life, fascinates her.
7. Why did Jansie not approve of Sophie’s dream? (1-3-2)
Jansie discouraged sophie from having dreams because the latter was unrealistic
and had unattainable visions. Jansie knew that they were ear marked for the
biscuit factory as she was practical and she thought reasonably how tough and
challenging life could be.
8. How is Jansie wiser than Sophie? (1-3-3)
Sophie and Jansie are good friends. They also study together in school. Both the
girls belong to very humble families. Both aspire to become something in life.
They are earmarked for biscuit factory to work init as soon as they finish school.
But both the girls are in sharp contrast as far as their thoughts and temperament
are concerned. While Sophie dreams of big and beautiful things, Jansie has her
feet firmly planted on the ground. She advises Sophie to be sensible and not try to
think beyond reality but Sophie does not listen. She wants to be a boutique
owner, a fashion designer, an actress and a manager, all in the same breath. She
is a romantic dreamer who fantasises about the young Irish footballer, Danny
Sophie in her dreams hero-worships Danny and describes her imaginary meeting
with him very vividly and looks forward to another meeting with him shortly. She
shares her secret with her brother Geoff, whom she is close with. Jansie is a sharp
contrast. She is practical and a realist. She has no far-fetched dreams and remains
grounded in reality. In the end, it is Sophie who gets a jolt.But that does not make
her wiser. She becomes a victim of her own dreams and disappointments.
9. Sophie flits from one dream to another. What trait of her character is brought
out by this action? (1-4-1)
Sophie was a day dreamer and she was always fantacising .She never accepted
the reality that her dreams will never come true. She was fickle minded .
10. It is good to dream big, but one must have concrete plans and determination
to turn dreams into reality. Comment. (Going Places) (1-4-2, 6 marks)
‘Going Places’ is itself symbolic of being successful at one’s work. This can happen
only by combining dreams with a concrete action plan. Only setting the biggest
goals and doing nothing to achieve them is of no use if one wishes to ‘go places.’
In the lesson, a lower middle-class girl named Sophie is a dreamer, who has built
several castles in the air. She doesn’t have any means to accomplish them,
however, and often she dreams well beyond possibilities. In contrast to her
character is her friend Jansie, who is much more practical when it comes to facing
reality. Through the story the author has tried to depict that one needs to couple
up their dreams with plans and actions. If not, then reality strikes very hard in the
guise of failure. It is then that it becomes difficult to live in such harsh times. The
difference between fantasy and reality can be bridged only through solid work.
11. What is your impression of Sophie’s brother Geoff? (1-4-3)
She constantly viewed her sibling / brother as a hero and she believed that her
sibling had a place with absolutely a different universe where there is an
opportunity / freedom of everything and furthermore there is a relaxation and
her creative imagination and contemplation can go anywhere she needs.
She generally thought of her sibling as somebody who has a great deal of
mysteries in him and he never imparted those ideas and thoughts to anybody.
She likewise believed that he is extremely attractive and shrewd however he
doesn’t dress up well, she fantasized him wearing a leather jacket and riding a
bicycle. Geoff, but, is somebody who dependably helps her sister and always
comprehends her.
12. It is important to maintain a balance between dreams and reality in order to
avoid unhappiness. Comment on Sophie’s character in the light of the above
statement. (1-5-1, 6 marks)
Sophie was the main character in the story of “Going Places”. Sophie was basically
an extremely shy girl. She had 6 toes and this made her embarrassed in public
encounters. She used to stay reserved all the time and displayed and introvert
She was a deamer and loved thinking impossible things all day long. Though she
hailed from a below average income class, this never came between her and her
dreams. She dreams to become successful and rich someday. The story gives a
perfect description of her character.
13. What dream world does Sophie live in? How is Jansie different from her? (1-
5-2, 6 marks)
In the story, Going Places, Sophie is portrayed as a daydreamer, who constantly
tries to run away from reality. She is unable to accept the reality of the situation
she is living in, the kind of family background she possesses and her future there.
She makes no effort to work for those dreams and make them a reality. She lives
in a make-believe world of fantasy and imagination where she has all the luxuries
she doesn’t have in reality.
Jansie and Sophie can be easily said to be contrasting characters in the story.
Their approach towards life is different itself. Jansie is a pragmatic girl who
believes firmly in reality, whereas Sophie prefers living in her daydreams without
any consideration towards the ground reality. Jansie is quick and mature to
realize their condition and the kind of life they can afford to lead, working in the
factory. On the other hand, Sophie tries to run away from reality and dreams of
becoming a manager or a fashion designer.
14. Both Sophie and Jansie belong to the same social background yet their
attitudes are so very different. Comment. (1-5-3, 6 marks)
Sophie and Jansie are classmates and friends. But they are poles apart in their
character and temperament. Both of them belong to poor families. But Sophie is
very ambitious.She has no source of any money. But she plans to have the finest
boutique in the City. Jansie reminds her that it will take her long to save that
much money. At this Sophie says she will become a manager to begin with. But
she has no idea who will make her manager straight off. On the other hand Jansie
is a very practical girl. She has her feet on the ground. She has no false ambition.
She is a straightforward girl. When Sophie tell her about the meeting with Danny
Casey she at once says, “you never did.” However she is a true friend. Sophie says
that a meeting with Danny was meant to be a secret. At this Jansie says, “you can
trust me, Soaf, you know that.”
1. In one’s approach to life one should be practical and not live in a world of
dreams. How is Jansie’s attitude different from that of Sophie? (1-1, 2,3,
6 marks)


1. Why did Jansie discourage Sophie from having dreams? (1-1)
Jansie discouraged sophie from having dreams because the latter was
unrealistic and had unattainable visions. Jansie knew that they were ear
marked for the biscuit factory as she was practical and she thought
reasonably how tough and challenging life could be.

2017 DELHI
1. What was Sophie’s ambition in life? How did she hope to achieve that? (1-
Sophie was quite an ambitious girl. She had many ambitions. She wanted to
be rich and successful. She had a dream of opening up the best boutique in
the city; she also wanted to become an actress; she also had a strong desire
to become a fashion designer. She did not know how she was going to
achieve her ambitions. She belonged to a family of meager means and
resources. All she had were dreams, but no resources.
2. Sophie was dreaming of so many things in her life. What were they?(1-2)
She was dreaming of buying a boutique. She also dreamt to be an actress or
a fashion designer. She dreamt that she could be a manager to begin with.
But Jansie had her feet on the ground. Jansie discourages her from having
such dream because she knew Sophie belonged to a poor family and all her
plans were nothing but imaginary dreams.
2017 Foreign
1. What did Sophie imagine about her brother, Geoff? (1-1)
She always considered her brother to be a hero and she thought that her
brother belonged to totally another world where there is a freedom of
everything and also there is a leisure and there her imagination and
thoughts can go anywhere she wants.
She always thought of her brother as someone who has a lot of secrets in
him and he never shared those thoughts and ideas with anyone.
She also thought that he is really handsome and smart but he does not
dress up well, she fantasized him wearing a leather jacket and riding a bike.
But Geoff is someone who always guides her sister and always understands
2. What did Sophie tell Geoff about her ―meeting‖ Danny Casey? (1-2)
Geoff was Sophie’s elder brother. She informed him that she had met
Daney Casey, the famous footballer, while she was looking at the dresses at
the Royce’s window. When she saw that her brother did not believe her,
she gave him description of Daney’s physical appearance. She said that he
had green eyes and that he was not as tall as her brother thought him to
be. She also told him that Daney had promised her to give his autograph
when he meets her the next time.
3. Why did Sophie not want Jansie to know about her story with Danny?(1-3)
Sophie did not want Jansie to know anything about her meeting with
Danny Casey because she knew that Jansie was a blabber mouth. The
moment Jansie knew of someone's secret, the whole neighbourhood would
get to know of it.
2016 All India Scheme
1. Every teenager has a hero/heroine to admire. So many times they become
role models for them. What is wrong if Sophie fantasies about Danny
Casey and is ambitious in life? (1-1,2,3, 6 marks)
It is true that every teenager has a hero/heroine that they admire and even
consider as role models. In fact, teenage is the threshold of a myriad of
feelings, especially when it comes to developing feelings of liking for
someone, be it actors, sportspersons and so on. Sophie too was a similar
teenager who had a similar liking for Danny Casey, a sensational football
player from Ireland. Casey had become very popular among the young
generation, and especially among girls who fantasized about him. Sophie
had developed an instant crush on Casey right from the moment she saw
him play.
However, her fantasies soon became out of bounds, as despite having
negligible interaction with him, he had become the subject of her
daydreams. Increasingly, he became the only topic Sophie conversed about,
a majority of these being tell-tales.
Not just that, the kind of importance Sophie began giving Danny Casey was
a little weird and ambitious. She had created for herself a world of lies,
where she fantasized about him and also made him the central character of
her life. Most of her thoughts were impossible to turn into reality. This is
the reason her fantasizing about Danny Casey is wrong and her ambitions

2016 Delhi
1. Teachers always advise their students to dream big. Yet, the same
teachers in your classrooms find fault with Sophie when she dreams.
What is wrong with Sophie’s dreams? (1-1,2,3 6 marks)
We all are asked to dream big in our lives by our teachers and people
around us. a life without dreams would be dull and monotonous but living
life completely based on dreams would be harmful Sophie knows that the
fantasies that she created in her mind can never be part of her real life yet
she creates her own dream world and Even tries to involve the people
around her in her fake fantasies. She wilingly lead herself into the believing
things that might not be true and only made up her mind.
Sophie thinks of having a boutique and becoming a fashion designer this
imagination of hers shows a desire to move over her social status. but
meeting Danny Casey and Irish footballer in her imagination and even
involving her brother geoff in this unreal situation shows the destructive
aspect of her dreams .

2016 Foreign
1. Given the socio-economic conditions in which Sophie lived should she have
big dreams? Why? Why not? (1-1,2,3 6 marks)
Sophie belongs to a lower middle class socio-economic background. She
lives in a small house with her parents and two brothers, Derek and Geoff.
When she returns home after school, she feels choked with the steam of
the stove and is disgusted with the dirty dishes piled in a corner. Her
mother’s back has become stooped and bent by handling all the household
chores and responsibilities on her own. Her father is a hard labourer and
her elder brother, Geoff, works as an apprentice mechanic in a garage
situated far away from his house. Her family wants Sophie to join work
immediately after her school. Sophie was a dreamer who often made up
stories for herself and for others. One possibility might be that she wanted
to escape the squalor of daily life with the help of her fantasies. Her
encounter with Danny Casey was a made-up story for the sake of catching
her brother’s attention. Eventually, she gets so much engrossed in it that
she starts to live the fantasy. When Danny Casey does not arrive for the
second ‘date’, she experiences disappointment. However painful and
disappointing her fantasy might be, she was not willing to accept reality.
Her dreams and disappointments are figments of her imagination. No she
was not justified in dreaming the impossible because in the end she was
left with nothing else but regret and shattered hopes.

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