The Novohierosolymian Constitution, 2022

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Ratified and promulgated on the 23rd of February, 2022.

Authored by His Majesty Jayden I

and the members of the 2022 Constitutional Committee.

For the people of the Kingdom and

in the hope of a new beginning.

§1 Sec. 1 5
§2 Sec. 2 5
§3 Sec. 3 5

§1 Sec. 1 5
§2 Sec. 2 6
§3 Sec. 3 6
§4 Sec. 4 6
§5 Sec. 5 6
§6 Sec. 6 6
§7 Sec. 7 6
§8 Sec. 8 6
§9 Sec. 9 6
§10 Sec. 10 7
§11 Sec. 11 7
§12 Sec. 12 7

§1 Sec. 1 7
§2 Sec. 2 7
§3 Sec. 3 7
§4 Sec. 4 7
§5 Sec. 5 8
§6 Sec. 6 8
§7 Sec. 7 8
§8 Sec. 8 8
§9 Sec. 9 8
§9 Sec. 9 8
§10 Sec. 10 8
§11 Sec. 11 8
§12 Sec. 12 9

§1 Sec. 1 9
§2 Sec. 2 9
§3 Sec. 3 10
§4 Sec. 4 10
§5 Sec. 5 10
§5 Sec. 5 10

§1 Sec. 1 11
§2 Sec. 2 11
§3 Sec. 3 11
§4 Sec. 4 11
§5 Sec. 5 11
§6 Sec. 6 11
§7 Sec. 7 11

§1 Sec. 1 12
§2 Sec. 2 12
§3 Sec. 3 12
§4 Sec. 4 12
§5 Sec. 5 12
§6 Sec. 6 12
§7 Sec. 7 12
§8 Sec. 8 12
§9 Sec. 9 12
§10 Sec. 10 13
§11 Sec. 11 13
§12 Sec. 12 13
§13 Sec. 13 13
§14 Sec. 14 13
§15 Sec. 15 13
§16 Sec. 16 13
§17 Sec. 17 13
§18 Sec. 18 13
§19 Sec. 19 13
§20 Sec. 20 13
§21 Sec. 21 14
§22 Sec. 22 14
§1 Sec. 1 14
§2 Sec. 2 14
§3 Sec. 3 14
§4 Sec. 4 14
§5 Sec. 5 15
§6 Sec. 6 15

§1 Sec. 1 15
§2 Sec. 2 15
§2 Sec. 3 15
§3 Sec. 4 15
§4 Sec. 5 15
§5 Sec. 6 15

§1 Sec. 1 16
§2 Sec. 2 16
§3 Sec. 3 16
§4 Sec. 4 16
§5 Sec. 5 16
§6 Sec. 6 16

§1 Sec. 1 17



We, the Novohierosolymian people, imploring divine providence and the guidance of
our monarchy, in order to secure our rights and legitimize our claim to
self-determination and liberty, and form a government that must respect the
divinely-given rights of the people, under a regime based on truth, justice, equality,
decency and fairness, do ratify and promulgate this Constitution, which must be held as
the highest law of our Kingdom.

Official Name and Territorial Composition

§1 Sec. 1
The nation must formally be known as the “Kingdom of Novus Hierosolymis” or
simply “Novus Hierosolymis”.

§2 Sec. 2
The territories of the Kingdom must comprise the lands owned by the ducal and royal
families of this Kingdom. It must also comprise of any organized territories and/or
other unorganized territories claimed by the Kingdom as its own.

§3 Sec. 3
All claimed territories and any other territories that can be ceded to the Kingdom by
any internal or external persons must be organized according to a territorial
organization law passed by the legislature.

Form of Government and State Policies

§1 Sec. 1
The form of government the Kingdom must undertake is one of a constitutional,
executive and parliamentary monarchy.
§2 Sec. 2
All sovereignty resides in, and is derived from the Crown and the People alone. Both
the Crown and People must work together in the pursuit of a nation and government as
set out in this constitution’s preamble.

§3 Sec. 3
All branches of government must have equal power, with all branches checking and
balancing each other’s actions pursuant to this Constitution.

§4 Sec. 4
State policies can be declared by legislation in order to clarify the stances of the
Kingdom on certain issues and topics.

§5 Sec. 5
The Kingdom values the freedoms and rights of its people, and must do everything in
its power to defend the said freedoms and rights.

§6 Sec. 6
The Kingdom must pursue an independent foreign policy, free of any interference by
any foreign actors of any form.

§7 Sec. 7
The Kingdom must promote equity and must give all an equal opportunity to develop
and grow as members of society.

§8 Sec. 8
The Kingdom holds in high regard honesty and integrity in public service, as the public
deserves a government that must work for the Crown and its subjects.

§9 Sec. 9
The Kingdom sees the need for transparency in the deals and transactions made by the
government, and must find ways to secure freedom of information, giving the public
access to documents which are of public interest.
§10 Sec. 10
The Kingdom recognizes the contributions of the residential population to the
development of the Kingdom and must give them additional protections and
guarantees to promote the development of the nation in regards to physical structures.

§11 Sec. 11
The Kingdom must strive to develop in its citizenry respect for the Crown and love of
country, in the interest of conserving national patrimony.

§12 Sec. 12
War, as a sovereign right of the nation, and the threat or use of force, is forever
renounced as a means of settling disputes with other nations. The maintenance of land,
sea, and air forces, as well as other war potential, will never be authorized. The right of
belligerency of the state will not be recognized.

The Executive

§1 Sec. 1
All executive power must be vested in a Monarch of Novus Hierosolymis.

§2 Sec. 2
The sovereign must be given the title of King of Novus Hierosolymis if male, Queen of
Novus Hierosolymis if female. If they are neither male nor female, the title “Monarch”
must suffice. In addition, they must be given the style of “Majesty”. (i.e. His Majesty
John I)

§3 Sec. 3
The sovereign can appoint a co-monarch who must rule alongside them and have the
same benefits pertinent to a monarch. If there is a consort, then this must apply to them
and the sovereign is prohibited from appointing a co-monarch. Male consorts are
excluded from this rule unless given the right to rule as a co-monarch by the Crown,
and if given said title shall hold the title of King jure uxoris.

§4 Sec. 4
The monarchy and its prerogative must be called “the Crown”.
§5 Sec. 5
The Crown must be given the power to execute any orders into law, within reason, via
means of royal decree.

§6 Sec. 6
The Crown must be assisted by a Prime Minister, who must chair a Council of

§7 Sec. 7
The Prime Minister must be elected by the members of parliament (refer to Article IV).
If a nominee reaches over 50% of the total parliamentary membership, their name is
submitted to the monarch for their appointment.

§8 Sec. 8
The Prime Minister must be given the diplomatic respect pertinent to a head of

§9 Sec. 9
The Prime Minister and his Council of Ministers must be accorded the style of “Right
Honorable”. (i.e. The Right Honorable Juan dela Cruz MP)

§9 Sec. 9
The Council of Ministers must be composed of Ministers appointed by the Prime
Minister in consultation with the Monarch, who are delegated the task of overseeing a
certain aspect of the Government’s mandate. Mandates can be created via Royal
Decrees or Acts of Parliament.

§10 Sec. 10
If necessary, the Monarch can dissolve the Council of Ministers and expel the Prime
Minister within reason, and in doing so, declare a provisional absolute government for
a period of up to 60 days or 2 months, in a time and fashion by the law prescribed.

§11 Sec. 11
The Prime Minister, along with their Council of Ministers can resign for any reason. In
such a case, the Sovereign must be the administrator of a provisional absolute
government similar to the provisions set in Section 10 of this Article, for the period
between the resignation of the previous Government and the formation of a new

§12 Sec. 12
All members of the Council of Ministers (Ministers and the Prime Minister) must be a
member of the Parliament (refer to Article IV), and must make the following oath or
affirmation before entering into the position in addition to an oath of allegiance before it
(refer to Article IX):

For the Prime Minister:

“I, (state your name), do solemnly swear/affirm that I will faithfully execute the Office
of Prime Minister, and will, to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the
Constitution of Novus Hierosolymis. So help me God.”

For Ministers:
“I, (state your name), having been appointed as Minister of (ministry), do solemnly
swear/affirm that I will faithfully discharge to the best of my ability, the duties of my
present position and of all others that I may hereafter hold under the Kingdom of
Novus Hierosolymis; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I will
obey the laws, legal orders, and decrees promulgated by the duly constituted
authorities of the Kingdom of Novus Hierosolymis; and that I impose this obligation
upon myself voluntarily, without mental reservation or purpose of evasion. So help me
God.” (For affirmations, “do solemnly swear” must be replaced by “do solemnly

The person making this oath may choose to omit the final sentence. It must always be
omitted in affirmations.

The Legislature

§1 Sec. 1
All legislative power must be vested in a House of Commons, which can also be
referred to as the Parliament of Novus Hierosolymis.

§2 Sec. 2
It must be comprised of members of parliament, who must have the following
responsibilities in their portfolio:
1. The authoring and submission of, and deliberation on proposals;
2. The allocation of the national resources to specific agencies;
3. The ratification and promulgation of treaties signed at the must of the Crown;
4. The oversight of the daily businesses of the government.

§3 Sec. 3
The total members of Parliament must be set by constituency laws as pertinent to the
changes in population and other factors as can be considered.

§4 Sec. 4
Members of Parliament must be accorded the style of “Honorable” before their names
and the postnominal of MP. (i.e. The Honorable Juan dela Cruz MP)

§5 Sec. 5
The people must elect its members of Parliament for a half-year term via preferential
voting every last Saturday of March and September. The House of Commons must be
dissolved accordingly on the first Saturdays of March and September. The elected
members of Parliament must take office on the first Saturdays of April and October, and
must make the following oath or affirmation before entering into the position, in
addition to an oath of allegiance before it (refer to Article IX):

“I, (state your name), having been elected as a member of Parliament for (constituency),
do solemnly swear/affirm that I will faithfully discharge to the best of my ability, the
duties of my present position and of all others that I may hereafter hold under the
Kingdom of Novus Hierosolymis; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same;
that I will obey the laws, legal orders, and decrees promulgated by the duly constituted
authorities of the Kingdom of Novus Hierosolymis; and that I impose this obligation
upon myself voluntarily, without mental reservation or purpose of evasion. So help me

The person making this oath may choose to omit the final sentence. It must always be
omitted in affirmations.

§5 Sec. 5
The Crown can dissolve Parliament and call a general election at any time.
The Judiciary

§1 Sec. 1
All judicial power must be vested in a Supreme Court.

§2 Sec. 2
The Supreme Court must be composed of one Chief Justice and at least one Associate
Justice, with the maximum being three Associate Justices, with both the Chief Justice
and Associate Justices appointed by the Prime Minister in consultation with the

§3 Sec. 3
The Supreme Court must be delegated the task of receiving civil and criminal
complaints, and deciding on the said complaints received.

§4 Sec. 4
Proper forums for filing cases must be provided by the Supreme Court.

§5 Sec. 5
All cases filed with the Supreme Court must be deliberated in a public setting for

§6 Sec. 6
The Supreme Court must be given the right to veto an Act of Parliament on the basis of
incompatibility with this Constitution.

§7 Sec. 7
Members of the Supreme Court must take the following oath of office before
performing their duties, in addition to an oath of allegiance before it (refer to Article IX):

“I, (insert name), having been appointed as Chief Justice/an Associate Justice, do
solemnly swear/affirm that I will faithfully discharge to the best of my ability, the
duties of my present position and of all others that I may hereafter hold under the
Kingdom of Novus Hierosolymis; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same;
that I will obey the laws, legal orders, and decrees promulgated by the duly constituted
authorities of the Kingdom of Novus Hierosolymis; and that I impose this obligation
upon myself voluntarily, without mental reservation or purpose of evasion. So help me

The person making this oath may choose to omit the final sentence. It must always be
omitted in affirmations.

Rights of the Citizenry

§1 Sec. 1
The people must have a right to due process and equal protection of the law.

§2 Sec. 2
The people must be given the right against searches or seizures without a judicial

§3 Sec. 3
The people must be given the right to privacy.

§4 Sec. 4
The people must be given the right to freedom of speech and expression, freedom of the
press, and freedom of assembly guaranteed by law.

§5 Sec. 5
The people must be given the right to freely exercise and profess their religious beliefs.

§6 Sec. 6
The people must be given the right to abode and travel

§7 Sec. 7
The people must be given the right to information on matters of public concern.

§8 Sec. 8
The people must be given the right to form associations.

§9 Sec. 9
The people must be given the right of free access to the Supreme Court.
§10 Sec. 10
The people must be given the right to remain silent and have competent legal counsel.

§11 Sec. 11
The people must be given the right to bail and against excessive bail conditions.

§12 Sec. 12
The people must be given the right to the writ of habeas corpus.

§13 Sec. 13
The people must be given the right to a speedy trial.

§14 Sec. 14
The people must be given the right against self-incrimination.

§15 Sec. 15
The people must be given the right to political beliefs and aspirations.

§16 Sec. 16
The people must be given the right to the prohibition against cruel, degrading, or
inhuman punishment.

§17 Sec. 17
The people must be given the right to protection providing for no imprisonment for

§18 Sec. 18
The people must be given the right against double jeopardy.

§19 Sec. 19
The people must be given the right to the prohibition of ex post facto laws and bills of

§20 Sec. 20
The citizenry must also be protected under the provisions of the Universal Declaration
on Human Rights.
§21 Sec. 21
Any person found violating these rights given to a fellow citizen must be subject to a
criminal trial by the Supreme Court, and must be subject to the harshest punishment
from the Government.

§22 Sec. 22
The rights set out in this Article must be guaranteed subject to reasonable limitations
prescribed by law.


§1 Sec. 1
The following are Novohierosolymian citizens:
1. Those who are already citizens before the passage of this Constitution
2. Those who are born on Novohierosolymian territory
3. Those who have at least one parent holding Novohierosolymian citizenship
4. Those who have been naturalized via Section 2 of this Article.

§2 Sec. 2
There are two types of citizenship that may be gained:
1. Full citizenship - This type grants civic obligations and the ability to serve in
2. Honorary citizenship - This type does not grant civic obligations and the ability
to serve in government.

§3 Sec. 3
To qualify for full citizenship, one must:
1. Be 13 years of age or older,
2. Be able to speak either English or Filipino to a respectable degree, and:
3. Not have any serious criminal convictions, like rape, murder, etc.

§4 Sec. 4
Those seeking citizenship under naturalization are to apply via a form provided by the
Government, and they must answer said form with all honesty and truthfulness.
§5 Sec. 5
The granting of citizenship must be at the sole discretion of the Crown. The Crown may
delegate this duty to a specific organ of the Government.

§6 Sec. 6
Citizenship can be revoked by the Crown or the specific organ to which the granting of
citizenship was delegated unto. It can also be relinquished by its beholder. Upon the
relinquishment or revocation of citizenship, the beholder must lose all positions they
held at the time of relinquishment or revocation.

Amending this Constitution

§1 Sec. 1
Amendments to the Constitution may be proposed in the House of Commons via an
Act of Parliament.

§2 Sec. 2
They can be classified as important by its authors if they have substantial effects on the
nation, government, and people.

§2 Sec. 3
It must be put to a vote and must reach a supermajority of three-fourths of the total
parliamentary membership for it to pass.

§3 Sec. 4
For amendments classed as important by its authors, it must undergo a referendum
before it is passed to the Sovereign for approval, to be put on the ballot of the next
election after the passage of the said Amendment.

§4 Sec. 5
For it to be approved by the People, it must reach a super-majority of two-thirds to pass.

§5 Sec. 6
After it is approved the Sovereign must decide on whether it receives their assent.
Miscellaneous Provisions

§1 Sec. 1
In case the Sovereign is deemed incapacitated to reign, they may appoint a
Regent/Regentess who must discharge the functions of their position until they are no
longer incapacitated. Regents may also be appointed at their own discretion regardless
of their incapacity to reign, but they must provide a substantial reason for said

§2 Sec. 2
The royal line of succession is determined on the basis of absolute primogeniture.

§3 Sec. 3
Only those adhering to the Roman rite of the Catholic Church may be included in the
line of succession. Those who marry persons adhering to other faiths will remain in the
line of succession.

§4 Sec. 4
The official and working languages are to be the English and Filipino languages.
Latin must only be used in royal decrees or in any special provisions as may be
provided for by Parliament or the Crown.

§5 Sec. 5
Specific languages may be given the status of a “recognized language”. This status must
given if either:
1. At least two citizens speak the language, or:
2. At least three nations who hold diplomatic relations use the language in official
correspondence and communication.

§6 Sec. 6
All members of the Government must swear the following oath of allegiance:

In the case of no co-Monarch or consort:

“I, (insert name), do swear that I will bear true faith and allegiance to His/Her/Their
Majesty King/Queen/Monarch (insert regnal name of Sovereign) and his/her/their
heirs and successors according to law. So help me God.”
In the case of there being a consort:
“I, (insert name), do swear that I will bear true faith and allegiance to His/Her Majesty
King/Queen/Monarch (insert regnal name of monarch), His/Her/Their Majesty
King/Queen/Co-Monarch (insert name of co-monarch/consort), and the
King/Queen/Monarch’s heirs and successors according to law. So help me God.”

The person making this oath may choose to omit the final sentence. It must always be
omitted in affirmations.

Ratification and Promulgation

§1 Sec. 1
This Constitution must come into force following the signing of this document by those
holding membership in the Constitutional Committee by virtue of their former position
in the Provisional Council and the Sovereign.
We, the undersigned members of the Constitutional Committee, do sign this
Constitution, on behalf of the people of the Kingdom of Novus Hierosolymis, and
through our signatures, ratify and promulgate this Constitution, this twenty-third day
of February, in the year of our Lord, two thousand and twenty-two.

The Most Honorable The Right Honorable The Right Honorable

ROY NOWACKI Viscount Lincasher
Marquess of Lalraja Earl of Kraków

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I, Jayden the First, by the Grace of God, King of Novus
Hierosolymis, do hereunto set my hand this twenty-third of February, in the year of
our Lord, two thousand and twenty-two.

King of Novus Hierosolymis

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