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Coping Mechanisms on online classes of selected SHS students of ACLC-Naga during the 2nd wave of

Covid-19 pandemic.

SY 2022/2023

Perez, Samantha Nicole

Baltazar, Kim Russel

Solite, Trishia Mae

Olarve, Althea Trixie

Toribio, Krisaia Mae

Review and Related Literature and Study

This chapter carefully selects and reviews the literature and studies based on the relevance and

reliability of the information presented. These literature and studies help researchers provide evidence for

their research. In addition, the chapter discusses the relevance of the research.

Foreign Literature

This Covid-19 pandemic has greatly impacted students, not only on their mental health, but

also on the quality of learning they receive. To successfully conduct distance learning during the current

crisis, students use a variety of coping mechanisms.

Coping strategies are ways of dealing with stressful and troublesome situations, and students

need to develop coping strategies to manage the stress they encounter. Coping is described as the thoughts

and activities used to deal with internal and external stressful events. This phrase distinguishes conscious

mobilization of action from “defense mechanisms,” which are subconscious or unconscious adaptive

responses designed to reduce or tolerate stress. (Algorani & Gupta, 2021)

According to rogers and Yassin (2003), It is important for students to develop different coping

strategies to cope with and manage stressful situations. If not handled properly, stressors from financial

problems, lack of sleep, social activities, etc. can affect a student’s ability to perform.

Coping mechanisms are the cognitive and behavioral methods we use to manage internal and

external stressors (Algorani & Gupta, 2021).

Students need to develop different coping strategies that allow them to cope with stressful

situations on a daily basis. Stress from financial problems, lack of sleep, social activities, etc. can affect

student performance if students cannot control their stress (Roggers and Yassin, 2003).
The study of Kwaah and Essilfie (2017) shows the students use a variety of strategies, mainly

self-distracting activities such as prayer/meditation, watching TV and listening to music, to cope with

stress. Other important stress coping strategies are emotional and instrumental support form family,

friends and lectures.

According to Dixon and Ro (2005), all of these people experience stress that causes rapid

changes in the body that disrupt emotions, which can lead to physical stress on parts of the body.

Repeated stressful situations can lead to rapid tension and stress that can lead to physical and

psychological problems.

In a study by Kwaah and Essilfie (2017), who examined the stress and coping strategies of

students receiving distance education at the university of Cape Coast, Ghana, the results showed that

academic workload, high test frequency, Financial problems and family problems were stressful for

students main reason.

Local Literature

Blona (2005) claims that students feel stressed because some are struggling with the demands

of adjusting to a new living environment, new peers, academic pressures, and sexual problems. Going to

college can also place financial stress on students and their families. These conditions can render their

hands shaking, muscle tension, migraines, headaches, and a variety of other symptoms of stress, or render

students ineffective.

Even before the Covid-19 pandemic, students were already struggling and coping with many

difficulties in many areas of their lives. Mazo (2015) observes that students struggle everywhere, i.e. at

home, with friends, at school, in the classroom. It’s just around the corner. It simply cannot be avoided

because it is part of student life. In fact, many students struggle everyday. It can be caused by many
factors. The cause and extent of the struggle varies from person to person. No one can get away from it,

no matter how privileged, rational, intelligent, and clever he is. Every student is challenged at times of by

setbacks, failures, losses, changes, and conflicts.

Based on the study by Mazo (2015) entitled “Causes of stress, Effects of Stress, and Coping

Mechanisms of Information Technology Students at the University of the Philippines”, this study aims to

determine the causes of stress, the effects of stress, and the Wright Normal University Stress Coping

Mechanisms for bachelor of Information Technology Students. It conducted some hypothesis tests on 51

respondents using descriptive survey method. Essay writing/research and school requirements/projects are

the most common causes of stress. Sleepless nights and irritability/moodness are common effects of

stress. The causes and effects of stress differed between male and female respondents. Using a computer

and praying to God are common stress coping mechanisms.

The common causes of students struggle include their academic subjects. Requirements and

items, oral and written exams, announced or unannounced quizzes and graded recitations, finances,

questions with parents or guardians, love lives, their professors and mentors, and more (Salvacion, 2004).

Grandea (2006) used a descriptive research method to study stress and coping mechanisms of

college students at Southville International School and College. It involved 201 students respondents

experienced high levels of perceived stress. The primary stressor identified was academics. Student

respondents use positive stress coping mechanisms. Student respondents’ perceived stress and coping

mechanisms were independent of their profile.

Foreign Study

Calhoun and Atkeson (1991), noted that when a victim begins to feel better, he or she requires

fewer coping strategies or uses them less, which may indicate that internal cognitive changes take over
coping strategies. This section reviews some of the main coping behaviors and strategies that victims


Aun (2011) argue that coping skills can improve classroom attendance, engagement,

perseverance, and allow them to have a stronger, more resilient self even in the face of general setbacks

or failures, leading to more positive outcomes learning experience. Likewise, academic coping strategies

help undergraduates excel academically through academic coping strategy factors (i.e approach,

avoidance, and social support)

According to Pinel (2003), he said, “stress can be defined as a physiological response in order

to become aware of a threat”. Readjusting to any life change can lead to stress. Today’s teens face

challenges that many parents and traditional educators did not experience as children or growing up. Due

to the different pressures of the 21st century, teenagers are not able to cope properly with stress, and they

are recommending some programs in schools that promotes appropriate coping strategies when they are

stressed (Frydenberg et al., 2004).

Suldo and Hardesty (2008) are high-achieving students who are more likely to experience

stress due to the academic requirements they need to pass. Additionally, these students demonstrated

different stress coping strategies to manage their stress. Stress starts out as a threat, but then it considers

coping strategies (Mc Namara 2002).

From the work of Ping Qi and Wu Tingchang (2004), the learning tasks are heavy, the courses

are difficult, and the learning is unreasonable. The methods including high standards can represent the

pressure faced by students. According to Holmes and Rare (19670, life change requires multiple

adjustments in time of stress.

Local Studies

Grandea (2006) used a descriptive research method to study stress and coping mechanisms of

college freshmen at Southville International School and College. It involved 201 student respondents.

Student respondents experienced high levels of stress. The primary stressor identified was academics.

Student respondents use positive stress coping mechanisms. Student respondents’ perceived stress and

coping mechanisms were independent of their profile.

Rilveria (2018), while attempting to develop a Filipino Coping Strategies Scale, identified nine

coping strategies unique to Filipinos. These include cognitive reappraisal (pagsusuri), social support (pag

hingi ng tulong), problem solving (pag tugon), religious beliefs (pagkarelihiyoso), tolerance (pagtitiis),

emotional release (paglabas ng saloobin), hyperactivity (pagmamalabis), relaxation / Entertainment

(paglibang) and substance use (pagbibisyo).


The Covid-19 pandemic has disrupted the normal teaching and learning in universities, which

poses significant challenges to higher education. The traditional face-to-face learning mode has been

switched to online (distance) learning, causing various influences on students’ academic performance,

physical and psychological well-being. As higher education plays a central role in technology innovation

and society development, it is of great importance to investigate and improve online learning in the

context of Covid-19. Their greatest challenge was linked to their learning environment at home, while

their least challenge was technological literacy and competency. The Covid-19 pandemic had the greatest

impact on the quality of the learning experience and students’ mental health.

Due to the global health crisis, students are forced to adapt and cope with the unplanned shift

form the classroom to the online learning mode (Serrano et al., 2022). Given todays’ uncertainties, it is
vital to gain a nuanced understanding of students’ online learning experience in times of covid-19

pandemic (Barro et al., 2021). The sudden change made them a vulnerable population and at heightened

risk to experience psychological distress since they have heavy-laden academic, family, and personal life

responsibilities ( Serrano et al., 2022). The learning environment could be one of essential factors

affecting the academic performance during online education. Studying at home or dormitory is more

evidently correlated with academic performance decline (Junling Li et al., 2021)

Acceptance, doing something else, active coping, and physical activity were the most

commonly used strategies for coping with stress during the second wave of the pandemic ( Guszkowska

et al., 2021). In terms of strategies employed by students, the most frequently were resource management

and utilization, help-seeking, technical aptitude enhancement, time management, and learning

environment control ( Barrot et al.,2021). Despite their distress experiences, they manage to practice

different coping strategies, which include cognitive/and or behavioral efforts ( Serrano et al.,2022)

Our nuanced understanding of the strategies that students used to overcome their challenges

would provide relevant information to school administrators and teachers to better support the online

learning needs of students.



https://www.academia.edu/resource/work/5010820 https://www.dovepress.com/perceived-stress-and-coping-




http://www.sciepub.com/reference/358563 https://eric.ed.gov/?id=EJ1147588





https://www.justice.gc.ca/eng/rp-pr/cj-jp/victim/rr03_vic2/p3b.html https://knepublishing.com/index.php/Kne-







Domains_tbl2_327940536 https://www.justice.gc.ca/eng/rp-pr/cj-jp/victim/rr03_vic2/p3b.html

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