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Key Resources to Support Learning

The recommended text for this module is:

Asteriou D. & Hall S. (2016), Applied Econometrics, 3rd Edition, Palgrave Macmillan.

Other useful texts include:

In addition to this text there are many other books that cover much of the same ground, and hence
can also be consulted for additional background reading. Beware, however, that many of them are
highly technical. Some of the easier ones are as follows:

Gujarati D. N. & Porter D.C. (2017), Basic Econometrics, 6th Edition, McGraw Hill.

Gujarati D. N. (2009), Basic Econometrics, 5th Edition, McGraw Hill.

Gujarati D. (2015), Econometrics by Example, 2nd Edition, Palgrave.

Koop G. (2013), Analysis of Economic Data, 4th Edition, Wiley.

Koop G. (2007), Introduction to Econometrics, John Wiley & Sons.

Ramanathan R. (2001), Introductory Econometrics with Applications, 5th Edition, Dryden Press.

Patterson K. (2000), An Introduction to Applied Econometrics, Basingstoke, Macmillan Press.

Thomas R. L. (1997), Modern Econometrics: An Introduction, Harlow, Addison-Wesley.

Additional Resources to Support Learning

All disabled students requiring additional support or alternative arrangements must declare and
provide evidence of their disability to the Disability Advice Team as early as possible:

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